Mark Sisson: The Importance, and Achievability, of Being Fit

Good advice but if your body is plugged with Reverse T3 you will be frustrated.  Many are low in Iron (e.g. viruses lower iron since they need it too) which causes Thyroid T4 to be converted to Reverse T3 instead of the energizer T3.
There is even a workout called "The Big 5 Workout" that is along the same lines but only takes 12 minutes per week in the gym.   Each of the 5 exercises targets a "muscle group" and is done for 90-120 seconds very slowly until exhaustion (i.e. cannot move the weight anymore with max effort; why machines work better for this).   The doctor who created it explains that a muscle takes 5-7 days to recover from a hard workout so if you go more often you tend to injure yourself.   I can imagine in the hunter gatherer times tag teams that would rotate going out on hunts and such.

…everything in moderation.
 Eat local when you can, and if you have played hard your whole life it isn't actually beneficial because old injuries do come back and reclaim their prey (trust me). Unless of course you were brought up to exercise but God forbid no real physical contact as that is just silly Buffy. Tennis and Golf is wonderful exercise, badminton anyone?

I like very much these sports too but when younger it was the traditional cheeper sports I played, the ones that were FREE in other words.

Everybody has a specific life and that is that. The exceptions are just that, and the norms are every day Folk like most of us every day Folks.

It is specific to each person, I totally agree, and is why anyone's opinion regarding my life and what I should do is taken with a grain of salt. Except for the value of exercise. Unless of course exercise is causing the pain and butt in the chair syndrome.

Protein burns and carbs lay as fat layers. Who don't understand this?

Again, they lived to what age in before Christ? Before the 1930's, and what now? It has always been about antibiotics and will remain about antibiotics.

OK, no help here then. I'll go back to my plan as I was cleared today to resume light work outs. I'll jump rope and walk.


Arthur,            I combine Chaga, Reishi and Trametes Versicolor in water and simmer about 2 hours. I drink one cup a day for 2 -3 weeks stop a few weeks …so on and so forth. The chaga is also very good for the nervous system. I can feel it's effects on my sleep pattern. Nice deep calm sleep and I'm more focused during the day. All these mushrooms are highly effective against many cancers. In Japan, the Reishi mushroom is used in combo with chemotherapy treatment and its 35% of Japan's cancer treatment budget. These mushrooms are also anti inflamatory.  For maximum potency Chaga should be made in a tincture.  Alcohol extraction isolates the water-insoluble components, betulinic acid, betulin and the phytosterols. This extraction process is in general used as a second step after hot-water extraction, since ethanol alone will not break down chitin effectively - heat is essential.
Do not use these mushrooms in combo with antibiotics. Chaga shouldn't be consumed if you're using blood thinners.
Check out Paul Stamets on you tube. Fastinating !!
Good luck Arthur.

I think it's important every one figure out for themselves what diet and excercise works for them, and acknowledge when something is not working.  For me, while I eat high quality simple food and am fit enough to anything from shovel compost in my garden to run 100 mile trail races, I often don't get enough sleep.  I'm learnng now I need to listen to my body when my endocrine system is getting run down and take a break.

"I need to listen to my body when my endocrine system is getting run down and take a break":   This is why most elite athletes suffer "depression".  It is really their endrocrine system crashing from stress.  This stress can be pschological too (e.g. you are a teammate of Lance Armstrong).   If you are burned out chronically get your Reverse T3 checked (Direct Labs is good as your regular Doc will think you are crazy). 

As for physical activity I'm a sales rep in ceramic tile industry,so I get my daily excercise lugging around these sample boards around to my clients.  I've always been active , gym a few years , kung fu chinese boxing 4-5 years and finally I've found the right excersise that's good for my body . Once a week ,a one and a half hour of  Yin and Yang Yoga. It's good for ALL the muscles. You get to built muscle and stretch them too. The nervous system  ( spinal cord, mind and breathe) gets the most benefit out of that pratice. This is what works for me and a heathly diet…all in moderation! You got to live too.


From a recent National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) study:

Baby Boomers: Not the ‘Healthiest Generation’

In a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine, researchers found that a sample of the baby boom generation, the 78 million Americans who were born in the post-war birth explosion from 1946 to 1964, were less healthy than many of their parents. Never mind the fact that Baby boomers have been dubbed the Healthiest Generation, since they have the longest life expectancy of any previous generation, and that  they were able to exploit advances in medical care and reap the benefits of public health campaigns highlighting the dangers of smoking and unhealthy diets. That moniker may simply no longer apply, since it turns out that they have higher rates of hypertensiondiabetes, obesity and high cholesterol than members of the previous generation.

A good example of how prosperity doesn't simply come from having more options. You also need prudent societal values (like valuing health and community as much as money) as well as the individual discipline to make responsible choices (like moderating sweets, or persisting with an exercise regimen). Mark's Primal program is a good vehicle for strengthening the latter.

If I use the Share function below the podcast to publish a restricted article/podcast on Facebook, do my Facebook contacts need to be paid members in order to see the contents?
By the way, outstanding podcast. I loved all the "out of the box" thinking here, in a way very similar to how Chris and his contributors expose and elaborate their ideas.

Myst -Yes, if you share an enrolled member-only podcast (like the Off The Cuff series), your friends will need to also be enrolled members in order to access it.
But all of our Featured Voices podcasts, such as this one with Mark Sisson, are available to all. So share freely!

