Jack Keller: Understanding Peak Water

Discussing water without mentioning Viktor Schauberger is like discussing economy without mentioning exponential growth.

I have found his books and his story to strongly resonate. He presents two types entropy one that creates and the other that destroys. Technologies based off of these energies will then manifest that reality. Very powerful stuff for those that go with an open mind. Most of his stuff can be found for free to read on archive.org.

Most of his stuff can be found for free to read on archive.org.
Well, and I have been all over the place to find his stuff except there. scribd.com has some 2000 documents of varying quality.

I have mentioned Gerald H. Pollack before, and I really recommend his latest book.

Besides Water has memory

Expands from water in nature to the blood and heart in the body. Frank Chester This will connect dots in a big way.

Once again, many issues depend on the viewpoint.  Here in Tennessee we've had exceptionally wet weather for some time - lakes and streams overflowing.  Cold springs, very cool summers and warmer falls have allowed double crops.  Around my farm I can drive for miles in virgin territory on a small road with nary a soul about.  Again, it's all a matter of perspective.For a fraction of our annual federal deficit we could construct increasingly efficient, economical desalinization  plants around our coasts and bring water to the interior.  Yes, it would entail much infrastructure but the advent of new materials and manufacturing techniques would greatly benefit the venture.  I guess, however, the answer of many is to  moan about our lack of options and dwindling fossil fuels.   

A 3000 gallon potable water storage tank costs about $1250.00 ( or 1 bitcoin). What a great way to invest.

Sobering satellite photos from this September.