Jim Rickards: We're Witnessing One of the Greatest Failed Experiments in Economic History

I did not know where to put this. Painfully true and very humorous.



Just out of curiosity, what do you think would happen to personal debts (credit card, car loans, student loans, mortgage, etc) should the dollar collapse? 
Does anyone know what happened during the Great Depression? I know gold got confiscated, but did jobless and indebted people just default? 

mumusha, my understanding is that for many during the Great Depression, the debt remained. For many, default was not an option, as some of those who've tried to walk away from foreclosed homes recently discovered.

An oldie but a goodie.

Exhibit 1 - from Bloomberg yesterday;


The European Central Bank and the People’s Bank of China agreed to establish a bilateral currency swap line, bolstering access to trade finance in the euro area and strengthening the international use of the yuan.

Exhibit 2 - from Jesse recently... do you see a trend here?  How far into the death by 1000 cuts are we? 



Exhibit 3 - Pretend all is well by shooting the messenger;


 I note the video posted was produced by Larken Rose, often vaunted on this site as a figure of admiration. I find it ironic that Mr. Rose produced a video titled ‘How to be a Crook’ when he himself is a convicted felon, having served time in US Federal Prison for tax evasion. A true patriot it would seem. 
Perhaps Mr. Rose’s time in federal prison would have been better spent reading introductory literature on Capitalism, he might have emerged with a better understanding on why the Federal Reserve Bank exists.

your government are the biggest crooks. Its no shame on anyone that manages to evade paying for wars of aggression, false flag attacks on its own people, ect ect.Good people disobey bad laws!

I am not at all surprised that Larkin Rose has spent time in prison for tax evasion, given his views of the system.One speaks Truth to Power at ones peril.

Mr. Rose's time in prison indicates he is well qualified to produce a how-to video on being a crook. If he'd a gotten away with his crime he'd be well qualified to run for high public office. 

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