I Blame The Central Banks

First, I sincerely hope the pitchforks DON’T come out. If they do, their bearers are likely to be slaughtered; Assad is not the only despot who will kill his people if his position is at risk. And more, because even when successful, pitchforks only lead to worse destruction. If you want to build the nation, look to Isaiah 58. Keep good faith; give charitably to the poor; and so on. But if you are continually weaving webs, hatching scorpion’s eggs, plotting plots, do not be surprised if justice stands afar off (Isaiah 59).
Second, you asked ‘when the bond market crashes, who will lose?’ and then answered it by saying that the final bondholders will lose. That is not correct; if the final bondholders are the powerful, they will find a way to transfer the losses off to the weak. TARP should have shown you that. The answer, then, is that the weak will lose.

[quote=Michael_Rudmin]First, I sincerely hope the pitchforks DON'T come out. If they do, their bearers are likely to be slaughtered; Assad is not the only despot who will kill his people if his position is at risk. And more, because even when successful, pitchforks only lead to worse destruction. If you want to build the nation, look to Isaiah 58. Keep good faith; give charitably to the poor; and so on. But if you are continually weaving webs, hatching scorpion's eggs, plotting plots, do not be surprised if justice stands afar off (Isaiah 59). Second, you asked 'when the bond market crashes, who will lose?' and then answered it by saying that the final bondholders will lose. That is not correct; if the final bondholders are the powerful, they will find a way to transfer the losses off to the weak. TARP should have shown you that. The answer, then, is that the weak will lose.[/quote]Choose Love.

