Neil deGrasse Tyson Disgraces Science

Tyson’s Mistaken Assumption

If Neal has prefaced his opinion with the caveat: “as a public health administrator I would be interested only in the consensus of medical professionals, not the opinions of individual doctors”, he would be correct. I look back on the past three years and believe the most fundamental mistake most people made was assuming that Fauci and other government agencies were their doctor, rather than public health administrators. A very bright colleague whose opinion I usually value told me that he took the vaccine because he follows the opinion of experts. When I told him I did the same thing but that my expert (my actual doctor) did NOT recommend I take the vaccine, he was surprised. I think that in the ensuing discussion he realized he was conflating public health administrators’ advice with medical advice, and they are simply not the same thing. A vaccine can be both a benefit to a society at large and an unnecessary risk to an individual. There are not mutually exclusive conclusions.


Where did this theory come from?

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I don’t think faith based is correct the correct way to look at this. Faith is simply a belief based on trust. Consensus may of may not have a faith component. Consensus may or may not have a hierarchical component.
The core to consensus is that generally everyone agrees. A consensus alone does not answer why they all agree. “Why do they all agree?” is the more important question here.
A consensus can include a diverse collection of reasons they all agree. These can include, but are not limited to:

  • Faith in experts
  • Hierarchy, faith in officials
  • Needing to fit in
  • Needing not to be excluded
  • Financial incentives
  • Bribery, threts, coercion
  • Actual independent thinking that is replicated
  • etc etc
    We want them to all agree where everyone went off and did their own independent scientific analysis, then all came to the same conclusion. This is the type of consensus we want. This is the type of consensus Neil thinks he is referring to, but it’s not what we got.
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Could I do any better on the fly, probably not. At least Del got him to open his mouth and insert foot.
See my other comments. The whole concept of consensus is actually irrelevant. Why is there a consensus, is the more important question.

I agree neither top scientists (just a title) nor consensus is important ……what matters is truth and fact. The consensus is fake….it is a top down idea supported by non thinking sycophants. The media being the worst.

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Many Believe That Western Civ Gave Birth To Science Because…

because of all the reasons Jordan Peterson lays out, some of which are questionable, but one thing is for certain:
Science can ONLY WORK in a society or civilization where TRUTH is the highest value. And the Biblically-based* (debatable, admittedly - but in one way or another, it was) Western world was, during “Christendom”, for all its demerits and evils, at least shared a foundational faith that TRUTH EXISTED.
And God in the Bible is what provided that, and Christ refined it with perfection, so that people would respect not only each other as human beings (leading to banning slavery, rape, etc., the family unit, and more) - so that people respected each others’ search for truth, and thorough debate was encouraged.
Yes, there were many instances of cheating, burning each others’ writings in science, to claim winning - but that was not prevalent.
There was no centralized system of science until the universities began to … well, the seeds of the end of Christianity are contained within itself, because once we take for granted the values and ethics of Christianity, even IF the majority, or even ALL are no longer Christians - generation or 2 later, or more, it erodes.
Perhaps it took hundreds of years of fighting Christianity, which offends people who believe the naturally powerful or endowed should survive and thrive, and the disabled should be destroyed (Hitler was hated most of all the tyrants for this specifically anti Christ view - ironic, that Jews see Christ as a threat, with the history of europe after Christianity split off from what we now call Judaism.
Before that, Christianity was a branch of Judaism; it was considered an inner squabble amongst Jews by the Roman government for a long time - and then of course, Constantine and all the madness that followed that, in its own way.
Many find comfort in looking back thru rose colored lenses, or in the future too such as AI - but with enough life experience, we realize that those lenses can change color, if you will… depending on where you are at the present.
But a society that is no longer searching for truth, but rather, serving money - one cannot have two masters, for he will either love one and hate the other, or … just make up lies and invent a religion such as “The Greater Good” to self-justify. But it does not lead us to truth. It leads somewhere darker, even if the Truth seems dark, a lie may feel good for a time, but eventually Truth prevails.

