Navigating Your Network With Emotional Intelligence

One of the problems in today’s society is that the people most used to having their asses kissed, keep getting kissed and vice versa. It’s creating mental problems in both groups.


Hey WestCoastJan, thank you so much for your perspective and for the link, I will definitely check it out. The amount of work it would take is undeniable, but the more that it happens the better, even if it’s incomplete. I personally would approach it as a cumulative process… piece by piece adding to it. I do feel it would be much more achievable in cooperation with others… a team effort of people who have been fallowing this from the beginning. It will take people like that… like Chris… to ultimately paint a comprehensive picture of what has been happening. I feel this is the biggest and most out in the open case of collusion by the medical industry that I’ve ever come to know about.
I shutter at the thought of a world where the information control that these power centers want is actualized. Because if it wasn’t for honest actors sharing their expertise and displaying data, we wouldn’t even know, and would have no basis for decisions.
I have been learning about the corruption of the medical industry for decades now, piece by piece. My heart breaks at all of the people stepping into that meat grinder day after day because they just don’t know it’s happening. It’s so awful. And I think as I and the people I know get older, I feel the importance of warning people.


I have always had a face that attracts children and love to do as you suggest! I haven’t been so far-reaching with my facial games, but even when masks were more prevalent and I was in the maskless minority, I made a point to smile at children as I would walk through the grocery stores. At first, I smiled more at the maskless kids loving to see their reaction, but the reverse hit me that the masked kids were even more in need of those smiles, single-eyebrow raised faces or winks just because they were masked up. There are going to be significant losses for them (we know the TBTB are counting on it) and it breaks my heart. One smile at a time. :slight_smile:


Email “discussions”

Chris, do you or any of the tribe have suggestions on email discussions? I’m not as confident face-to-face (my brain doesn’t recall facts in the moment very well) and have many a “conversation” (moreso a monologue) via email sharing links and probably overloading my recipients.
Is there a capacity on how many links is too many? (I have a hard time stopping once I get started.)Is there a suggested spacing of time for recipients to receive emails? (That’s most definitely an individual answer based on knowing the person, but I’m asking in general.) Knowing boosters were coming in the fall, I started emailing specific topic emails (military, masks, children, etc.) to a couple family members spacing them about a week apart, so (a) the recipients would have time to read / watch data and (b) I wouldn’t be drowning them in one fell swoop. Out of 7 or so emails, I only heard back on 2 of them, and very little.How do we know when the “shut-off” moment has been hit when it’s an email monologue? (Some people I only emailed once, and that was early on. Do I keep sending info?)At what point is the more important topic to bring up resilience and not CV-19? Someone already recommended here starting by asking a less-heated talking point (e.g., CV-19), with something else (resilience), so somewhat a similar question.
Last, but on a slightly different topic, has anyone gotten a local group of likeminded people together (not necessarily via PP) to discuss what people are doing to build up their resiliency? It still feels like a taboo topic that I’ve barely broached with people, and while I try to manage my own concerns about that (anxious that I’m behind, don’t know enough, etc.), it’s also a hard one for me to broach to figure out how best to gather and with whom. My thought was to pick a weekend and ask a couple friends who know a couple more friends, etc., especially knowing things could take another dive now that American elections are over and team ideology is back swinging.
Thoughts on any of these are appreciated!


Yes you’re quite right Lawrence. Telling is not selling as the old saying goes. Asking the right questions is quite a skill. If I say something you’ll probably dispute it. But if you say something similar in response to a well aimed question then its true (to you)

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I like your thinking and appreciate what you want to do. However, I feel you would be fighting an uphill battle with both of your hands tied behind your back sitting in a wheelchair. It will be exhausting and most likely unfruitful. You will alienate yourself, if you push too hard.
I think those who lived in fear of COVID and in awe of Dr. Fauci, the FDA and CDC will be hard to get out of their beliefs. They believe COVID is deadly and without these vaccines, they would have died already several times. They are eternally grateful to the Government and Pfizer for creating this life saving “100% Safe and 100% effective” experimental injection.
Only a change from the MEDIA and perhaps new guidance from the FDA/CDC would ever change their mind. Perhaps if Fauci is given lethal injection for his crimes, will people believe. If the mRNA vaccines are determined to be too dangerous and removed from the FDA, maybe you have a chance.
They can’t undo what they have already done, so better not to live under fear that perhaps these vaccines have caused more problems then they have solved.
I think you can point them to videos from Chris but few will give up their belief in the Church of Covid. Even most of those who have been injured will rarely accept that it was anything but a fluke, something very rare.
I think it is hopeless to try. Even many of my friends still encourage me that I should get vaxxed for my own safety. They often say that the vaccine made their bout with COVID easier and less complicated. Although I’ve never tested positive for COVID, I’m quite sure I have had COVID twice and both times it was only a minor irritation.
You can try and if you are successful to bring awareness to reality and convert some of your friends and family, then feel good about it.
Mostly I prefer not to argue about COVID anymore, it’s over for me. life must go on. I prefer to talk about Digital IDs, CBDCs, vaccine passports - stuff that has not been enacted or enforced yet and can still be prevented. Even when I have discussed this with my friends they tell me that perhaps it is time for a change of currency and that this new CBDCs might be more convenient and the way of the future. Some people will never learn until it is too late.
We all want criminal trials for those who released these products and who developed this virus using taxpayer money and then tried to conceal this fact. We all want these mRNA products banned for use in the general public. We all want accountability. Don’t lose your friends and colleagues over this. This battle is over.
#Pureblood for life.


