Money, Bad Policies, Inflation & You

No not impossible. He says ‘a colleague’. That colleague is going to be protective of his job. Pierre doesn’t have a habit of lying, unlike TPTB.


I´m a new member here and would like to thank you for your work!
Unfortunately I came here to watch part 2 of the money bad policies inflation video but the link goes to another Part 2 video of the vaccine episode.
Best wishes from Germany


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Chris, have you seen this?
It makes the Derivitives people look like kids with a lemonaid stand.
"the NYSE teamed up with the Intrinsic Exchange Group (IEG), in which the NYSE itself holds a minority stake" to issue securities around a new asset class that pretends to fund climate and sutainability efforts but is being sold as a "$4,000 trillion (i.e. $4 quadrillion) . . . Opportunity". [Opportunity is Wall Street code for a new way to extract money from normal people.
Wall Street’s Takeover of Nature Advances with Launch of New Asset Class
Wall Street’s Takeover of Nature Advances with Launch of New Asset Class
The picture she paints is not pretty. This is yet more confirmation of how we have been lied to and deceived to keep the game going. A small excerpt:

... Now, through several iterations, the economy has become increasingly complex, with less and less redundancy to provide stability. The energy price spike that is being experienced today is a warning that something is very, very wrong. As I see the situation, the trend toward complexity has gone too far; the economic system is starting to break down. Sharp changes appear to be ahead. The world economy is shifting into contraction mode, with more and more parts of the system failing. In this post, I will discuss some of the issues involved. It turns out that energy modelers haven’t understood how detrimental intermittency really is. They modeled intermittent electricity from renewables (wind, water and solar) as far more helpful than it really is. This has been confusing to everyone. The sharp changes that the title of this post refers to represent an early stage of economic collapse. .....
And her conclusion:
I could continue speculating on the changes ahead. The basic problem, as I see it, is that we have reached limits on oil, coal and natural gas extraction, pretty much simultaneously. The limits are really complexity limits. The renewables that we have today aren’t able to save us, regardless of what the models of Mark Jacobson and others might say. In the next few years, I am afraid that we will find out how collapse actually proceeds in a very interconnected world economy.

At Present, I See You Have So Many Information About Finances

At present, I see you have so many information about finances. I know there are many ways to make money, but I prefer to be afraid of cryptocurrencies. I recently observed this source to learn more about the trailing orders process. It’s legal, so you can also use this tool either.


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