Getting In Shape: The New Me

With regard to diet: paleo, paleo, paleo. Robb Wolf. com and are great places to strart. Most of you are already eating free-range, grassfed animals and eating organic vegitables anyway, so this shouldn't be much of a stretch.
+2 Second that, I was working out since age 14(now 38), this was the key that worked for me, got me back to similar size, agility and energy levels I had back in mid-twenties... Dropped 40 lbs in forst 3 months, no running other then some sprints, 90% of change was diet related, some additional stimulus provide by working out on pullup/dip station. Loving even energy throughout the day without sugar related spikes. Interesting info on youtube under MOVNAT (Erwan Le Corre by some account the fittest guy alive)

TD- I appreciate the suggestion. I checked out their website and it’s great. I’m very interested in getting involved in THAT sort of organization/business. Thank you!

A most important product in reducing weight for me was the DR. AMEN eating plan.  You can google the eating plan plan and it really is not a weight loss program plan, but a different choice of what you eat.  It is not difficult to follow his recommendations, just a change of eating plan.  If you are a SAM'S club member, look for the Medjool Schedules in the fresh generate area.

Crystal Lake Personal Trainer