How To Lose Weight

GerrySM, you wrote, “I wonder if Chris and his sidekick realise to what extent this site is compromised?”
WOW, such hubris! You’ve boasted on another thread that you “run” several websites (yeah, right…), so I would think that you would appreciate the significant time, effort, commitment and skill that goes into establishing and maintaining a fully functional site with sophisticated content and a vibrant on-line community. Unless, of course, your sites simply serve as platforms for your own “bloviation on overdrive” (to an audience of one?).
IMO, YOU are the only person compromising this site with your disrespectful, self-aggrandizing comments. Chris and Adam have displayed considerable strength of character and patience that allows for civil discussion and ardent debate among PP members with differing views. Personally, I don’t have the time or patience to wade through the insults embedded in your every comment to salvage the possible merits of your argument or point of view. Enough already! Best to ignore the troll.

I saw that line too. “sidekick!” What does that look like to you? To me it looks like a deval - the most obvious one certainly, but if you go back through the posts…I suspect you can spot others. Of course Adam got the deval because he didn’t jump to ban people when Gerry whined at him about “hate speech” and “racism.”
This is why I think Gerry can’t be real. He either has to be an invention of the Koch brothers (he’s just too incompetent at persuasion to be performing his alleged duties) or he’s Crapper’s alter ego. In fact - maybe they are the same person.
Regardless, I think your advice is best: “ignore the troll.” You have been suggesting this for a while now…time to listen, I think.

Gerry, if you could only realize how wrong you are on an abundance of issues. When I was barely a teenager, I was researching magnetohydrodynamics and thermonuclear fusion as alternative power sources to fossil fuels, have witnessed first hand the putrid smell, the eye burning fumes, and the desolation of the landscape from New Jersey oil refineries. So think what you will and take comfort in your false beliefs if that’s what you need to preserve your fragile ego.
If you have the need to have sugar alcohols to your diet, something is wrong either physiologically or psychologically with your system. No place in the nature you believe was fully formed by random Darwinian evolution are sugar alcohols found in purified form as foods. Doesn’t happen. On nutritional, health, and medical issues (at a minimum), I think you may be an unwitting victim of the Dunning-Kruger effect. With the baked goods, erythritol, anger issues, mental (and probable physical) rigidity, etc., you may not have to worry about suffering through the effects of global warming. You’re boosting the odds that you may not survive long enough to see that day. Sad really.
And you were really particularly rude to Quercus. He did nothing but make very intelligent comments and ask very intelligent questions and you completely blew him off and insulted him to boot. I do notice how you assiduously and frequently avoid answering the tough questions.
So I will bid you a not so sad farewell.

If you have the need to have sugar alcohols to your diet, something is wrong either physiologically or psychologically with your system
Ha! If you had done any research, you'd have found out that erythritol is the major constituent of the popular "Stevia" sweeteners on the market. So millions of people are eating it every day. Indeed, it's "Amazon's Choice": It's a naturally occurring sugar as well (molasses, wine, beer, sauces, etc), so not a frankenfood. I use it because I need to drink a lot of liquid to prevent kidney stones, to which I have a genetic proclivity. The sweetener makes the water/tea palatable. I eat baked goods, yes, as do billions of other people who have not bought into the keto/paleo bullsht. I have no anger issues. I'm a wealthy, happily married retired guy. I do get annoyed with liars and professional trolls who support antiscience stances in a time of climate emergency. You seem to be one of them, to me. So goodbye to you too, please refrain from replying to me again.

Sorry for the slow action here, folks. I’ve been busy with partnership negotiations and now long days out in the Nevada desert with fellow PPers.
I’ve just had the chance to go through the (many) comments generated by GerrySM and those engaging with him over the past few days.
Gerry: you did not heed the clear warning I gave recently to abide by our site discussion guidelines. In fact, it seems you escalated your baiting, insults and antagonizing without contributing any value to the topics under discussion.
You’ve been on moderator review before, so you should know by now what is acceptable here and what isn’t.
So I have now removed your posting privileges. We’re going to give you a 2 week period to cool off and reflect, and will not allow any new posts from you during that time. Should you want to contribute respectful, constructive, well-argued comments after that, email them to us at and we will review them. If they meet our posting guidelines, we’ll allow them.
It has been several years since I’ve had to put someone on moderator review. I love how this community can successfully self-police itself 99 times out of 100. But you all have my commitment that in the few situations where that doesn’t happen, I will step in to preserve the rare and tremendously valuable exchange we all have created here for respectful idea exchange.

This conversation really stank. I did my best to offer real curiosity, good questions, agreement when I really did agree with him and my best ideas. I was careful to completely refrain from anything that I thought could be construed as a personal attack. What I got back was a few points of agreement (but little to no value added to the conversation with that agreement) and a bunch of personal attacks based on concocted stories like that last one that I was flooding the conversation with wordy responses as a trolling technique. I got that feeling of unfairness and boundary violation that I don’t think I’ve experienced in 11 years on this site.

Quercus, FWIW, I feel that you, Dave, AO, Mememonkey and several other PP members displayed enormous patience, restraint and goodwill in your responses to GerrySM–beyond even that which would be considered reasonable given his completely unwarranted personal attacks and unfounded assertions.
Moving on, the PP community and site have weathered a rough patch and may be more resilient as a result. But yeah, I appreciate the toll it took on you and others taking direct hits while maintaining the integrity of your positions and PP. Your efforts did not go unnoticed or unappreciated. :slight_smile:

Thank you Sparky. Just another event in this crucible of life that can burn away all of the old patterns that aren’t really us and leave us stronger, more compassionate and wiser about which battles to fight and which to walk away from. Yes, we will be more emotionally resilient from here forward.

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