Finding Your Way to Your Authentic Career

"Those with Kindles or iPads can download e-book versions for $9.95. (other e-book readers should be supported within 90 days)"

I'd like to read your book but I have a Kobo. Will you be publishing an epub version soon?


Taking the Johnson O’Conner battery today. The gentlemen administering the test asked for what purpose I was taking it. “Midlife global economic, energy and environmental crisis.” Raised an eyebrow. :wink:

Good for you, Ken. I'm eager to hear what you learn about yourself through the process.

Are you breaking the testing up over a few days? (it's a lot to power through in a single day)



Nope, one day through. Get’r dun.
Preliminary feedback is that I should be working for the IRS…

I am singer/songwriter/producer with a relatively safe day job (Slovak language specialist at I am planning to quit my day job within a few months in order to pursue my passion in music. In addition, recently, I started developing skills as a coach - career coach, a life coach within  I can see how coaching job could be needed during a recession but what about art and music?

You're saying to pursue your passion, which I totally believe in, but when it comes to economic hardships, isn't art the first area which is dispensable because it's not "necessary" for survival? Yet it's necessary for my "soul's survival" - I thrive and feel deeply fulfilled when I compose, arrange, produce and perform music and I wither away when I don't have the time to do it.

So I now have a lump sum of money that I want to invest into a) buying my own house and so decrease my monthly expenses because in the Netherlands, where I live, monthly mortgage payments are lower than renting (and of course renting is essentially throwing money away) and b)into transitioning from day job to being a full time musician, and possibly further develop my skills as a life/career coach - ideally with music being 80% and coaching 20% of my working time.

You asked us what topics we would like you to cover in the blog. And I would like to ask you to cover the topic of music and art - how do you pursue your passion as an artist during the recession?

I have faith that I will do well because I don't only use market data to make my decisions but also various techniques such as visualization, daily affirmations, the power of intention, meditation and of course planning and action.  It has been my experience that these techniques work.  However, I would like to find out what would you suggest that an artist can do during the upcoming years of economic turbulence.

Thank you!



Petra, don’t quit your day job unless you have a husband who has a day job.
Even then, I would be gentle about any changes.
Go over to
And download and read “The incredible secret money machine”.
Instead of quitting your day job, grow your money machine slow and steady.

… going a full 24-hr day without coming close to money (including credit cards) work-for-pay, or media (including ads and bilboards). You could do it on a boat, or hiking/camping, or what have you.
But let it all be a day of living for the sake of living, being for the sake of being.

Maybe you've already answered you own question 

Hello Everybody

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