Financial Crisis Tab Already In The Trillions

For the PV skeptics among you who still don’t believe there are possibilities of making reasonably sustainable PVs, look here:

Then follow the links for more info

You don’t want much do you… I don’t have time to write ‘detailed explanations’, I am busy building a sustainable lifestyle so my family can survive all this crap.

Let me just say this: we live in unprecedented times, which will need unprecedented solutions. I know canceling debts is very left field, I’m a left field kindaguy!

What I have found so impressive about Chris’ work is that he is the first person I have come across (with perhaps the exception of ME!) who has tied together all the crises we are facing today. Most everybody else on the net will go on and on about Peak Oil, or Climate Change, or the debt bubble, or the housing crisis, or species extinctions, or… but Chris mentions them all, even if he barely touches on Climate Change…

It doesn’t matter what we do now, it will not be pleasant. No matter what happens, someone will be seriously pissed off! As far as I’m concerned, the Elites can all go to hell (via jail). They caused this, they deserve NOTHING. In fact I would take EVERYTHING they own off them, and redistribute the wealth (sorry, no detailed info here either!)

If YOU hold stocks, well bully for you, I sold mine a very long time ago when I worked out TS would HTF sooner or later, and I was taking no chances. I could’ve actually made a mint if I’d hung on a bit longer, but I have no regrets, my conscience is clear that I wasn’t invo;ved in the world’s biggest scam… I don’t think I’m cleverer than anybody else, so how come so few people saw this coming?

I think making a few sacrifices for the sakes of our kids is really no big deal. Today’s society has become selfish beyond all imagination… and I don’t care if you think canceling debts will hurt your back pockets. Frankly you have far worse things to worry about.

Mike. Just throwing ideas about and letting off steam…

Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac to suspend US home foreclosures

Two US mortgage finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac said they will halt home foreclosures until early January as they modify loans to help keep owners in their homes.

The huge firms, which underpin about half of the huge US mortgage
market, said in separate statements that they were suspending the
foreclosures to support a streamlined loan modification program
announced on November 11.

Both Fannie and Freddie said they instruct their loan service firms
to suspend all foreclosure sales and evictions involving occupied
single-family homes beginning next Wednesday.

Freddie’s suspension also includes properties with two to four units.

The suspensions will be in effect until January 9, said the ailing shareholder-owned
mortgage giants, which were seized by the US Government in early
September to avoid their collapse amid the escalating global financial

The companies have been working with the Government and the private
sector to try to stem the surge in foreclosures following the collapse
of the housing market in 2006 and the related subprime mortgage crisis
that triggered the financial crisis in August 2007.

"The streamlined modification program by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac,
Hope Now and 27 mortgage servicers is an important step forward in
addressing the systemic issues driving the increase in foreclosures,"
Fannie Mae president and chief executive Herb Allison said in the

"Until the streamlined modification program is fully implemented, we
felt it was in the best interest of both borrowers and Fannie Mae to
take this extra step to ensure that homeowners with the desire and
ability to prevent a foreclosure have an opportunity to stay in their

The suspensions will begin the day before the Thanksgiving holiday, which kicks off the year-end holiday season.

  • AFP

Steve Keen writes in comments at his blog
…"My feeling is, from the data and my own dynamic modelling, that
this level of debt is simply too great to be overcome by any level of
pump priming while maintaining the current level of prices.
Since I don’t have any confidence in the capacity of our economic
managers to engineer inflation, the only solution–and one that could
be combined with setting up a post-crisis financial system–is debt
moratoria. This debt should never have been issued, contributed
nothing to world economic capacity (expensive assets are not more
productive assets), and attempting to get out of the crisis while
still honouring this debt is futile.
But of course widespread moratoria would bankrupt most financial
institutions that weren’t already bankrupt, and given securitisation
the pain would spread well beyond the financial sector. So this
remedy is only likely to be contemplated when everything else has
failed, and above all else after the financial system has already
The USA is much closer to this situation than we are, so in one sense
they are closer to the possibility of a rescue than we are too. But
even there it will take a couple of years of really bad economic
performance before something as drastic as debt moratoria will be
politically palatable."

I think I need more gold…

This thread getting to long and somewhat off topic, so I starting one in general titled

Solar PV ERoEI