My Top Predictions for Energy, Interest Rates, and the Economy

Here’s a link to a USGS paper regarding wind energy I reviewed a while back. It’s somewhat dated now. Perhaps run the pdf through your favorite chatbot to get a summary. One cherry picked section:

The results of the study suggest that achieving the market
goal of 20 percent by 2030 would require an average annual
consumption of about 6.8 million metric tons of concrete, 1.5
million metric tons of steel, 310,000 metric tons of cast iron,
40,000 metric tons of copper, and 380 metric tons of the rare-
earth element neodymium.

I think most of the trouble is being able to obtain a title and registration. Government gets involved and now it needs tested crumple zones, air bags, emissions testing, etc. By the time you go through all that (if it’s even possible), the kit car also costs $50,000.


:point_up: this, oh so this.

I love PP and all that Chris does, but I constantly fight against that hopeless and paralysis pull too.

One thing I’ve found that helps: use the Mute option on threads… there’s just too much content/discussion here. Part of me wants to follow it all, but I just can’t… or rather, it would be by sacrificing time for other (more important) things. So I mute lots of stuff, not because I don’t care, but because I care more about managing my time and attention well.

Keep your head up and pour your time and attention into positive things.

:heart: :crossed_swords: Dan


Thanks for saying this…and @chipshot thanks for saying what many of us here probably feel but just don’t admit or maybe aren’t even aware of.

Personally, I’ve been considering leaving PP lately - not because I don’t still learn new things or don’t still appreciate information that others share. I cannot begin to count all of the things that I have found helpful here. Maybe something I’ve shared has been helpful along the way, too.

Truth be told, though, I’ve been really struggling with striving to balance the two parts: what has helped to keep me “enlightened and better prepared for the future” with what can make me feel “hopeless and paralyzed”. (For me, it’s more the hopelessness than feeling like I’m actually paralyzed by anything. I don’t tend to get paralyzed, but I also don’t tend to be a hopeless kind of a person. But even the most hopeful person can only continue to read so many ‘negative’ things without it starting to affect them. I’ve realized lately how much it’s wearing me down.)

@drsharp I think you hit the nail on the head by saying that you care more about managing your time and attention well, and your suggestion to pour [more] time and attention into positive things is timely.


After just watching Chris’ video on Incompetence on Display, it leads me to believe that we will not solve our energy predicament. The outcome in the Landman video where Tommy tells the lady, lets hope we don’t run out of this before we find a replacement, looks like that’s what is going to happen.

We have a certified “Global Clown” show on full display. No matter what country or nation you look at, it is being run by certified clowns and liars. As such I don’t put a lot of hope they will find a solution to the oncoming Oil crisis heading our way in the next couple of decades.

Maybe that’s why these liars are steering everyone towards Wind and Solar as our savior. Perhaps they know full well it’s not so much the environment they are trying to save. I’m starting to think they know full well that we no longer have the cheap stuff and it is having an impact on economies around the world, something that Gail Tverberg keeps mentioning.

As Oil goes, so does the population. As for Thorium, I came across an article by a current Nuclear Engineer and he says it is more hype than reality.


Here’s an interesting six minute video on restarting Three Mile Island


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