Fruit Tree Guilds

Wow 30 minutes. That's like what the passenger pigeon would do… before it went extinct.
That's another interesting story. The story how we made the most common bird in North America go extinct. A bird that would flock in the millions, but now flocks at zero. 

I'm not sure if that is common knowledge either.

I've tried the Kamana program before, but I never made it past exercise one. I'm really not patient enough I guess. It's very cool that you both know and have completed the program though.

I'm now imagining those flocks as passenger pigeons instead.  What are the subtle differences between a huge flock of passenger pigeons and one of starlings? sounds, spacing of birds, speed, shape, height, flight habits.  There's a sadness in imagining those flocks I never saw and never will see.  What destruction the combination of guns and cities full of people hungry for meat did bring.
Kamana did take a lot of patience.  I did it before it was nicely organized into 4 parts.  It took me 5 years.  I finished less than two years before my daughter was born.  It wouldn't have happened if I started a few years later. It was well worth it.  There's a lot more than naturalist knowledge in it.  There's real effective awareness and connection practices. 

While I was doing Kamana, I was immersed in creating nature education businesses with friends, attending regular gatherings and workshops, etc.  We pushed each other along through our enthusiasm and friendly competition.  It wouldn't have happened without them.

I think this can work with mature ungrafted varieties planted in appropriate microclimates, but in my experience, grafted varieties require a little more work.
Jordan Tree Cutting