LIVECAST Replay from Sunday 6/11/2023

And I thought Jason Bourne was fiction.

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Sure. Trump is a narcissistic blowhard who does a terrible job at selecting and managing people.
Mitch McConnel and Lindsay Graham are among the very worst human beings one can find in politics. Dan Crenshaw too. McCarthy sold out everyone with his debt ‘deal.’
But none of these people are “right-wing” as you say. They are all card-carrying members of the uniparty. Same as Schiff, Pelosi and AOC.
Who, in your mind, is ‘right wing’ and deserves criticism?


Yeah, that one’s a keeper!

Couldn’t the collective psychosis around the gender thing be (only) a first step in dehumanizing population and cutting all ties with family, which is the cornerstone of society. 
Yes, I agree. If viewed through the lens of dehumanization, the cult in charge always defaults towards dehumanizing vs rational or caring or humane.
  • "No, you cannot be at the bedside of your dying loved one. Because Covid!"
  • "Yes you can keep a sexual secret between you and your teacher while keeping it from your parents, and these many adults here have a policy that says they can help you."
  • "No, you can't just build something on 'your' property, you'll have to pay all these people to enforce really expensive codes that nobody can explain exactly what they do for you or some nebulous public benefit."
Etc. Every. Single. Time.
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The right wants to control 52% of humans women, what we read, what we believe to be facts, who we associate with as friends (the dividing). Lots of control freaks on both sides. :frowning:

Spidey Sense

“Spidey Sense” = a Supernatural Perspicacity?
Do other people purportedly have this “Spidey Sense”? Have there been instances in History of certain people claiming to possess a special “Spidey Sense”, such as “Puth” in 19th century Cambodia, or certain Native American soothsayers?


My last month paycheck was for 11000 dollars… All i did was simple online work from comfort at home for 3-4 hours/day that I got from this agency I discovered over the internet and they paid me for it 95 bucks every hour……>

My Experience At Lincoln Center

This past Saturday, I spent the evening at Lincoln Center, in New York City. I was there to see an avant-garde version of Mozart’s “The Magic Flute.” Lincoln Center represents the cultural pinnacle of NYC, with ballet, opera, music and theater. The Julliard School of Music is also there.
The entire experience was a dreamlike odyssey, showing what was once “the future,” a redefined world. I can only write this in stream of consciousness…
Looking for the ladies room in the Philharmonic building, they’ve changed the names of the buildings I remember from my childhood, scanners, like the airport, evolv, glowing light, Laurie Anderson said “we’re so pretty,” scanning phones, inspecting bags, All Gender Restroom with a long-winded explanation underneath (for those in other countries, this is new in the US, for men and women to share a multiple stall restroom, this is the first time I’ve seen it, I will say, the stalls had full length doors, according to my son), I just want to urinate, how did that get complicated?, a line of men and women, an elderly man who seems confused, I sense discomfort, I can’t do it, there’s another option, “Companion Restroom,” what the hell is that?, another explanation, I’m losing brain cells, people don’t have sex in here, do they?, no, not at Lincoln Center, I don’t know anymore, make a decision, the companion one, it’s fine, points for the warrior, look at the poor slobs, looks like a concentration camp, people weirdly making comments about it, “I’m trying to be progressive,” “This ends the conversation, makes it simple,” who benefits?, take a walk, guy yelling at cops, gives them the finger, says he hates them, they smile at him, will he start shooting?, I want to get out of here fast, all these cops but I don’t feel safe, he keeps ranting, back to Philharmonic restaurant, waitresses in ultra mini-skirts, do they provide other services?, in the Metropolitan Opera building, first thing I see, wall of benefactors, who has given these orders?, all the usual suspects, get scanned, open my doggie bag packed with frozen veggies my son just bought from Target down the street (I raised a genius), we may in fact be the only people ever to bring frozen broccoli to the opera, the wall of stars, what happened to Maria Callas?, she gave master classes here, what happened to Pavarotti?, he gave most of his performances here, I recognize no one, the wall of Covid masks?, like I always say these days, I don’t know what I’m looking at, the opera starts, why are they dressed so sloppy?, looks like they should be rapping, not singing arias, I’m all for experimental, but this does not work, second half, much-improved, the stark minimalism against the soul-wrenching voices, the human heart must prevail, I have hope, with all the attempts to mask, to mute the human voice, it will fail.

Blood Pressure Monitoring In Australian Primary Schools??

Your discussion on government overreach within the parenting space made me think of this news headline shared this week in Australia. Surely I’m not the only one that finds this disturbing on more than one level? Surely parents are capable of taking responsibility for their children’s health check ups!? And is blood pressure really such a big problem in children? We’re talking Year 3-6 in this study!

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My last month paycheck was for 11000 dollars… All i did was simple online work from comfort at home for 3-4 hours/day that I got from this agency I discovered over the internet and they paid me for it 95 bucks every hour……>

Another great Laurie Anderson quote, “Seeing a problem is half of the problem.”

Perhaps they are not so much frightened as complacent with the status quo and it does not hurt enough to change yet.

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