Iraq Breaks Down, Oil Surges

Watch the latest video at 

(h/t SS)

It looks to be a good interview of Chris. Now the question is, is anyone actually listening? The markets and media seem impervious to 'reality'. CNN had a story line today about the coming 'glut' of gasoline. Propaganda in advance?

Think its time for me to tune in to Radio Bubblegum.;_ylt=A2KLqIrJ.KNT5k8ARgx2BQx.;_ylu=X3oDMTByZWc0dGJtBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQDBGdwb3MDMQ--?p=world+peace+is+none+of+your+business+vimeo&vid=cac1cbae63d8bd93052110a9dbb3f22d&l=1%3A25&

After his appearance on Cavuto, the team at Fox Business asked Chris to talk further on the Iraq oil situation:

Watch the latest video at

Chris, the "go to guy" for real, useful information! A breath of fresh air.  
AK Granny

Looks like things are going from bad to worse:.

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Pipeline exploded. Huge column of black smoke resulted of random intense shelling by #Maliki on #Baiji. #Iraq #ISIS

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1:39 PM - 20 Jun 2014

I watched the interview.  Have not watched the 2nd one yet.  I know Chris has been on RT several times, is this the first appearance on Fox?  Hope the message continues to get out there.  I take this as a mark that the ideas discussed here are going more mainstream.  Slowly. Every little bit helps.

I agree with Jbarney that this is a good indicator that you are slowly gaining recognition in the mainstream media, and that the MSM is gradually coming to recognize and appreciate the depth of your understanding in these areas (energy, the economy and the environment). 
I was also very pleased with the level of respect with which you were treated, Chris.  I'm hoping the respect you are gaining for your expertise relating to more mainstream topics, like current affairs (e.g., in this case oil/energy prices being impacted by geo-political events), may eventually open people's minds to listen to your larger message in the Crash Course.


Here is Columbia|SIPA "Center for Global Energy Policy"'s take on the situation in Iraq.
Dated 2014Jun19

…Ok, so here's a crazy thought.  People are not buying the false-flag rationale to get the US embroiled in a conflict in the Mideast as readily as in the past.  Could TPTB actually be desperate enough to be testing out how (an aspect of) "the truth" resonates with a mainstream audience as a potential motivator/justification for getting public opinion behind getting the US back into Iraq*???  As in "This is what is going to happen to the price you pay for oil if this situation is not stabilized?"  Or maybe Fox's motivation is simply as straightforward as a news organization wanting to get more/better insight into a situation and its impact.   Just throwing it out there…

*Or at least one cherry-picked aspect of the truth…I doubt they'd be getting into the whole "who benefits the most" aspect of it.


What just happened here? Did I just witness a calm sane interview of Chris Martenson on FOX News?Chris suggested that the price of a barrel of oil might go to three or four hundred dollars a barrel and he was treated with respect and thanked for his analysis!!!
And if that weren't bad enough, yesterday, Ghana who recently were beaten by the US soccer team, in Brazil, almost beat Germany in a two to two tie…
Seriously though, I spent eight months in Brazil last year and witnessed first hand the social unrest happening  there. I'm convinced that Jeffery Brown's ELM theory has a lot to do with the underlying cause of social unrest now happening in Brazil. The government can no longer keep its promise of prosperity to the people because they are now importers of oil. So I can only imagine how bad things are and will get much much worse in the ME as oil becomes harder and harder to come by.
Good Luck to all of us!
Ride a bike or take a hike!

Congratulations on a decent nuanced analysis of the Iraq mess, Chris, notably the fact that it's a situation that has been brewing for the best part of a century. It's so refreshing to see someone grasp that 'they hatez our freedumz' and Axis of Evil rhetoric does no-one any good.
I certainly do not see any easy solutions at all, but fear that any attempt to pick sides will only come back to bite us down the line (I'm speaking as a Brit and our involvement over the decades seems to have done us little good). I have the nagging feeling that the longer we keep trying to 'help', the longer it will be before things resolve themselves.

Good to see the mainstream media actually opening up to an alternative voice for once. I just hope folks still keep it in mind by the time winter fuel bills come due.
How is it that Au and Brent are not jumping like frogs now?

The WSJ editorial on the Iraq crisis, which supports Chris' analysis, states that Iraq oil represents 26% of China's oil company reserves. You'd think they'd be more involved.