Gold & The Great Reset

Well it does not take long in the internet world for a site to go downhill quickly.

A disparaging remark to belittle and diminish. No discussion on “group conformity”? Over the target maybe? PS, did you miss me?
Still a curmudgeon! AKGrannyWGrit

Mo, perhaps you can patiently explain to this “stupid Amerikaan” what you found objectionable in the video. I thought it was pretty good.

Gold will devaluate a lot.
IMO it’s better to buy long lasting food to both eat it yourself (you can’t eat gold) and use it as barter for other goods.
Nice salted meats come to mind as they have protein, all the nutrients in meat, salt and they last a long time.
While you can hoard grains and they last a long time, you can’t become vegan and expect to remain healthy for a long time. You need meat.

While you can hoard grains and they last a long time, you can't become vegan and expect to remain healthy for a long time. You need meat.
I am sure it won't be long before he weighs in.... ;-)