Useful Techniques

I tend to be pretty direct. (Ya think maybe?)
So being a bit more “thoughtful” (maybe a bit gentler) could definitely lead to more conversational success. Whatever that means. I’ll have to listen to this one again. :slight_smile:


Reminded me of a word I encountered recently, can’t wait to deploy it: lickspittle. And, an old joke: What’s the difference between an ass-kisser and a brown noser? Depth perception.


You’re absolutely right: the closed loop of butt-kissing, sycophantic tittering, and exalted self-esteem without universal or even broad consensus. Celebrities and other “greats” often become deficient in constructive feedback because underlings usually have to kiss the ring and stargazers either lack confidence or standing to be sufficiently heard. (“Who are you to tell me that my latest album is crap? Have you ever sold a million records?”) Many stars listen only to other big stars–if at all. In fairness, few people understand their weirdly isolated situations. Many will pull up the drawbridges and sulk in their castles like indignant old kings.
A critical element to the undue dazzlement and self-blindness of “stars” and leaders of crowds is PRESTIGE, an intangible but very real psychological intoxicant explored at length way back in 1895 by Gustave Le Bon in The Psychology of Crowds, considered the first major book in the emerging field of mass psychology. A few months back I completed a re-edit and retranslation of this classic.


Reaching People

Such a timely topic, thanks Chris. I just recently discovered David Charalambous, who is the force behind which a wonderful resource for learning how to be more effective in communicating, understanding why folks respond the way they do, the power of propaganda and lots more. Check it out! He was recently interviewed by Mark Devlin on his Good Vibrations podcast. I have newfound hope of being able to reach those I love using what I’m learning, which feels really good.

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My Husband Is One Of The Nyt Devotees, As Is His Best Friend…

He reads it and WaPo every day and quotes from it a lot. He has condemned PP as a conspiracy theory group as he saw some list from NYT that said it was. He took the shots because his physician told him he had not seen any reason not to. His entire family is “up to date”. So far, he seems to have been lucky with it and has had no adverse issues. Fingers crossed.
I have stopped reading all MSM, no television news except a few snippets from FOX, no more NPR except This Old House, and quit main stream medicine for at least 10 years. I blew up at dinner one evening, a couple of years ago, about something being said on NPR, shocking the hell out of him. He realized then that I had taken the red pill. He was close to throwing me out on my ear until he realized that neither of us could afford to buy out the other one in a divorce. And I offered that we just continue our farm and country life, while allowing each of us to “do our own thing” regarding medical, political and belief or not in the end of Progress/Prosperity. He is fully shot up and I am a pureblood. In fact, I’ve only had a couple of flu shots in my life and I’m old enough to have had most childhood diseases before vaccines were available. I am immune to cowpox and likely to small pox.
After a cooling off we both realized that we could continue our sheep farm and giant garden, and putting food up for the winter, and heating with a wood stove, and living in a small rural, but tourist, town at least 2 hours drive from a regional hub. Four to five hours drive to the nearest population centers.
We just don’t talk about any of the topics that we see so differently, and we each have friends who we can share our views with. There are lots of other things to talk about, and we no longer listen to NPR or watch our news together or talk about it. Somehow this works out…so far. I still wonder when/if he will keel over from the shots and leave me with a farm and no partner, and he worries that I will die of COVID, although I am seldom sick and have never tested positive for it. We agreed that no one can decide for either of us, how we decide to care for our health and bodies…and that works.


Yes, I think it should work but the people I tried it on got frustrated and mad…I think they realized it did not add up…but they kept repeating it…And it did not change them…but maybe I should have pushed more… Something that did work on some people I know was tell them a similar story and let them think about it…Like one they agree with but it really explains what your getting at and they might see…" oh I see your point now" for example my friend thought that the CDC and WHO were doing good.even though I told them they lie and did bad things in the past but they refused to see that…So I casual told them they should watch rabbit proof fence…It was about big wigs doing bad things…So then they could relate…Goverment power does not equal kindness. no matter what they say…did I explain that good enough…I don’t know…haha

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Gladwell wrote a number of essays that were entertaining but not as informative or educational as some would like to believe. He is very readable but not the most accurate.
As an example, consider this analysis of his “10,000 hours” mantra:

That sounds super challenging, Kate, being in such a totally different place from your partner. My husband initially wanted to get the shots but thankfully was willing to wait, now he’s glad he didn’t, but things got testy for a while. He thinks I’m a bit nutty about other things too but like you, we sometimes have to just agree to disagree and move on. I can sure see how this whole issue has the potential to tear relationships apart if we let it. Good for you for standing your ground, that takes a lot of strength!


