Mike Maloney: The Coming Wealth Transfer

Only american bigots are worried by debt-taxes-deficits , when actually the US deficits will be as in the past saved by the rest of te world US $ holders : the rest of the world is ( since september 2011 ) repatriating their USD holding back to the the States , therefore they ( the non US citizens ) are REFLATING your USA economy while DEFLATING the rest of the world. By this mechanism you american are saved of your external deficits and debts ; Asian , arabs, are rushing to buy your T bonds despite the very low yields offered because they will gain much more than the yield with your currency appreciation. this process was studied by a french economist Jacques Rueff, he named it the " double helix " when the USA helix sucks in rest of the world $ , your US economy erases its deficits , velocity of money increases in the USA and the other helix ( rest of the world ) cruches down Japan, Europe which suffer deflation. You add on top of that " double helix "   the globalized economy where you can outsource and produce cheaper and cheaper; the result is no more inflation , and gold-silver loose their usefulness as hedge against inflation , because inflation is negligible ( unless you are a fixed income worker ). So Deflation in the rest of the world plus Reflation in the USA are pushing down gold - silver.You also see a clear signal of Deflation with oil plunging to 50 $/brl.So the evidence is mounting that Gold-Silver will lose their status unless you do not understand the " double helix " mechanism.

Clearly you don't understand Bitcoin

Wholeheartedly agree in regards to current US conflict with Russia - What's the beef ?  Or, is this merely a distraction . . . a politically-created straw man ?

Sorry, bwh, i realise that i didn't get back to you. At the minute i'm looking into the Joule Standard. I don't know enough about it yet to pass comment, just considering possibilities.All the best,