Falling Through The Cracks

Per the University of Massachusetts - 50% of seniors living alone are financially insecure!
Peak Prosperity -oh ah for who - 3 individuals in the US own as much as the entire bottom half.

Meanwhile…spotted earlier this morning in downtown Richmond, VA.

Very happy to have my friend on the bus and on his way home to Charlottesville. He reports:
2:06 PM

Bus is rolling home. Great experience! Pics later.

Police were very friendly. Some were wearing the orange "Guns save lives" stickers from RRPC [Rivanna Rifle and Pistol Club--the local shooting range in Charlottesville].

Surprised to see so many rifles including AR types. One guy had an M1 Garand 308 like I was issued during Vietnam with bayonet attached, very imposing!

Best info I have so far is: No shots fired, no fights, no reports of arrests. Better than your usual county fair.

This event has had almost no media coverage in my part of the world (we’ve been fighting — real — fires). To judge by this comment stream, it went well.
Do you PPers, not the MSM, think it proved its point?

never felt more safe in such a crowd as was present.

I’m thrilled there was no false flag violence or violence between protesters and left wing counter- protesters. The MSM will be busy continuing to spin the rally as an extremist event, but nothing that could’ve happened would’ve prevented that. They’re being paid to push a narrative, not report the news. Governor Blackface Babykiller and the Democrats in the legislature already knew when they started pushing their new people-control measures that there was massive opposition outside of their geographically small enclaves. If there is to be any more “success,” which I doubt, then maybe the legislators will back down after seeing that their neighbors aren’t going to roll over and play dead like the voters in NJ, CA, MD, CT and other states have. That would be a reasonable outcome, but I’m not optimistic enough to hope for reasonableness.
I have $5 that says the agitator in this video is a VA State Trooper.

I watched the documentary twice, just after it came out. It doesn’t square with what I know of the city. So, I did some research on it.

McMinnville definitely has a problem. So does Seattle.

However, neither city is dying. Not even close.

Poverty and homelessness are nothing new in the Pacific Northwest. After all, the term “skid row,” a corruption of the skid road used by loggers, originated in Seattle.

To insist Seattle is dying isn’t journalism. It’s fear-mongering.

Johnson started with a thesis and built his documentary to support that thesis. That’s not honest journalism.

However, he apparently comes by his views “honestly,” based on the reputation of KOMO’s corporate parent.

Sinclair, controlled by the family of founder Julian Sinclair Smith, is the largest television operator in the U.S. Its 193 stations populate more than 40 percent of American households, particularly in the South and Midwest.

Sinclair Broadcast is best known for engaging in questionable business practices, currying favor with the Trump administration and imposing its conservative political orientation on its legions of viewers. That led a former Federal Communications Commission chair, from the Bush administration no less, to dub it “the most dangerous U.S. company most people have never heard of.”

The same conservative nimby’s who oppose affordable housing, through upzoning, in their precious single family home neighbourhoods, just eat up the idea that the homeless are basically different than you and I, are character flawed and defecate in the streets.
As far as sleeping in a homeless shelter rather than living in a tent on the street, what would all those critical of sidewalk tenting prefer? If they were in the same predicament you can bet they’d choose the tent. I would. Shelters are dangerous and more dehumanizing than tenting.