FerFAL: Here's What It Looks Like When Your Country's Economy Collapses

Hrunner. I like that analogy.I shall use it in the future in discussions with my liberal acquaintances.

all this "liberal" and "conservative" talk is masking the greater problem, and enemy.

Ferfal has a good article "Living in a War Zone", as well as a short podcast, at http://www.ferfal.blogspot.com/2014/09/living-in-war-zone.html .  It is focused on making preps to bug-out ahead of time, in case you ever find yourself in that situation.  Apparently his latest book, "Bugging Out and Relocating: When Staying Put is not an Option" came out in June.  Here's a short excerpt from the article:

"Given current world events people are becoming increasingly interested in survival in war zones. I did a lot of research about this topic for my latest book, learning from various events and accounts of what people did to stay alive so I’ll save you a lot of time: Surviving in a war zone is like surviving or living in a burning house or surviving in a sinking boat. There’s no “surviving” inside a burning building, there’s “getting out of there ASAP” to be done.  Sure, there are resources that clearly become precious during war such as food, water and medical supplies but it all comes as a far distant second best proposition to actually escaping such disaster unless you want to be reduced to living like an animal and constantly risking getting shot or blown to pieces."
Maybe time for a follow-up interview and podcast Chris and Adam?

Ferfal has  an excellent new podcast on his site, responding to an e-mail question from a reader on how an ordinary Joe, surviving month-by-month, can survive an economic crisis.  One thing he talks about is reducing expenses as much as possible: "Coming from someone from South America…The kind of money thrown away by people from developed nations is staggering". 

Another thing he talks about is getting a job/income when jobs are hard to come by.  He makes the observation that he reads about preppers on survival forums who have been prepping for years, even decades, who are NOT  ready when the more boring and likely occurrence of "losing their job" happens. 

A really worthwhile ~18 minute video from someone with first-hand experience in surviving economic collapse.

I read with great intrerest many of your comments and have a question. In these trying times that we are currently in do you think one would do better hanging on to their dollars or convert them to silver coins and if so, what would be a reasonable %?