I've always joked around that I was going to write the quintessential "diet" book.  It would be filled with blank pages with only two pages with words on them.  Those pages would say:
"Move more, eat less."
Most people are our culture are unaware ... unaware physically, mentally, spiritually, politically, economically, and almost any other way you can imagine.  When you are aware (and educated as to possibilities), you can feel and know what is good for you and what isn't.  You wouldn't sit around like a lump and neither would you beat the hell out of your body by doing ultra-marathons and certain body damaging Western sports.  You would learn you need to lay and build foundational control and strength before challenging your body at higher levels.  You would have developmental movement patterns and reflexes integrated before you attempted higher level movements and skills.  You would have optimal joint mobility, optimal muscle length and strength, and optimal neuromotor control and kinesthetic awareness before initiating high speed and high load activities.  You would realize you need to exercise fast sometimes (like chain punching or cycling kicking, vibrational exercises, plometrics, sprinting, etc.) and slow other times (qi gong, Tai Chi, and Tibetan or Indian yoga).  You need to put high tension in your muscles (high load calisthenics like push-ups or pull-ups, dumbbell or kettlebell training, dynamic tension isometrics, etc.) and low tension at other times (relaxation, stretching, Trager mentastics, German loosening, etc.).  You need to hit the major energy systems (e.g. phosphocreatine, lactic acid, aerobic) with appropriate brief, moderate, and longer exercise/work intervals, each at different times and at intensities inversely proportional to their length.  You need to work on joint stability and on joint mobility.  You need to be able to breath deeply and fully (one of the most important "good" things you can do for your body) and you need to be able to hold your breath for a long period if need be.  You need to do work activities and you need to do play activities.  You need to move and you need to be still.  You need to exercise/play/work and you need to rest/sleep.  You need light and sunshine and you need complete darkness.  In other words, you use your awareness to achieve balance. 
With regards to food, if you are aware, you will learn to eat for long term health, vitality, and energy, not for short term pleasure, satiation, or sedation.  You'd eat wild game and fish and wild foods, which are more nutritious and higher in life energy than almost any domesticated food.  Barring access to those foods, you'd eat meat (including organs meats), poultry, fish, and eggs from high quality organic sources.  You'd eat an abundance and diversity of vegetables, of different colors, and from different parts of the plant and many, not just one or two, at one meal.  You'd learn to use spices appropriately and not have to adulterate your food with sauces, salts, sweets. etc.  You'd eat fruits, nuts, and seeds. Grains and legumes would be optional (depending upon metabolic type) but when you eat them, you'd eat them more as a complementary condiment than as a main course.  Ditto with dairy.  You'd eat foods as close to their natural form as possible and raw, if possible and safe.  You'd use cooking methods like steaming for vegetables that cause the least damage to the quality of the food.  You'd recognize that the more you eat out of jars, cans, boxes, or packages, the less healthy you will be.  You'd know that the more your food is refined, processed, factory farm raised, GMOed, or otherwise adulterated, the less healthy you will be.  As one of my friends jokes, you wouldn't eat anything white (white flour, white sugar, white salt) and you should eat green things before they turn brown and brown things before they turn green.  Besides learning to eat, you will also learn to fast and the benefits and applications of fasting.  Again, you will strive for balance.
When you move, you will move intelligently and with variety and more.
When you eat, you will eat intelligently and with variety and less.
It's all very simple really.
I won't say I endorse ALL his ideas but here's someone I find that my personal philosophy of exercise and nutrition is fairly close to, Paul Chek.
And here's a book he wrote which is very good.
Overall, I find the Taoists' health philosophy is be one of the my favorites and I like cheng hsin, systema, ba gua, aikido, and hwa rang do best for movement skill and qi gong, Alexander Technique, Feldenkrais Method, and Trager Approach best for movement awareness.  But there are a myriad of movement and exercise forms across the planet, each of which have something of value to offer.
Peter Ralston's book is one of the best.
Unfortunately, I find traditional exercise systems advanced by most personal trainers, exercise physiologists, physical therapist, and "health and exercise experts" tend to ignore the following:
- Breathing and energy flow exercise (to enhance life energy)
- Neurosensorimotor exercise (for enhancing kinesthetic awareness, neuromotor control and coordination, and brain function)
- Autonomic nervous system exercise (to control heart rate, respiratory rate, blood flow, cold and heat tolerance, etc.)
- Spinchter exercises (the secret of the Kirov ballet, coordinating the anal, urogenital, oral, ocular, nasal and other sphincteral muscles with foot and hand movements)
- Loosening exercises (not stretching or self-mobilization but dynamic releasing of tension)
Training in these areas takes one to a whole new level of health, fitness, function, resilience, and preparedness.

This thread has been that good that I have bookmarked it for future reference.
Dropping all Carbs works for me. Chronic inflamation and leasions heal. Now I eye Alexander the Grape with suspicion.

Thanks all.

See the book "Wheat Belly"

I appreciate the advice and words of wisdom. I am lucky that my situation isn't worse and I'm grateful for my wife putting me on a healthy diet a long time ago filled with local farm goods. My daughter has benefitted from her prowess as well since she has never seen the inside of a fast-food restaurant…she prefers salad to pizza (nice!).
Yes, why not start a fungi thread? Let's make it a fungus thread to be all inclusive. Wouldn't want to leave the fungal out. surprise Okay, I know…don't quit my day job.


This very old talk that he gave sounds like what people should be told today:
Jack Lalanne - Body and Mind Connection 

Here he was at 80:




One of my heroes.  He was way ahead of his time.  Thanks for recognizing him. 


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