How Much Protection Does SIPC Really Provide?

As an elected official in a small Midwestern town I would suggest you look at what is happening in Gaza. If you actually become a threat to anyone with real power you will probably be eliminated with extreme violence. On the other hand, any public official that you can actually lay hands on is likely to have useful social and political connections. If you ally yourself with such people, instead of linching them, you might find yourself watching the zombe apocalypse unfold from within a defensive perimeter rather out in the street.

Full disclosure - I am a qualified investor, AND that $100k minimum wouldnā€™t include the value of my homes (US ave around $275K home equity) and my farm investment.
The $3.7million total assets at 5% would include lots of assets Paul wouldnā€™t manage, just to clarify.
The $100K would need to have at minimum the $275K home ave added to be fit into the wealth percentiles. That would be 64-65%.
Coming from ā€œthe wrong side of the tracksā€, I have trouble getting my head around being above the 50-60 percentile, because I never hung around with those affluent guys. I guess thatā€™s why I like to give a voice to the worsening plight of the lower 50%.
Honestly, I would love to be able to complain that guys who made money from the financial system [and now have seen the light] are part of the problem. But again, full disclosure, I started out making good money building coal-fired power plants right after the arab oil embargo in order to ā€œkeep the yankees from freezing in the darkā€. Had a chance to meet King Hubbert, the original Peak Oil guy. He made a good argument for resource constraints on a finite globe. We took it to heart and were looking at things like recovering methane from coal seams and building nuclear - last one in TX.
Already in the 80ā€™s, geopolitical machinations were distorting energy markets, making it impossible to do long-term energy planning. Artificially low prices push tremendous waste in demand and prevent innovations that would help production efficiency. ā€œFreeā€ markets werenā€™t working for long term sustainability even then.
And, in 20/20 hindsight, the only thing that would have made much of a difference on our current energy situation would have been to do innovation (and maybe mind control) around real energy conservation and LESS Growth.
No, the world is not fair. It is incredibly corrupt. I donā€™t think redistributing wealth among the lower 90% would do much. But, Iā€™m a teach people how to fish guy. And to teach main street to fish, we need to communicate around their concerns. They not only lack disposable income, they lack time to do gardens, learn physical world skills etc.
I think a lot more people would be helping push for change if we gave them leadership that works for them. Your comment was very helpful, because it made me realize I donā€™t care much about fairness, itā€™s more about effectiveness. Thereā€™s something missing in our approach and Iā€™m sorry to communicate that feeling as criticism. So I have a really practical question. What do they need to understand about the situation to withdraw their consent? It wonā€™t be the same thing as made you or I say he## no!


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