As a Catholic, I agree with a lot of this and it is refreshing to hear someone say this.

Neil Assclown Tyson

Anyone remember when he said the earth is pear-shaped? Where is the consensus on that? LOL

Neil And Sam

I’ve always found degrasse Tyson phony and Sam Harris blocked me at least 6 years ago for arguing with logic. Shills.

The Human Design System - The Science of Differentiation. That’s the official full title of this body of knowledge. I’ve been a teacher and and practicer since 2009…
It’s has been around since 1987. Was being taught by approx 1991. In a nutshell it’s our genetic differentiation that’s observable and readable on the surface where we Al live out and act out very different “Ways”. Human Design is the interface that can read for any person, that which they are and are not, as it relates to how you’ll live out and be, within the life you live. And since the discovery that Neutrino have mass, it’s gained more traction, as this mass, or ‘neutrino information’ is pouring thru us at all time, to the tune of trillions per second per square inch. It carries a type of information that’s been interacting with our genome starting at conception. It’s a layer of how our genetics work which demonstrates how, there’s an aspect to it that was fixed in place at birth, that then shows up In our behaviors traits characteristics, that we live out in the surface. We know it as the ways in which we are, within the life we live…
The nice thing about it, is that one can wonder or doubt the system of these HD Mechanics. Yet all you’d need for your own mechanics of how you differentiate in this world, is to have your human design analyzed, and you’d see for yourself…
We all have the same 64 codons that sow us up , day in and day out. These genetic constructs do many things, and our genome can be read in many different levels. Our genetics determine how tall or short we are, male, or female, hair and eye, color, and a bunch of physical attributes. That’s one layer of how our genome can be read. There’s forensic genetics like at a crime scene to see who done it, which is another layer of how one can read the genome. There’s many ways our genetics can be read, like a persons predispositions to certain things, markers for various diseases, and so forth. HD is just another way to read what the mechanics of it are doing. In this case, and simply put, it’s that which is happening deep within four chemistry, that then bubbles up to the surface to be the life we live out. , it’s characteristics, our individual traits, even how we best make decisions for ourselves. I’ve always pointed out, it should be no surprise that complex workings that go on down deep within us, some of that is lived out on the surface where we live our life. Really, that shouldn’t be that much of a stretch.…
As demonstration, what I do When I read a chart of someone’s differentiation, if I immediately go to the things, you’ll recognize, and build out from there. It’s been the most amazing tool. And in 14 years of reading and analyzing this for people, I have yet to see a failure . But again, I don’t really expect people to necessarily believe that, easily, at first anyway. I just expect people to be open enough, to experiment with it yourself and see - oh my God, that’s me. It’s at that moment the knowledge comes alive within that being. It’s a see for yourself type thing…
It’s an incredible process to watch. One which it’s been my honor to take part in, thousands of times now…
Long answer, but you did ask lol. I hope that was helpful and thank you so much…
Dan ?

After watching him on the Highwire, he’s turned out to be basically a pompous blow the eating in love with himself, and afraid of dissent or difference, kind of guy. I’ve never seen Neil go through any complex mathematics have you.? Isn’t that sort of what’s required in Astronomy…, anyway, the whole thing was very on scientific, and I remember being a gasp at his consensus comments. I’m very happy others were too.

Update On Another Disgraceful Individual - Jacinda Ardern

So, what has Jacinda Ardern been up to, since she resigned as Prime Minister of NZ?
She has been appointed to three Harvard University fellowships
Perhaps all her horrible policies, which have caused death and suffering of her fellow New Zealanders, have been for personal self gain. Do the bidding of elities, get a nice elite retirement job?


This is a fantastic piece of writing. For a writing prompt, this is easily in my top five. The quality and inspiration of your work is just remarkable. You have my gratitude.
play cut mover game

Neil Degrasse Tyson

I couldn’t even finish watching that video. I can only cringe so much in one day. “Consensus CONSENSUS!!” Give poly a cracker so he will be busy chewing for a couple of minutes and give us some peace.