Kate, I am right there with you. My husband got vaxxed and I did not. He actually believes something bad is coming, but it stresses him out to talk about it or take action, so it is all on me. It is a pretty lonely place to be.


Don’t lose your edge Dave… stay sharp : )


I Just Don’t Bother Wasting My Time Anymore

I don’t bother anymore, too much to do, too much energy needed for me, my family and to quieten my mind and really listen because there’s an awful lot of noise out there.


Thank you for your reply and input. Yes I do agree that it is mostly a waste of time trying to convince people who are too entangled in any ideology… not just concerning covid but in any subject. Even if one is able to make progress with them, the same amount of time and energy could have made more progress with 10 others who are less stuck in their beliefs. I do feel it’s always better to spend your time with people who are already open enough to a subject, because you will always have a greater net effect. My above suggestion in truth would be more for people who are open enough to pay attention to it, as well as a resource for those who already know. Simply that a comprehensive picture and resource about any subject is always useful. And part of what I think Chris does so well is paint cohesive and comprehensive pictures with good evidence.
As for criminal prosecutions… if it happens or not, and how far does it go… this will be a test of how much integrity is left in our society. I am deeply saddened to see the amount of capture and corruption that has been laid bare in the past few years. I’ve seen a number of high integrity people who are far from naive say “it’s much worse then I suspected”.


A Humbled Contrarian…

This was an interesting topic, Chris. Thank you! So many great and informative comments below. Kate, I can relate to being at odds with your spouse about the red pill, blue pill aspect. My wife used to only let me talk about the economy while I gave her neck and shoulder rubs, but it finally worked! Her opinions have now changed. It also helps that much of what I was reading and talking about then is happening now. It is much better to be working from a common position than in opposition.
I lost one of my best friends because I was too emphatic talking about what I felt was coming. This was in 2006. When the economy tanked and his business was collapsing, we grew further apart. He came to blame me and my “kind” for being negative and for causing the economy and his business to fail.
In the past, I was too passionate about telling my coworkers and friends about what I felt was going to happen and what we should do to prepare. Many used to roll their eyes, look my way and groan if anyone brought up the economy. I have since backed off, realizing that most people don’t care, or at least they don’t care like I do. Like you mentioned Chris, I was approaching them from my level of intensity and emotion. I had to ease up a lot, but a few have made comments or asked questions recently that made me smile when I realized that a seed or two had germinated.
My mother used to tell me stories of growing up in the Depression era. I remember cringing as she told me her experiences. When I was younger, I really didn’t want to hear what she was telling me. Now, many of those stories are very dear to me and have prepared me for what I feel is coming.
I believe that we humans are herding animals like many other species. The herding impulse is hard wired into us at a very primitive level. It is the very small minority of contrarians that manage to find their own path and go against the grain. Yet even we contrarians still feel the need to herd, thus this tribe and many like it.
A herd standing on the train tracks isn’t a good place to be when the train is coming. We can see the train and choose to move away from the tracks to seek safety. Maybe others will see this action and follow, possibly because their eyes are now open and they see the danger, or maybe out of the herding impulse they will follow us. We can lead by example and show them the way, but I don’t think we have the critical mass to move the herd
Your discussion helps us open a few more eyes and maybe save a few more from the herd!


Nailed It

Thank you so much for this video Chris! I chuckled a few times during the video as I recognized myself in some of what you said. I’ve been watching your videos from late January 2020 and thanks to you and the information you provided I’m still unvaxxed, eternal grateful to you for that. As my eyes were opened to truth I’ve tried many times warning friends and family of the kill shot, some listened, many didn’t. We never had mandatory vaxx in Norway, so far, but many people trust the government and health authorities, so when the prime minister said to do “your civic duty” to get the vaxx, most people just complied. I’ve had many conversations with family members in the aftermath and many regret taking those shots, but they really don’t want to talk about it. So now I just leave hints here and there, if I push too hard I have realized I alienate them, and that’s no desire of mine. I consider myself a fairly good communicator but have gone through a lot of frustration since the plandemic hit. I’ve had some “break through” with some of my friends and family members, so maybe I should count that as a “win”. Some people just want to stay ignorant, probably more comfortable staying in the denial stage, so I should give them more time, I can be too impatient at times so I need to lay off pushing truth as I see it, on them. This video was a great reminder, thanks again Chris.