Keep Your Eye On This Ball!

I’m sure you know this but make sure you backup important files on DVD and BluRay data discs. They are unaffected by EMP damage. They should have a shelf life of 100+ years with proper storage.


I was wondering about long term storage

It’s a 47 second clip and has translation.

Xi to Putin: Right now we’re seeing a change we haven’t seen in a 100 years and we’re driving this change together.

Putin: I agree. (Shaking Xi’s hands)

Xi: Please take care dear friend.

Both wave hands to each other.


Yeah, BBFs…


Thanks so much for posting that.
I think we are all seeing that change.
Sell treasuries and buy precious metals. Don’t get baited into a war that the West are so desperate to start.
Be patient and watch the US and it’s allies self implode.


Increasingly wondering about how valuable printed books will be in the future, especially for teaching, e.g., history. AI and ministry of truth can’t revise them, and no electricity nor computer needed to read them.

I fear at times we’re headed for a dystopic future with grandparents secretly reading from hardbound classics to their grandkids by candlelight. Owning books will be illegal as they’ve been systematically rounded up and burnt with similar rationale to toppling statues of founding fathers in 2020 mostly peaceful demonstrations.

Yeah, just keep it out of direct sunlight. In a protective sleeve and in a shoebox should be good for your lifetime. Hard disks (non solid state) will eventually fail, and cloud storage is only as good as long as you keep paying for the storage.

So it’s prudent to have permanent optical storage for backup and long term archive.

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Totally agree about the value of printed books. I have a pretty extensive library. Also, I have at least one of these in every room in my house. Much better than wax candles.

Pro tip: don’t use kerosene in these lamps - use Kleen-Heat instead. They burn clean without any kerosene odor. Just make sure you put in a new wick before you switch to Kleen-Heat.

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To be completely dark, it had to be a slow burn as they need to bury the casualties. You can’t go straight to the final 500 mill population target, as the mess would be to hard to clean up. We are all familiar with those guide stones?

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