James Howard Kunstler: Living In The Long Emergency

Are you assuming the entire grid will collapse at once? Something like this would have to be caused by cyber attack, solar event or emp. First and foremost if its an emp we have a ton of other things to worry about besides the nuke plants because at that point I could see a full out nuclear exchange taking place shortly after as our hardened silos open up and start spewing missiles at the offending party and then the rest of the world figures, hey we might as well use them before we lose them. At that point you had better have a very deep hole that is well stocked otherwise it is a bend over, grab your ankles and kiss your ass goodbye kind of thing. The other 2 are much more likely and survivable. Cyber is imho the most likely since the grid always seems to be under some kind of cyber attack. However, the odds of the entire grid being taken out with one attack are quite low. Solar activity could do it but again if the grid knows its coming some safeguarding steps can be taken. Will that protect us from a carrington (or worse) type event? I don’t know for sure. I do know that for my personal preps I have ways of generating enough power to power my 5th wheel that is kept disconnected and stored to try and minimize damage by solar event. Does our country do enough to mitigate some of our grid vulnerabilities, hell no but there is no easy fix at this point. Chose your home location carefully.
As far as scaling up production of coal fuels, sufficient motivation has to happen for it to happen. Oil at $30/barrell is not going to allow it to happen. Oil at $200+ will. The same can be said for a lot of the other alternate fuels. Shale oils itself has a much higher break even point per barrel than traditional oil production. There will end up being a much wider divide between haves and have nots and the middle class will be much smaller composed mostly of skilled labor and technicians.

EMP isn’t the only possible cause; a coronal mass ejection (a “Carrington Event”) of sufficient size could also result in a grid down event.

…and those arguing pick their favorite reason’s to discredit Peak Oil, or to wave the flag of “see, we have a glut, where’s Peak Oil”? The truth: we have definitely run out of cheap oil and we are now going for Tier 2 oil. This will require more cash to produce less. We have not found the oil we will need to stay up with Demand. At some point we will run into a major Supply shortage and high prices will effect everything and oil will be way more expensive by default. Technology will not advance as it could without the BTU’s to advance that technology so all of this promise just goes away as they haven’t the energy to proceed so die off, bankrupt, rust in place. So, we live forever in the wash, rinse and repeat phase with less and less energy. Today we have a glut because of $70-$80-$100 0il price of yesterday. Now, we will have a shortage because NO ONE is spending the Capex necessary for future Supply. I believe we need a Manhattan type project to get as many BTU’s up and running in the hopes we get what oil gives us. Now is the time to keep and earmark every barrel for the build of an electrical infrastructure, smart grid and all. Speed rail and electrified transportation of all kinds. The glut in oil now is a small fraction of what we will need so is effectively gone as I write this. It’s really simple: better to be looking at it, than looking for it. If you’re looking for it you have lost. Talk is talk, actions now prepare us for what is required for home and family. I am willing to pay more now by putting in Solar Panels and this means I am prepared, self sufficient and won’t even care the cost when I turn the lights on in a future where I own my own power plant where you may be allowed the use of only the BTU’s to light one light bulb from your utility. It will get rationed (possibly) as we attempt this Emergency Electrical Build because time is near for a major action plan. Many here are not putting into actions what will be necessary to enjoy what they now take for granted, with all this information that Chris and Adam has shown it is just a matter of time, and everyone here has been schooled to your eye balls yet still haven’t taken necessary actions to prepare what is convincingly very near. I am certain you are hog tied, can’t get up and move so you struggle in place.
We will have a world wide energy emergency and everyone will need resources and it appears that many will wait until this event happens in real time.
I’m convinced and just need one more year and I’m worried one more year is stretching it a bit. Yikes. I do not care to have a counter argument so save it. I do not care what you think about what I do. I don’t have the time. Neither do you is my guess.
All the arguments about oil are incomplete and frankly can be argued every which way but the truth is we need to preserve every drop for what the future will require to allow everyone energy on Demand. Thing is, that Demand will be an expensive and economy killing event. Feeding on itself where everyone will be competing for every drop. That world looks really scary to me, for sure.
I’m not taking sides, arguing any point of view, I am just fighting for my family to ensure we don’t get dragged down or caught flat footed. I simply will have in place what will be necessary to live by our own needs and then have the time to help others get better at what they will need to have in place to achieve some of the luxuries we now have, like simple energy needs that the Sun provides for me. Food we grew, fish that we stocked, farm animals and wild animals to fill the freezer, and all of this done right out my front door and on my land.
I am moving way out to be near hunters and farmers where I can rely on those who have family that have mined food for a living for hundreds of years. That’s where I’m going and I can’t wait. I’m tired of talkers, I want doers. Peace…PS: a barrel of oil is worth 41/2 years of Man’s manual labor. Oil then is very cheap by any metrics, and will be drilled for at a profit at some date very near. Imagine this for one second and all the bells should be ringing very loudly. Everything but oil is suspect for the future. We pay for bottled water the cost of nearly a gallon of gas. I think that society better batten down the hatches and get ready for a very uncertain future. Oil however will still be the master BTU and will get whatever it needs to drill up and bring to market. That sounds like an investment of a lifetime to me.

