Irreconcilable Differences

Thank you for the feedback! I’m always worried that I’m not always making much sense… quite hard to get one’s bearings straight in this world :frowning:

I remember recently reading in the forums here about a discussion you had in the train and your being overhead by an important figure… That was great! :slight_smile:



I totally love intertextuality! A good example would be this Woody Allen skit! But just to suppose that my chance meeting with Paddy Ashdown, the ex leader of the Liberal Democrats, actually helped in aiding the present leader Nick Clegg in winning a public majority vote recently, through the televised and highly publicised three-way discussion between David Cameron and Gordon Brown, because I explained the Exponential Function so well to Paddy on the train, and he explained it to Nick? And suppose the only reason that happened was because of the genius of Chris Martensons Crash Course series, and that I took note of it and paid attention? And suppose Clegg gets into power and …

… lets not dream too far, cos Obama is … ermmm … starting to really scare me now … … ???

With all things considered, as far as cause and effect can go, and as Woody Allen put it, “…Boy, if life were only like this …”.

Truthfully, you make perfect sense to me. The only worrying trouble you have (just a teeny-tiny one, mind) is that, like me, you’re surrounded by a 90% wall of fully disfunctional dillusional’s who’ll totally fight you to the death if you tell them their reality is an illusion …

Keep The Faith … Things Are About To Change …

My Best,


Yeeah, don’t know about Clegg… I know next to nothing about politics in the UK, but he did mention in the debate something about the need to make the economy grow… eesh. Well, maybe he will have a nice discussion with Paddy Ashdown one of these days :slight_smile:

Thanks for the support! And the same to you. Keep up the good work!  (LOL about the Woody Allen clip :slight_smile:
