Making It To The 4th Second

A very short piece on the collapse in Venezuela. The packed roadways are becoming emptier as fewer and fewer can buy fuel, auto parts or maintain vehicles.…
I believe the same that most PP members are expressing here: This pain point is the place when receptivity to change touches the average (short sighted) citizen.
As Charles has pointed out, when one must pay a mortgage, they cannot opt out of the mainstream BAU system. Simlarly, the 401k must be fed.
In the video of the dancing people that Chris posted above, the secret is that the people WANTED TO DANCE. The first dancer broke the prohibition and gave them permission to join him.
How badly do we want to garden? Plant spuds, cart compost and weed? Right now, for me, only a little. The air conditioner feels very nice after 45 minutes of hard physical work in the hot sun. A bag of potatoes from the grocery store sounds good.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead

I am a newbie! But a very convinced one. Since attending the excellent and inspiring Peak Prosperity Seminar in Sebastopol in early May, I have been thinking about how to relay the Peak Prosperity message to younger people of my generation. I am a millenial myself - towards the “old end”, but a millenial nonetheless.
Here are some thoughts I had:
In general, you could reach a lot of millenials with direct advice on how to develop/establish financial capital. For most of Peak Prospertity followers, the financial capital is less of a concern than the other forms of capital. For my generation, without a financial cushion, without being debt-free, without a reliable source of income, we are unlikely to invest any efforts into other forms of capital. So what would be your advice on getting out of student debt, not getting into any debt in the first place, saving money and building resilience outside of the grind? How does a millenial living in NYC with a bunch of internships on their resume, student debt to pay off and no way of saving money for a house or even able to afford rent start building a resilient regenerative life?
The video you showed at the seminar could be an excellent “in” to inform younger people and deliver the information in easy chunks. The question is where to disseminate these videos - the obvious choides are Facebook and YouTube and possibly Twitter. Each needs a slighty different format. The videos as they are, are great for YouTube - longish, but not too long. This is where people really look for information and watch videos until the end. For Facebook, the videos might need to be shorter and contain subtitles (as they already do if I recall correctly) - about 1-2 min max with a link to the full YouTube video in the comments or - better yet, since Facebook and YouTube are at wodds with each other and sabotage the other platform respectively - a link to the Peak Prospertity Website where the videos can be watched. On Twitter (possibly even Instagram) videos need to be 30s or 1 min max and again ought to be linked to a website/YouTube channel for the full version.
Speaking of Social Media: My generation gets their news from Facebook, Twitter etc. so Peak Prosperty needs to develop an active life on these social networks. This would consist of a Facebook Page for sharing your daily news digest (a perfect format for Facebook!), blog posts, podcasts and a Facebook Group to allow for user interaction and discussion - this should be moderated but also allow for freedom of users to explore topics they are interested in within the PP framework. An active Twitter feed and Instagram account with photos of Adam and Chris traveling, from seminars and summits would complement the FB pages.
Just some thoughts from me. I’d be more than happy chatting more about how to set up successful social media channels and also possibly help moderate and administer these sites.

Doro (the globetrotting German-rooted linguist for those who I met in Sebastopol :p)

It is the lone worker who makes the first advance in a subject: the details may be worked out by a team, but the prime idea is due to the enterprise, thought, and perception of an individual. — Alexander Fleming
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You old-timer, you

“Needless to say, I find the crisis model more likely.”
My greatest fear is that those in power will create a crisis to cover up the true issues we face. They will provide the scapegoat. They will say, “We need to go to war because they are the ones who have done this to us.” Our government is working hard already to make Russia the evil enemy. Americans have had lots of practice hating Russia. It will be easy to convince the people we need to boom them. Then it will be the war that causes all the food shortages, energy shortages and money crisis not the lack of foresight.
It will be difficult to survive an economic crisis brought on by too much dept, too many people and not enough energy but it can be done. Those of us who have worked on learning the skill needed in this new, smaller world will have an advantage and can lead a movement brought on by the crisis. It will be a time of great strife and hardship but people will be able to rise to the task.
But put a world war III into the mix and it will be much worse. War is not the answer but it is what the people in power will prefer.

For the love of Gawd… saving trees isn’t going to save the world. The world is ruined by an excess of people competing for the space and resources ‘taken’ by forests.
Let’s save the world by forcing everyone to live in phone-booths and survive by eating only salt water. That’ll work. Keep on popping babies and stack everyhing vertically so we don’t have to cut down any trees. That’s the ticket…
Before bleeding hearts demand widsom they should first try facing reality.

saving trees isn't going to save the world
Not by itself, no ... but it's part of the recipe. Don't disparage something positive just because it's not big enough to solve the whole problem.

It is June 3rd, and it is currently 55 degrees at 5pm here in Maryland. January, here, was warmer than March was, and there are people I know on my Facebook feed talking about how this cold day “disproves global warming.” I just can’t fight that level of stupid and ignorant.

We will reap what we have sown. No, wait…we are reaping what we have sown.

I wonder if Snyderman’s Facebook retards are aware of the term “average.” Selective sampling of facts (aka tunnel vision) can get any conclusion you want. It reminds me of a study of glaciers in the Yukon. Of the 300 studied, 3 increased in size, 12 totally disappeared, and the rest reduced in size. The retards’ conclusion: The glaciers are growing and global warming is a fraud. I have even heard this type of reasoning from supposedly well educated people. I personally know someone with degrees from Yale and MIT who claims that the decline in the bee population is a lie. I guess being smart and having the guts to face reality do no go hand in hand. It’s interesting that this same person has also become hyper-religious over the years.
I also ran into this rat population study recently:

That study was in a rural-like environment with no lack of resourses. Fortunately they did not have access to nuclear weapons.

Maybe this helps in clarifying:…
It seems that to become a movement you would have to move toward the Eco Centric Network model