Profits are really a reallocation of the money within the debt based money system. How the money is used determines whether growth will occur or not. For instance, what if the shareholders receive a dividend and decide to learn from a spiritual teacher and compensate the teacher for his/her services. This would be another example where growth in the conventional sense does not occur. However there might be an increase in prosperity. Society can continue to expand its prosperity indefinitely - what you get when you spend money determines what happens in the economy. The problem is that fresh money requires debt - see below. Money originates from debt initially - once each are created they cause different behavior in the economy - but most people are running on a treadmill to get the fresh/circulating money to repay their debts.
In my massage therapist example he/her would get all profits - for a self employed person labor and profits are one and the same.
I also agree with Mary Ellen’s arguments.
The root of the problem is the debt based money system which requires growth so that new loans exceed old loans to allow for debt repayments plus interest. A principle way that money comes into the system is from new homes which have collateral plus a homeowner with a job for debt repayments.
When growth stops the economy slips into recession.
The Fed has tried various ways to inject debt into the system to hide the losses and keep the game going but the debt based money system needs to be replaced because it isn’t compatible with a planet with finite limits.