Melissa Zimdars: The Truth About Fake News

Seeing the growing trend of censoring speech under the guise of “protecting us” from misinformation, I purchased hard copies of the video “Anatomy of a Great Deception” and gave it to each of my children, cousins, nieces and nephews.
They are completely uninterested. For now.
I expect that the day will come when they suddenly want to know very badly what actually happened. Perhaps the trigger will be when one of their children are arrested as “a terrorist” when demonstration against some aspect of the oligarchy. Or maybe when a DHS team breaks down their front door to destroy a subversive vegetable garden, rain barrel and confiscate collection of silver maples.
How was the great terrorist threat meme developed, spread and utilized so that TPTB could solidify control? Where did it come from? Who started it? Why couldn’t I see it?
At that point it will not be possible to live stream the video.
For now, we are incredibly lucky that we can still see and hear the calm words of physics teacher David Chandler narrating videos of the building failures pointing out the features of demolition.

And David Chandler's collection of talks. And David Ray Griffin's collection. And the Myth and Reality talk

Thanks for posting this video.
Right you are that the dots connected here reveal the steps that enable in the complete subordination of the Constitution, at least for the banking cartel.
A documented presentation lays out why no bankers went to jail for obvious, provable fraud.
It helps to know who holds Lord Vader’s leash, surprise !
“Doing god’s work” continues to take on new meaning for me.

Hi Uncletommy,
Yep, an important distinction to make. To me, impunity means indefinite protection from criminal prosecution which is exactly what we are seeing (and what you stated above). When the history book is written on the decline and fall of the Anglo-American Empire I have no doubt that evidence such as this will form the cornerstone of the literature. This is corruption at the highest levels of power. Judging by Roman standards, civilisations can endure barbarians and conflict, what they cannot survive is corruption and decadence.
All the best,

Great job of interviewing this suspect, Chris. I know that like many others here I would not have the patience.
She can call me a conspiracy theorist, if she’ll allow me to call her a “coincidence theorist”.
She trusts the NYT again? Really? How about the CIA? How many times does she need to be tricked, lied to, before she gets it? As G.W. Bush said, “fool me twice - 'won’t get fooled again.” Some people seem to have an infinite capacity for being gullible. That is why it is so important to read history. It is all there in black and white to remind us of who and why. If you don’t study history, the world is a mystery.
Very enlightening interview - regarding the sorry state of modern education and epistemology in our current culture. Thanks, Chris.

" Fools rush in where angels fear to thread ," but I’ve just watched a Ch. 4 programe on vaccines and Dr. Andrew Wakefield. I got the distinct impression that Wakefield was shifty, unreliable, interested in money and was justifiedly struck off the medical register. I had wanted to believe otherwise. Programe also made the point that measels is on the rise in Texas because parents are too frightened to vaccinate.
However I accept that the issue may be more complex and I have only rudimentary knowledge. Unaccountably ( I hope! ) Ch. 4 introduced the programe by a thowaway line about conspiracy theorists" such as Infowars and the 9/11 theorists " …I gave them the benefit of the doubt and a fools pardon.
I’m cutting back on the internet. I find it makes you paranoid about everything!

ZImdars’ process? She finds a questionable news source, and if a volunteer librarian is available she’ll ask them to research it, then hopefully someone else will look at it…sounds scientific.
Also, she casually uses intentionally marginalizing labels like “conspiracy, hate, anti-vaccine group” to refer to sites that she has determined produce fake news. These are classic, MSM generated word bombs used to destroy the reputations of non-mainstream thinkers. She also didn’t seem to understand the difference between conspiracy and conspiracy theory. She didn’t come across as all that smart and her list, if followed, would lead you directly into the gaping maw of the MSM. A casual internet search of Ms. Zimdars will lead you to conclude that she has little to no academic standing and no credibility. In fact, she appears to be a virulent Leftist (which is not to be confused with Liberal). She seems like a perfect Antifa recruit. The beautiful irony is that her fake news list is fake news.
Progressive, Marxist protesters demand Drudge, Infowars and Breitbart be banned from the internet.
What do you think?

The impulse Melissa Zimdars gave in to to label groups she doesn’t like as “bad” (i.e. fake) is shared by many people and organizations. This organization is now labeling Christian organizations as “hate groups.”

The nation’s leading source of information on U.S. charities faces mounting criticism for using a controversial “hate group” designation in listings for some well-known and broadly supported conservative nonprofits. GuideStar, which calls itself a “neutral” aggregator of tax data on charities, recently incorporated “hate group” labels produced by the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center. The decision by the tracker of nonprofits prompted 41 conservative leaders to protest the move in a letter provided exclusively to The Daily Signal. The letter, dated June 21, asks the website to drop the “hate group” labels put on 46 organizations. (Read the full letter below.) GuideStar’s use of the “hate group” designation for certain organizations, many of them Christian, unfairly and inaccurately adopts the “aggressive political agenda” of Southern Poverty Law Center, the leaders write... Family Research Council’s Boykin said GuideStar has two options. “I think their choices are either take this label [down] that you have put on these different organizations, all of which are conservative Christian organizations, or acknowledge that you are a politically active arm of the liberal progressive movement in America,” he said... Organizations such as the Family Research Council are well aware of the implications of the messaging that GuideStar is perpetrating, Staver said. Floyd Corkins, the man convicted of a 2012 attempt to massacre employees at the Family Research Council, was inspired by SPLC’s description of the Christian pro-family research organization as a hate group, he noted. In an interview with the FBI, Corkins said a list on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s website motivated his attack. SPLC has acknowledged the connection. The letter notes that James T. Hodgkinson, the man who police say tried to gun down Republican lawmakers last week, liked the Southern Poverty Law Center on Facebook. House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., was gravely wounded in the gunman’s attack June 14 during practice for a congressional baseball game just outside Washington in Alexandria, Virginia.
“Does it not concern you that within the past five years, the SPLC has been linked to gunmen who carried out two terrorist shootings in the D.C. area?”...
Isn't it interesting that there are NO Muslim charities on this list. Muslim Brotherhood? CAIR? Fascinating.