Marc Faber: The Perils of Money Printing's Unintended Consequences

The claim that allocated & numbered bars at Comex were part of the MF liquidation, is this something you were told privately by a client or has it been in media stories?

If it’s been in the media, could you please post one or several links?

Thanks in advance


Getting back to the subject of the interview, my ears picked up on the bit where Marc says he has been seeing the growing wealth inequality everywhere.  I wish it were otherwise, but so far I have to agree with him when it comes to what I’ve seen in Mongolia.  Generally speaking, most people are a little more prosperous than they were 10 or 20 years ago, but there are some that have become incredibly wealthy compared to the norm, and the norm is still pretty poor.  It’s hard to pin down any one cause.  Governmental corruption, lack of opportunities outside of the city, a society adjusting to a relatively new free market system, and sometimes simply exceptional cleverness & ability on the part of some entrepreneurs and businessmen… I think all play a part to varying degrees.  And unfortunately, many of the wealthy think flaunting their wealth in an extravagant manner is a good thing.  One of several cultural differences I’m trying to adjust to.  I have no problem with people succeeding on their own merits, but the examples of people getting rich through corruption and growing levels of wealth inequality (and flaunting it) are definitely unhealthy from a societal point of view. 
I don’t have much personal experience about China, but one of my wife’s extended family who works in Beijing says the gap between rich and poor is worse (or at least more visible) there than in Mongolia.  Also, the driver who took us to and from the airport in Beijing during our recent layover there queried us both times on prices of luxury cars in America.  Apparently, there is a huge demand for luxury cars in Beijing even despite import taxes that he says amount to roughly the full value of the cars themselves.  I can’t imagine myself paying full price for a brand new BMW or Lexus in America, but the idea of paying twice that much seems truly crazy.  But the status symbol is just that important apparently. 

  • Nick

I’ve been told by the moderator (I hate getting scolded) that my approach in #16 thread was rude, and that I should foster a more delicate response. So, if offended then my apology.Please understand however that I have seen many posters on many sites over the years who’s testosterone levels move them to another site where they post to get all the bumble Bea’s riled up a bit. It is my determination that this was your intention when I read your thread, and so I responded as I did (I expected the responses that followed, and was unfortunately subjected to them too). Obviously your intentions have worked as planned because you have received some responses that have been over the top (again, byproduct of your intentions). I frankly am not a fan of yours after researching your material. Nothing personal but economists by trade bore me. It isn’t you per se just the group as a whole. You know the crowd, they are hungry, and expect a sandwich to appear, for a price of course.

I totally agree that Jim H. and Grover took the time to patiently respond to Mr. Mitchell. I just went short in my posting (#16) because I spent a quick research on Mr. Mitchell, and didn’t like the read or his communication skills. Plus I’m on meds after surgery and am apt to be sloppy with my commentary.Davos, you haven’t a clue about me my brother, and if hitting a white ball around the course makes me something out of a frankenstein movie then I suggest anger management classes for you. I suspect that you worry about things that you couldn’t possibly understand unless you had intimate knowledge. For the record, we have never met, have spent zero time together. Many millions of low lifes such as myself do golf you know. On the cheap too. What amazes me now as I look back is you didn’t scream and yell at Erik T. because he spent $57 bucks on a pot pie, and $31 bucks on a salad (you’re his hero you know), plus had to leave a 20% tip, another $16 bucks and change. I could have played 4 rounds w/beer for that kind of coin. Just priorities my man, that’s all. Some like to eat and some like to golf… Go Tigers

[quote=robert essian]Davos…
Like a steam locomotive, rollin’ down the track,
He’s gone, he’s gone
And nothin’s gonna bring him back.

[quote=Dogs_In_A_Pile][quote=robert essian]
Like a steam locomotive, rollin’ down the track,
He’s gone, he’s gone
And nothin’s gonna bring him back.
Is this sarcasm Dogs…  or has he really left us again?
Shame if he has, I was just enjoying outing morons again…

[quote=robert essian]On the cheap too. What amazes me now as I look back is you didn’t scream and yell at Erik T. because he spent $57 bucks on a pot pie, and $31 bucks on a salad (you’re his hero you know), plus had to leave a 20% tip, Bob
A 20% tip in Australia What a Galah.