Joel Salatin: Better Food = A Better Future

…my favorite saying on this planet. If you understand how to replace the nutrients when you take off your food then you are way ahead of the game. For us we use chicken by products, meaning their poo mixed with straw. We feed it all into the compost pile and about a year later we have the best top coating to feed this years garden.
Folks, get egg layers and pot chickens and they will not only be the main source of your proteins but will grow the very best garden year in and year out. I’m not in the business of feeding the town, I’m in the business of feeding 10 people every year and this year will produce enough of what we will eat until we take off our next garden. It is our first year we can boast that we have achieved feeding everyone.
Next year we will add another garden that is adjacent to our own and our neighbors. Prepping began in the Spring by tarping the area with a 150 x 60 to bring down all the grass and weeds underneath. Along side this garden is our new compost pile and next to this will be Barb’s nursery (green house) where she will, with our help plant the seeds that we will grow and then placed into our garden. I am in no hurry so if I don’t have the compost tonnage necessary in my compost pile then a smaller garden will be planted. I’m thinking things are moving along fine though to make our new garden spectacular.
I have now lived in the country and now near more wooded acreage than I lived in the City (Detroit) while growing up. 36 years now and have learned a few things from farmers like this gentleman who spoke here. He was absolutely delightful. Chris, is his books more a library of knowledge type book, “you can Farm” or is it mostly about how to work beef? I have a library of books to research in and would add his book if you found it a useful tool for gardening. I will probably get this book today and his next two books as well because I liked him so much. I am really interested in his next book with the nutritionist as that has been a big part of our lives this Summer. I have lost 40 pounds just eating right, eating several small meals a day and working at gardening and other chores like splitting wood around our home.
I am a Country Boy now (less the music, I like Rock, “Dude looks like a Lady” Aerosmith, Hendricks. Motown) and I know, for a fact that this life suits me, that I absolutely find life much more rewarding than ever and every moment a gift. I have much less stress now and it’s because I do all of this with the help of my Lady, family, friends and neighbors.
Good luck to all, I wish you well. The farming life is more spiritual and pleasing than one might think. The shower after a hard day and sitting on the porch listening to crickets and other night time noise makers gives peace to everyone who will only stop and listen. To help this feel even better I like my single malt scotch, two fingers and I seldom drink it all before my bed screams at me to lay my ass down. Find your Peace…

Your posts are usually pretty long, which is fine but they would be a lot easier to read if you used paragraphs.

You are correct. Thank you

Hi Chris and Joel
Has Joel experimented with adding stone meal to enrich soil?

The China study is bogus. Cherry picked science by a faux scientist, plain and simple. Look into the data, it’s as bad as Fauci refusing to look at the trials that show the benefit of hydroxychloroquine and instead just pointing to the negative data. That’s what Ancel Keys did, he ignored what didn’t fit his conclusion. That’s not science, and it’s devastated America and caused an obesity and diabetes epidemic. has a good article about the BS that surrounds dietary trials and how data was covered up for decades including that the recommendations in the diet-heart hypothesis were not based on any real actual data. In fact, the randomized trial at state hospitals, the gold standard of trials, was negative for the diet-heart hypothesis! You literally cannot do a randomized diet trial these days, it’s impossible, but they did it in the 60s and covered up the data.
There are plenty of books including Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes to balance the viewpoint.
Do what you want with your diet, but I would recommend doing some more research if you’re making dietary changes based solely on the China study.