Making The Wrong Choices For The Wrong Reasons

The first debt money scheme was invented in ancient India: that's why Asians mostly refuse to save debt money, long since learned to trust gold especially - due to its unique qualities.*
Jeffersonians fought bankster Hamiltonians because colonists hated debt money, as least on gut level understood it's what young Greenspan called "A Scheme for the Confiscation of Wealth." - see #28 post above with links to full details about.

It took over a century of debt money Mobster propaganda including endowing University Chairs to sufficiently eradicate what colonists understood, hence get enough Americans brainwashed they swallowed creation of Fed plus New-Not! Deal eliminating what Fed Chair Volcker repeatedly called Fed's "Enemy No. 1:" gold money. (Minority of True Patriots left fought New Deal to Supreme Court.)

As young Greenspan noted, "only gold stands in the way of the Scheme."

Hard as it is to swallow!: All going to plan on the Planet of Lessons, where we gain lessons to last all eternity.

*No one mentions stealth devaluation China did to yuan over decade ago by letting prices multiply: kept their hopeless banks afloat as debt vastly depreciated thereby. Chinese didn't protest: just business as usual.

Just a quick update to this thread to let folks know I've finally been able to land Michael Pento as a PP podcast guest. 
We'll be recording the interview shortly and it will be posted on the site on Satruday.

Yes, I'm aware it was created with fossil fuels. Your response seems very condescending, no? No? Ok, no I don't get it. What your saying seems to indicate we should just give up. It wasn't constructive at all and I think you've missed the point. Telling me that everything in the picture would not be possible without fossil fuels does not help. Let's just forget about renewables all together and NBA live mobile hack keep doing what we're doing, burn baby burn. Thanks anyway climber.