Money Under Fire


I simply pointed out that your “F**k Democracy, it’s mob rule statement is nearly identical to what Hitler said.  You are the one writing paragraphs about how I feel, thinking inside your box, and showing how much you are filled with the very Russian anti globalist propaganda I have been researching.  Every comment I have posted here are my own thoughts.  To prevent losing half written comments on the site (which has happened a time or two), I write them up in Google Drive, then cut and paste.  But all of my comments have been my research and observations and not agitprop spam as you think.  (Thanks for calling it hard hitting though.) (Since you press the matter.  If I were Dugin, I would help fund someone like Chris to help promote anti-Fed propaganda to the intellect crowd.  And if that were true, if I was Chris, I wouldn’t respond either.)  I have responded to every question I know of, but I don’t have the time to get into a discussion with everyone on every matter.


I know that Canada balanced their budget along with Clinton in 96 and kept it balanced until 2008, even with a socialized health care program, like most democratic countries.  I know that Reagan, and both Bushes greatly increased annual deficits and that both Clinton and Obama dramatically decreased them.  And yes I know that the Democrats are corrupt too, they are at least half as corrupt as the Republicans who worship corruption.  I see through every Democratic corruption you mentioned, but I also see how much corruption on the Republican side that you are leaving out.  And you accuse me of  living in a fairytale propaganda matrix where you think one side of the the corporate plutocracy is noble.”  I see right through your Russian anti globalist propaganda too.  You are making your love for Russia quite clear.  But the people I have met from Kosovo love the Americans for saving them from the bloodshed.  The people they blamed the most was the media pushing hate propaganda on the airwaves.  Like what I see in the US, especially with Alt Right groups like Breitbart and Infowars, the very media Dugin is supporting.

I disagreed with Bush and Cheney’s illegal war so much that I migrated to Canada.  It was an 8 year plan.  I finished up my career as an environmental teacher where my students were very familiar with this graph from the Crash Course.

So while all of those things awful things you just blame the Democrats for (but hardly the Republicans) were going on, I was teaching 9th graders about the living planet we are destroying, the energy choices that are available to us, and how much they cost.  I told them how conventional oil has peaked, that there is plenty of unconventional oil, but most of it is too expensive to get out of the ground.  I shared T Bones Pickens estimate that it would cost $14 trillion to make America energy independent with oil and gas.  And then I showed them how America could be energy independent for $4.5 trillion using energy conservation and alternative supply instead.

All to give them a better understanding of their world so that they could make the wisest choices for their future.  If I had my way we would have skipped all of those wars (including Russia and the drones) you just mentioned and spent $4.5 trillion on alternatives to give them a sustainable future.  But that future has been stolen from them.  Trump is going to further undermine the scientific community, make a bunch of profits for his buddies in the oil industry, and ship those kids I taught off to fight endless wars that destroy their future.

When Obama got elected, the few people I told, kept saying that I should cancel my Canadian plans.  But I stuck it because I knew the impossible position the US was now in, that the Democrats would be edged on into more wars to prove their toughness, and that the very war profiteers that talked us into the mess would somehow blame it on Democrats somehow, which they are now doing.

Canada turned out to be everything I researched it to be, even better.  A well-educated population that doesn’t carry around firearms.  A socialized health care system that will ultimately save my family of four about $1.4 million over two generations in medical cost.  A well regulated banking system that is sound.  A carbon tax that works.  A neighbor that was the first to be arrested stopping the last attempt to put a pipeline through BC.  (He approached the friendliest looking policeman and asked to be arrested please.)  When I get citizenship  I will be able to vote in both countries, thus doubling my voting power.  (How is that for thinking outside of the box so far?)  And BC schools just ranked #1 in reading, #2 in science, and #6 in math GLOBALLY.

Whereas in the US, Trump just appointed Erik Prince’s (talk about war criminal) sister Betsy DeVos to privatize America’s public school system so that she can help “advance God’s Kingdom.”

(The Conservative Christians are about to get the Theocracy they have been dreaming of.  The question is which side is Trump really on, the Libertarian’s no war side, or the “bomb the hell out of them” Christian side.  I would say that we are getting ready to go way deeper into debt for the many more wars.)

I have listen to Chris cast doubts about our central banking system for nearly a decade, but when I look into the debate in Canada it is none existent .  In conversations with Canadian bankers and economist they are totally unaware of the debate raging in the US.  “Why would anyone want to ditch all of the advantages of a fractional reserve system for all of the disadvantages of a gold standard” they ask.  Upon further research (as I referenced in an earlier post) I discovered this battle to undermine the Fed goes back to 1933, when a handful of American industrialist tried to overthrow President Roosevelt and install a dictator demanding a return to the gold standard.  Sorry to rip the lid off your box, but if you research further into the Austrian school of economics and its supporters like Ron Paul, you will discovered that they are quite proud to describe themselves as the good side of Hitler’s plan.

