Johnson O'Connor: Finding Your Purpose

In some circles, your lifestyle has a diagnosis attached to it. 

As the discussion on the JOC seems to be acquiring a somewhat confrontational tone, I would offer a couple of  additional items for consideration. The first would be health concerns of workplace stress, as outline by Dr. Norman Swan's health report in a discussion with Jerffery Pfeffer, who's articles have been making the rounds in the media:

And a cogent discussion on the "GIG" economy thanks to Brian Lehrer's WNYC radio podcast at:

Curious how these current developments could affect how the JOC results could influence a person's viewpoint on career or lifestyle choices of the coming generation.

Nice to know what you're well suited to but it has to parallel what your economic milieu requires. Why saddle those who are un or under employed with suggestions that they take a battery of tests that figure out what they should be doing, based on their intellectual and emotional disposition?  The presumption is 'the world is their oyster', they just need the right implement to crack it open.  
Interesting to note that the companies that used to employ these tests were already  providing somewhat nurturing environments for employees. Outside of tech, these industries don't exist anymore. 

It's also worth noting a few other prime considerations. Does the individual have a support base while he/she is taking these tests?  Forget the price of the tests, can the person being tested rely on family, friends, other sources of capital, savings, to see him through to implementation?  Implementation meaning getting an entry level position in the field he is suited for.  

Secondly, for those who mention how testing worked for them, I would love to know how old they were when they took the tests and if they had any minor disabilities, when they took them.  I would also like to know WHEN they took them, as in what year.


 It's great to hear about the  success of those who have done well by testing, but not if they had a couple of hundred thousand bucks behind them, at the time, a strong network and or it was a decade or two or more ago and they happened to have skills that were a good fit with a sector that was growing, at the time.


Until global population sinks to less than a third of what it currently is, there are going to be too many earnest intelligent people trying to figure out what they should be doing facing some very stern market signals. The signals will be screaming, "Really, we don't care!!"

Don't get me wrong.  I care A LOT.  That's why I am posting. 

OMG. Major handclap. Well done!! This is reality. How are old are you, if you don't mind me asking. Have you seen this from the ground up?  

I am a partner in a business in Seattle that relies on smaller companies to succeed. So far so good…but Mom and Pop businesses are under threat. I try not to be pessimistic, but know my own best strategy is to stay nimble, informed and realistic.  And compassion doesn't hurt either.  Millions of domestics, barristas, geriatric care workers and practical nurses depend on that.  Oh…and big tips too, but not about their 'career choices. To the 'haves' out there, refrain from giving those kinds of 'tips' and pull out cold hard cash. 

Adam, thanks so much for doing this podcast.  I had heard you mention this JOC firm before but never took the time to look it up.  I have made appointments for my college Freshman son and H.S. Sr daughter as well as myself to take this test.  A word of advice for those thinking about doing this while their kids are home for the holidays, the JOC people book up fast during those time slots.  We were able to get appointments during the Christmas holidays but not during Thanksgiving.

We did the Simpsons Myers Briggs test a few years ago. It was hilarious - my wife is an ISFJ (Marge Simpson). Her ex is an ESFP (Homer) and I of course am an INTJ (Mr Burns). I found the whole exercise to be well … excellent.
I can't remember the exact site but there are now plenty on google.

Joking aside, I'm convinced of the value in understanding the behavioural styles of others as well as ourselves

Thank you for putting this information out there.  

Three members of my family did JOC decades ago, moderately satisfied. I was going to join them but at the time could not find much evidence of verification.  My assumption was that an attempt at verifying would have been easy after the first hundred thousand, and therefore was not very supportive and went unpublished.  There were some smaller studies in psych journals, covering some details but not a comprehensive retrospective study.
That has been awhile but a quick search shows nothing recent.  Have I missed something?  The kids? As someone mentioned, not in jail, gainfully employed, loosely in the JOC categories but a palm reader might have gotten the same result.

Employee Engagement Isn't Getting Better And Gallup Shares The Surprising Reasons Why (LinkedIn Pulse)

Adam, thank you for posting this.  I just completed the JOC tests yesterday.  I was in the 90th percentile in three categories and ranked high in six of them.  It confirmed that I have a strength with numbers, and just as important, it showed me where I have clear weaknesses.  Very educational, thank you for recommending this.




The JOC test series provided the most holistic personal decision-making dataset I've ever seen. 

If you have the means get an IgG panel workup done on yourself. I found out I'm allergic to pretty much anything that comes out of a cow (milk, cheese, cream, etc.). Juxtapose that with the multiple whey protein shakes I was having each day, and it's no wonder I was starting to feel crappy. I feel way better now (no dairy, no chicken eggs) - and dropped 25 pounds in the two months after I cut the dairy.

A lot of things in life come down to self-motivation. That goes back to having the drive to take the test initially and then following through for yourself.
