Ken McElroy: The Coming Real Estate Crash Of 2021

The idea that some smaller towns will see a boom in housing prices is something I really question. Here is a link to an article that offers a somewhat different view than this interview that Chris did.

I think the bigger question is: what will our cash be worth if we hold on to it and not invest in something tangible like real estate? so if the market crashes next year and lots of affordable homes will be available, what will out money be worth then? So hold on to cash and wait or invest now and not have your money deflate?

Does it make sense to wait a little bit before buying an apartment? Had my eyes set on this one for quite a while:
Is it possible that the prices will go down in 2021?

This was a great discussion and impressive success story. I can relate, conversely, to the license plate story: I was an “A” student, and am a financial mess!
I could totally relate to Chris’ characterization of not feeling a sense of “ownership” but rather a steward of his farm. I feel the same way. This feeling provides a sense of healthy detachment. I will incorporate Chris’ one rule into our community mindset. Perfect.
Got a little jolt at the end, with material success as the be-all and end-all. At least that’s how I perceived it. Fortunes turn on a dime. Material existence is a razor’s edge. Real knowledge is knowing who we are (the self), why are we here, and where we’re headed. We can know so many things, but if we don’t know how to prepare for death, all that knowledge and material success are a succession of zeros. By putting cultivation of self realization in the forefront of our endeavors, First - as in number 1, then all those zeros signify real value.
I am convinced the only solution for this country is a spiritual solution.

You will not wish such forecasts to the enemy ((
Previously worried about the vacation property market, now Vacation Rental Pros reviews are definitely suffering an impending disaster.

Honestly, I do not think that we will be having any kind of a real estate crash this year. I understand that it might be facing some difficulties however, I would never call it a “crash” that is for sure! Somehow, I think that the real estate market will stay alive due to the fact that many people will be looking to buy houses somewhere around the big cities, as they are actually tired of staying at home, because of the lockdown. They want to have their own yard, and not spend the whole day in a tiny flat in downtown. That is why I keep investing in property, mostly using the services of 1031 exchange rules, as they are having a really great experience in this domain.

Yeah. Im in a situation where 60% of my net worth is real estate in nyc and suburbs. Market is strong but im worried abt political fallout. Been doing it for clises to 40 yrs. Hold or sell???

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You will not go broke from holding this in the near term. However, there is a mass exodus from cities now. ( cities may still continue to grow ) However, it seems you should hold at least 30% of your real estate in FARM , hunting, or other resource rich rural property. Just my opinion