Reality is that we exist on a living planet.  Chris does a great job showing us how our energy use is destroying that living planet.  But all of our concepts about money and debt are all manmade and simply what we have led ourselves to believe.  If we put as much effort into nourishing life as we did into making money our planet and humanity would be fine.  The same thing with democracy and banking systems, if we put as much effort into nourishing and properly regulating them as we did to undermine them, they would probably work fine.  As for myself and my move to Canada, I’ve cut my trash output and driving by more than half, walk to places 10x more, all of my electricity is hydro and therefore carbon free.  And I still teach environmental science at an experimental high school to help kids make the wisest choices for the future.

Great resource.  Can you send a link for further reference please?

Agreed, it's a blend.  They gave a nod to Democracy, and it stood them well. But it is clear to me that their intentions were that they themselves should rule as described in Plato's work. 
It's also clear to me that either Plato should have flunked out of Socrates' school, or the Republic was supposed to be satire, not taken seriously.  I used to think the latter; knowing humans for longer, I now tend towards the former.  But whatever.

Point being, the "Democratic principles" under which some are claiming Hillary should be shoed in, are the very principles that work against changing the vote in the electoral college.  But human hypocrisy and irony show up both sides in this. 
My feeling is that they have one last shot to try to overturn the election, and they should be allowed to try it, since that's how the game rules were set up from before this hand was played.  If Trump is too busy celebrating and loses it at the buzzer, he only has himself to blame; if Hillary's CIA doesn't overturn it here, then they need to just say, "we lost", and consider what they did wrong.

Whatever.  I'm a sportscaster in the whole game; I have no ability to affect anything.



Just out of interest, do you actually read the information buried in the links that you post?

From your link

Proto-Keynesian socialist economist Joan Robinson wrote that "Hitler found a cure against unemployment before Keynes was finished explaining it." What were those economic policies? He suspended the gold standard, embarked on huge public-works programs like autobahns, protected industry from foreign competition, expanded credit, instituted jobs programs, bullied the private sector on prices and production decisions, vastly expanded the military, enforced capital controls, instituted family planning, penalized smoking, brought about national healthcare and unemployment insurance, imposed education standards, and eventually ran huge deficits. The Nazi interventionist program was essential to the regime's rejection of the market economy and its embrace of socialism in one country.
And a little more from the same link

Such programs remain widely praised today, even given their failures. They are features of every "capitalist" democracy. Keynes himself admired the Nazi economic program, writing in the foreword to the German edition to the General Theory: "[T]he theory of output as a whole, which is what the following book purports to provide, is much more easily adapted to the conditions of a totalitarian state, than is the theory of production and distribution of a given output produced under the conditions of free competition and a large measure of laissez-faire."

Keynes's comment, which may shock many, did not come out of the blue. Hitler's economists rejected laissez-faire, and admired Keynes, even foreshadowing him in many ways. 

The Austrian school of economics is the antithesis of Keynesian economics, i.e. fiscal discipline vs deficit spending.



Oops!  Make that T Boone Pickens, not T Bones Pickens, I guess I was thinking BBQ.
So how about you mememonkey, what have you doing to improve things, besides whipping up the anti-establishment agenda?  

Are you as anti-establishment as Trump's Chief Strategist Steve Bannon who wants to follow in the steps of Lenin and destroy his state?  Do you want to "bring everything crashing down and destroy all of today's establishment," like Bannon?

Sarah Kendzior reveals how close Trump and his Chief Strategist Bannon’s anti establishment intentions are to Lenin’s, when he destroyed the Russian state to rebuild the Soviet Union.


Dugin wants him to.  You can listen to him tell his followers here.

Dugin is saying the exact sort of stuff that you are, ya know.

DP is just a channel for "Dem Propaganda".  Whether he is a True Believer/Volunteer, or he has been paid to influence a collection of sites (and we here are just the lucky recipients of his attentions), it doesn't honestly matter.  The situation is, he will simply not be persuaded by any post you make.  I mean, not ever.  That's because he's not engaging here in any sort of honest dialog.  He's just acting as a partisan channel.  Engaging with him is just about as useful as talking to your TV.

The most he will ever do is shape the content of his propaganda firehose according to the comments he receives.

My belief, of course.

David Phillips said (boldface mine),

When Obama got elected, the few people I told, kept saying that I should cancel my Canadian plans.  But I stuck it because I knew the impossible position the US was now in, that the Democrats would be edged on into more wars to prove their toughness, and that the very war profiteers that talked us into the mess would somehow blame it on Democrats somehow, which they are now doing.
I assume David meant, "egged" when he wrote edged.. but I wouldn't dare put words into anyone's pen.  

