Nomi Prins: The Sinister Evolution Of Our Modern Banking System

It appears that science and technology while appearing to emancipate us, despite contraception,has hastened our arrival at the concrete wall of resource limits.  And since Darwin and Dawkins our evaluation of our nature has gone from flawed angel to headless gene replicator.  We seem to have awakened from a dream into a nightmare. 
The enlightment hope for reason and human perfection are looking, just now, to be cruel misdirections, which we have fallen over ourselves to take.  Science's ultimate vision seems to be the heat death of the universe.  And any inner life we used to have, and our  time and space has been monolopized by gadgets and gimmicks.  Talk about a Faustiaun pact!

I don't think any good comes from class warfare. We are the elites on a bad day - DSK might now agree.  We do need to focus on our relationships and communities and as Treebeard has said,  not volunteer to impale ourselves on things that don't have to be in our minds 99% of the time, or at all. Most of our time, as Chris says, can be spent doing the next thing well.  And we'll no doubt surprise ourselves at how resourceful we can be under pressure.  While we come up with what may be the best salvation story yet. 



Absolutely, i wasn't advocating class warfare - i was just using historical evidence as a means to give context as to how human society functions. The reason my post is a week late is because i've been cutting up wood by hand and assembling raised beds in time for the spring (with various degrees of success :slight_smile: ). I think the saying is think global act local.

For what it's worth i don't get too angry about it anymore. I'm at that point of system disassociation. I know how perverse it is but i also understand how dependent most people are on the system for resource and psychological necessities. If people want to be independent then they require food and energy independence - i don't see that happening on the scale required to avert a crisis. This will just become another history lesson for people to ignore.

All I can do at the minute is talk to the people close to me about what i do and why i do it. Sites like this help me to clarify certain aspects and present concise summaries on issues i'd never have the time to address myself. It's almost become an emotional refuge to see others here going through the same set of frustrations. But we're a minority, and it'll be the environment which changes before the people

Fantastic! A must listen. Just this one podcast is enough to gauge what can only happen in the future. The Fed shouldn't be given this much importance yet it gets to decide all functions of the economy with impunity without having a clue about the impending (next) doom. This whole concept of Fed and Monetary expansion has gone awry and nobody has the knowledge on how to resolve this and the world at large is getting adversely affected. Fed is medievalish. We need math-based (crypto currency) like features otherwise theres no telling when US$100 Trillion of unsubstantiated burden can go ten times this level. Humanity is at stake here. Thank Nomi Prins for the detailed history on Fed. She should replace Janet Yellin. Why not??

The Freedom Report, at, has an interview with Nomi Prins,  "Nomi Prins: Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and Planned Free-Trade Zones – (April 18, 2015)", for those who may be interested.

Published on Apr 18, 2015


The World is in Play

On behalf of Matterhorn Asset Management, Lars Schall talks with bestselling author Nomi Prins about current developments in finance and geopolitics, such as: the strength of the US dollar; the Chinese-lead Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank; the relationship between Wall Street and the City of London; and the planned free-trade zones in Asia and Europe with the United States.

It’s good to listen to the tips and ways from experts, this is one of the productive days for me.
Ryan |

It was a good read. One of the biggest advantages of online banking technology is that it allows you to handle transactions and monitor your bank statements anytime, anywhere, and anyplace. As a HVAC Installer, it’s very convenient because you can access your account using a smartphone. :slight_smile:

Great read! Anyone with eyes today can see the “revolving door” that connects our political and financial systems. However, this entwined relationship between Washington DC and Wall Street is not new, dating back to before the Federal Reserve was established.

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This has been a long time coming and we’re finally starting to see it come to fruition here in 2022, but it has been building up for decades. The best thing we can do as Americans is taking matters into our own hands and work for ourselves doing something we love while providing value to the world. I try to do my part by training individuals to become the strongest versions of themselves.