Yes I know solar storms exist. I have the solar observatory warning app on my phone. I think we need to take them very seriously because it WILL happen again. I am putting solar on my house in August and have spent a lot of time, energy and dollars over the years both working on my preps and building my skills. I have back up electronics stored to try and protect it from that type of event. (Large portable solar, spare inverters, spare personal electronics, smaller portable solar, etc)

Not to nit pick but it is not " deux" it is “deus” . Not 2 but god. “God from the machine” You did have the usage correct though. Sorry I had a minor in Latin.

In 30 years the world will run on electricity generated by fusion.

I don’t recall if the PP “manual” has this but it would be prudent for anyone prep’n to have a fire/water proof faraday enhanced box in which one has placed batteries, radio(s), documents including paper wallet with BTC seed phrase (don’t need the internet, wha??!!) picture of Donald Trump. How will you know which reactors are going critical, toxic factories have exploded, last boat of the island, etc are? Get a Ham lic.

I so agree. To add to not sending our $400 billion American dollars to the Russians and SA we built quite an infrastructure to service the dollars that weren’t there before shale in all new communities North, South, East and West of the drilling sites. Listed among this is new housing, bars, restaurants, child care, super markets, schools, taxes, utilities, lumber, copper, colbalt, nails, trucks, etc…what is gained and now lost to cheap oil? Oil may lose at the pipe and banks but the gains are tremendous until there not. Agaib, oil will, must go higher and produced at a so called loss if for National Security reasons alone. I keep thinking of “one man clapping”, why is that I wonder. This game can be played a long time or perhaps not but oil will be produced and the future requires more storage for that long emergency to come. I wonder too if the "Monroe Doctrine includes Venezuela because the United States will annex that Island if the emergency requires it. Of course we will pay a nice stipends for the privilege. We are left with nothing but bad choices. Be Safe.

Here is where elites end up:
“No doubt they’ll sing in tune after the revolution.”
I still remember where and with whom I saw this movie.
As Chris Hedges emphasizes, it’s when the army and police desert the regime, as in Eastern Europe, the “situation” can change overnight.


MKI, you will continue to be clearly right until you are overwhelming wrong.
Well, the best way to estimate who will be correct in the future is to observe who made correct predictions in the past. I am merely a dispassionate observer of reality. JHK? Yourself? Not so much.
You seem to be quite headstrong and not open to learning.
I find this very funny. Here I am, calmly engaging people whom I disagree with, and not accusing them of being "headstrong" or closed-minded, like yourself. Rather, I've read every argument JHK has made. I just came to a different conclusion. OTOH, I know he (and yourself) have no clue about my position. Why? If y'all did, y'all would first bring up the strongest sides of that argument and carefully explain why you disagree and why I'm wrong. But y'all don't. You just keep repeating the same failed arguments that do not match empirical results over my entire lifetime. Unlike yourself & JHK, I have engaged the other side of the argument. I know it very well. That's why I read guys like JHK. And why he doesn't read my side.
I highly suggest watching the Crash Course video series .....for *free*...one of the most valuable free things you’ll get in life.
I watched the Crash Course a very, very long time ago. I'm very familiar with its arguments. In fact, I have discussed it for hours with my spouse and kids. Much is fairly simple to refute, but it's a good listen and well worth thinking about. And I would highly suggest reading the above linked book and getting back to me when you are a) sufficiently educated on my side of the argument, and b) open-minded enough to discuss it. I've known all about your side for at least 30 years. You clearly don't know mine, since you haven't addressed it.
Your argument relied on a logical fallacy: "because it hasn't happened, it won't ever happen." As a result, your argument doesn't actually make logical sense.
I'm not sure what specific argument of mine you think is a logical fallacy. If you address it specifically, I'll reply to it. You have brought up a lot of data about oil, most of which I don't disagree with. I'm a big believer that oil will get very expensive over the next 50 years. Where I disagree with JHK is what effect this has on the economy.  

“ just because we use more energy when we get rich doesn’t mean using more energy is what made us rich” That’s why there is no correlation between fossil fuel and human population? Just looking outside of the human ego, that is, in the rest of the universe, it appears that energy does indeed drive everything. What do they call those things? Stars I think. And theres a bang in that story somewhere. Even ingenuity is driven by energy. Something has to feed the brain

Professor Richard Werner seems to be a member of the Peak Prosperity Clan. A paper that looks at the evidence and finds that we were so focused on the digits (i.e. prices), economics largely forgot about quantity! He has the best understanding of central banking and money I know
He finds that interest rates and economic growth move in the same direction (are positively corellated) but central banks do the opposite.


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  • Is there a mass grave nearby?