LOL… now I have seen it all.  Hillary and Barack didn't mean to be warmongers.  They did it to prove their toughness… um… no… I mean they really didn't do it at all but the war profiteers did it while they weren't looking and then blamed it on them!

This is some righteous, righteous subversive shit being doled out by DP.  Relentless and mind numbing in it's own special way.  I almost became a pro-Globalist for a moment there.  I almost threw away the special cell phone I use to talk to my Russian contact.  The steak tastes so good in the Matrix.      



I had the same thought.  Also thinking hey if Mr. P is a paid deep state troll then maybe Dr. Chris will end up on that PropOrNot list CHS got on after all.  Which I think would be a nice holiday present and make him feel appreciated.  <grin>


Viva – Sager

…winner, chicken dinner David. Troll level 2 of 10. Just an opinion of course.
<chart redacted, need a 4 or greater to rate for that>


.........Those Russians sure are clever! They managed to turn the DNC into an anti-Bernie Sanders operation, depriving him of electoral votes through a variety of underhanded practices while appealing to anti-Semitic sentiments in certain parts of the country. They managed to manipulate Donna Brazile into handing presidential debate questions to the Clinton campaign. They even managed to convince certain Ukrainian oligarchs and Saudi princes to bestow millions upon the Clinton foundation in exchange for certain future foreign policy concessions. The list of these leak-worthy Russian subterfuges goes on and on… But who can stop them? And so clearly the Russians had to first corrupt the Clinton Foundation, the Clinton Presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee, just in order to render them hackworthy. But here we have a problem. You see, if you can hack into a server, so can everyone else. Suppose you leave your front door unlocked and swinging in the breeze, and long thereafter stuff goes missing. Of course you can blame the neighbor you happen to like least, but then why would anyone believe you? Anybody could have walked through that door and taken your shit. And so it is hard to do anything beyond lobbing empty accusations at Russia as far as hacking is concerned; but the charge of corrupting the incorruptible Hillary Clinton is another matter entirely. Because here the ultimate Russian achievement was in getting Hillary Clinton to refer to over half of her electorate as “a basket of deplorables,” and this was no mean feat. It takes a superpower to orchestrate a political blunder of this magnitude. This she did in front of an LGBT audience in New York. Now, Hillary is no spring chicken when it comes to national politics: she’s been through quite a few federal elections, and she has enough experience to know that pissing off over half of your electorate in one fell swoop is not a particularly smart thing to do. Obviously, she was somehow hypnotized into uttering these words… no doubt by a hyperintelligent space-based Russian.......
The piece is here:

To be fair I believe David was referring to the Australian School of Economics.

Now you are just edging him on. 


All this edging might push him over the egg.  


Or the delivery might catch an inside edge and sail over to square egg.*


*For anyone who doesn't play or understand cricket, scroll on.


 Engaging with him is just about as useful as talking to your TV.

The Ignore User button is a great thing!  Peoples right to speak does not mean a right to be heard.  I find the ignore user button great for reducing my time spent with people like DP.   There are more important things to do than arguing with a stone.  Or if you prefer to look at it, you already get that same propaganda from 5 minutes with a television. cheeky

Though I don't think that there will probably be an Electoral College black swan event, there might be.  I think that this would be a pretty big thing should it occur.
Are any of you guys and gals planning on a specific response should Trump unexpectedly NOT win the electoral college vote?


great call, rhare, i'd completely forgotten about the ignore user button, haven't had to use it since that "amorphous blob" troll showed up earlier this year.

dp is an odd one, to try to put forth the view that libertarians are a front for facism, lol?

a person with an iota of critical thinking skills would examine that concept and possibly conclude: a group that staunchly supports individual liberty, is a front for a group that supports the complete elimination of individual liberty? hmmm, somehow that doesn't add up.

not sure if he's deliberately trolling or something isn't quite right in his head, but, not my problem any more, ignored him now and better to focus on real issues.

i haven't been following it too closely, but i'm assuming a reversal won't happen from the headline i scanned in zh:

(side note:  i was disappointed to see larry lessig engage in this effort, i'd always considered him one of the good guys for his role in fighting against abusive copyright laws and support of the free software foundation)

though pcr warns that a coup is still possible:

a coup seems to be an outside chance, but if it happens it will have a huge impact - civil war? installation of hrc followed by war with russia?

if it does happen tomorrow, i'll drop what i'm doing, go stock up on ammo, start looking for a possible retreat location in the southern hemisphere, and review this in preparation for an hrc presidency/dictatorship:


I'll grab my rifle, run outside to my front porch, and look around (again). If there's still no one out there with me, I'll know it's still too early. cool

I have to admit, I popped popcorn before I came back to this thread.

Does that make me a horrible person?