John Hussman: The Stock Market Is Overvalued By 100%

Need to post this that reflects the sentiments here.

This discussion reminds me of the difficulty of predicting tomorrow's weight in a turkey.  Do we extend out the historical trendline, or do we recall that tomorrow is Thanksgiving day and a sudden change of state is possible?  (Or will that change of state be next year on Thanksgiving?)  (Taleb)

John Hussman (Trades, Portfolio)'s extremely dismal performance record and entirely inappropriate philosophy of 'investing' [ I prefer to, in my view, correctly refer to it as 'speculating', actually ] I believe, very strongly act against his advice/recommendation/forecasts/analyses being taken seriously.
His performance record is revealed as MINUS 3.5% over five years, and about MINUS 1% over ten years = refer:
The USA broader stock (and bond) markets have performed better by a huge multiple over the above two periods.
Furthermore, he writes a freely available newsletter [ refer ] each week in which he, in my view, a) writes about known phenomena as though he is the first to present this obvious information ; b) attempts to present this information as though it could influence others to his - wrong for the last 6 years - investment views. Why John Hussman (Trades, Portfolio) could believe that anyone seriously accepts his weekly views, given his utterly dismal record, demonstrates the sadly unsatisfactory state-of-mind of this investment manager, in my opinion.
John Hussman (Trades, Portfolio)'s output and record gives me the appearance of an arrogant [ he assumes possession of superior market knowledge in his weekly comments ], obstinant [ falsely challenges market pricing, to his consistent - about 6 years now - failure ], and delusional [ false beliefs maintained despite much evidence to the contrary and resistant to change ] speculator [ operates with a strategy of trying to beat his anticipated market movements, again although being dismally wrong now for almost 6 years ]
My feeling is that his 'forecast/predictive' investment philosophy, demonstrated over the last SIX years to have been disgustingly inaccurate, shows an ignorant approach to investment markets.
Why John Hussman (Trades, Portfolio) yet has any funds to manage ( he has reported huge outflows from his funds during the recent years ) is a bad slight on the investment area.
Investors ought to be made aware of the above issues, I feel, for their protection.

John Hussman (Trades, Portfolio)'s extremely dismal performance record and entirely inappropriate philosophy of 'investing' [ I prefer to, in my view, correctly refer to it as 'speculating', actually ] I believe, very strongly act against his advice/recommendation/forecasts/analyses being taken seriously.
His performance record is revealed as MINUS 3.5% over five years, and about MINUS 1% over ten years = refer:
The USA broader stock (and bond) markets have performed better by a huge multiple over the above two periods.
Furthermore, he writes a freely available newsletter [ refer ] each week in which he, in my view, a) writes about known phenomena as though he is the first to present this obvious information ; b) attempts to present this information as though it could influence others to his - wrong for the last 6 years - investment views. Why John Hussman (Trades, Portfolio) could believe that anyone seriously accepts his weekly views, given his utterly dismal record, demonstrates the sadly unsatisfactory state-of-mind of this investment manager, in my opinion.
John Hussman (Trades, Portfolio)'s output and record gives me the appearance of an arrogant [ he assumes possession of superior market knowledge in his weekly comments ], obstinant [ falsely challenges market pricing, to his consistent - about 6 years now - failure ], and delusional [ false beliefs maintained despite much evidence to the contrary and resistant to change ] speculator [ operates with a strategy of trying to beat his anticipated market movements, again although being dismally wrong now for almost 6 years ]
My feeling is that his 'forecast/predictive' investment philosophy, demonstrated over the last SIX years to have been disgustingly inaccurate, shows an ignorant approach to investment markets.
Why John Hussman (Trades, Portfolio) yet has any funds to manage ( he has reported huge outflows from his funds during the recent years ) is a bad slight on the investment area.
Investors ought to be made aware of the above issues, I feel, for their protection.

John Hussman : Extremely dismal performance record and entirely inappropriate philosophy of 'investing' [ I prefer to, in my view, correctly refer to it as 'speculating', actually ] I believe, very strongly act against his advice/recommendation/forecasts/analyses being taken seriously.
His performance record is revealed as MINUS 3.5% over five years, and about MINUS 1% over ten years
The USA broader stock (and bond) markets have performed better by a huge multiple over the above two periods.
Furthermore, he writes a freely available newsletter [ refer ] each week in which he, in my view, a) writes about known phenomena as though he is the first to present this obvious information ; b) attempts to present this information as though it could influence others to his - wrong for the last 6 years - investment views. Why John Hussman could believe that anyone seriously accepts his weekly views, given his utterly dismal record, demonstrates the sadly unsatisfactory state-of-mind of this investment manager, in my opinion.
John Hussman output and record gives me the appearance of an arrogant [ he assumes possession of superior market knowledge in his weekly comments ], obstinate [ falsely challenges market pricing, to his consistent - about 6 years now - failure ], and delusional [ false beliefs maintained despite much evidence to the contrary and resistant to change ] speculator [ operates with a strategy of trying to beat his anticipated market movements, again although being dismally wrong now for almost 6 years ]
My feeling is that his 'forecast/predictive' investment philosophy, demonstrated over the last SIX years to have been disgustingly inaccurate, shows an ignorant approach to investment markets.
Why John Hussman yet has any funds to manage ( he has reported huge outflows from his funds during the recent years ) is a bad slight on the investment area.
Investors ought to be made aware of the above issues, I feel, for their protection.