Obama Punishes Responsible Parties

Downrange…couldn’t have said it any better!


it is way too late for any meaningful change to take place by the dissemination of cmcc. the people of this country do not want to listen they dont even know how. they are sheeple and want to be led around by someone who looks and sounds good on tv. sorry to rain on your parade.


This ties right in with what you’re saying:

Americans watch yet more TV, Nielsen reports (AP)

NEW YORK - Americans watched more television than ever in the fourth
quarter, The Nielsen Co. reported Monday, even though the Internet is
providing another way to watch.

The average American older than 2 years watched television for 151 hours per month, Nielsen said.

That was up from 146 hours in the same period the previous year.

More watching of recorded TV explained some of the increase: that was up to 7 hours from 5 hours the year before. That included digital video recorders like the TiVo and "Start Over" features offered by some cable companies.

Among those who watch video on the Internet and on cell phones, the
time spent viewing increased from the third quarter, but at much lower
levels. The average user of Internet video spent two hours and 53 minutes on that per month, Nielsen said

In a separate report out Monday, Leichtman Research Group said only 1 percent of adults view recent TV shows online daily, and they’re no more likely to consider disconnecting their TV subscriptions.

Leichtman’s findings were based on a survey of 1,250 households last year.

CoonCat: Your have elucidated better than I did. Thank you, you’re absolutely right. And yes, I believe Jefferson would have been quite a stinker if he was around today.

Joe: It is quite possible that we can’t change the entire country and I think the momentum of this collapse is too strong for that now. But perhaps enlightenment can prevent some of the worst aspects of a collapse: civil war, fascism, you name it. Further, there is a great reason to surround yourself with like minded people and to enlighten the people that already surround you. So there is definitely a dual purpose to spreading the word.

Joe2baba is right. But without rain, there’s no rainbow. Wink Maybe the sun will come out one day.

Joe -

I don’t agree with you by a long shot. If by "meaningful change" you mean zero deficit, reigned in government spending, shrunken government oversight, complete return to states function envisioned by the framers, energy independence, environmental responsibility, ad nauseum - then no kidding you’re not going to get there.

Who says meaningful change has to apply to everyone? Meaningful change can be applied and realized by those of us who do get the message and take action to mitigate the impact of whatever happens.

Whatever happens is likely going to suck for a lot of people - it isn’t going to suck as bad for me and my family because of what we have learned and implemented because of CMCC. This may sound selfish, but that’s all the meaningful change I’m looking for at this point - anything past that is gravy. I still think the effort is not futile and we can still work our butts off to build a bigger gravy boat.

It’s sad to think that our country is filled with millions of suckers-- millions. This doesn’ t just happen at the mortgage/home level but EVERYWHERE. Most of us know how well advertising and marketing works. It wouldn’t be a multi-billion dollar industry if it didn’t. We have all been prey to marketing and advertising, hence the reason I do not allow my child to watch T.V. due to the excessive advertisements.

So, on the one hand one could argue, until his face was blue, that we need to hold people accountable for their actions (thus my argument for better education, awareness, and critical thinking skills so we may fairly apply the accountability). When we have a whole subculture of people who do no understand what a debt-to-income ratio is, there’s a problem. Basic math skills in this country is a challenge to people. Take these basic math skills and apply critical thinking-- well forget it.

On the other hand one could argue, until her face was blue, that we need to cease exploitation at every level including consumerism. We all know about this. Anyone who has some understanding of psychology/business/math (numbers game) know what I’m talking about. After knowing all this, we have the gull to say "Well you have free will right?"— Whatever. And all you business people know what I’m talking about. Don’t ask me to elaborate on this because if you’re one of the people not getting this, then you’re one of the duped.

I think it is only fair to address both problems equally to say the least!


it is way too late for any meaningful change to take place by the dissemination of cmcc. the people of this country do not want to listen they dont even know how. they are sheeple and want to be led around by someone who looks and sounds good on tv. sorry to rain on your parade.



This ties right in with what you’re saying:


Americans watch yet more TV, Nielsen reports (AP)

NEW YORK - Americans watched more television than ever in the fourth quarter, The Nielsen Co. reported Monday, even though the Internet is providing another way to watch.

The average American older than 2 years watched television for 151 hours per month, Nielsen said.


I’d say we are a sick country, nay, diseased!


I wholeheartedly agree. I do believe that ultimately we are all responsible for our own actions and while we can be influenced (sometimes too easily), in the end we still have free will make our own decisions (excepting some extreme circumstances). Sometimes others might have played a part and influenced us in a negative way, but when it really gets down to it we have to own up to our mistakes. Now that being said, the other parties who actively participated in being a negative influence should get a vigorous smackdown (usually in the figurative sense but in a few cases the literal sense as well) for their bad behavior as well. Ideally both parties should have to own up to their part in it. I just get frustrated when the blame-shifting occurs where one party or the other attempts to shirk total responsibility for their part in it. And in this particular case, when the banksters, mortgage giants, gov’t, and the Fed hold so much collective power it’s practically impossible to hold them accountable. The struggling homeowner has already been punished or is in the process and they don’t deserve to be given more grief, but the PTB are usually only held accountable when they occasionally turn on each other (and even then it’s usually just a show where they pretend to be righteously angry and pretend to be punished). Karma is already kicking those of us that drank the housing/credit bubble koolaid, but Karma apparently needs a little help in kicking the PTB in its collective behind. Anybody have good ideas on how to help Karma along here? ;^)

  • Nickbert

i hope you have lots of guns, ammo and long term food and water stored.

and oh yes a willingness to blow someone away who does not have the above and wants yours.

just what island is it you are moving to ?

but that is just a worst case scenario. best case is obama will make everything just swell.

Good Lord we only work 160 hours a month! The only way I can see people spend that much time in front of the tube (or LCD) is by spending weekends watching TV!

Now for those of us that spend 160 hours a month on the internet - we’re OK, right??? :slight_smile:




I didn’t see that coming! And we get on our kids for playing video games instead of playing outside like we did back in ancient times…

I’d say we are a sick country, nay, diseased!


Good Lord we only work 160 hours a month! The only way I can see people spend that much time in front of the tube (or LCD) is by spending weekends watching TV!

Now for those of us that spend 160 hours a month on the internet - we’re OK, right??? :slight_smile:




Divide that time by laundry, cooking, cleaning, and reading along with internet time is ok I think. It’s not t.v. that’s causing the negative impact. It’s the amount and the successful influence of advertising that’s deadening the brains of children. Also, others might consider how the internet is being spent. Youtubing it; or reading? Watching movies/videos takes almost no cognitive skills whatsoever (aka no brain activity). Reading on the other hand, at least, stimulates brain activity a little bit. That is the issue facing children. Absorption (t.v.) or Regurgitation (reading)?

That’s the problem, Joe; They’ll have guns too! You think you’re safe because you have a gun and lots of food and water? There’ll be a million people pounding on your door (with lots of guns). Don’t think you’ll be the exception or that you can escape from the realities we write about. Sharing can be a good thing-- esp. if it keeps you alive. I would not have wanted to be the merchant, during the French Revolution, that hoarded the bread and got caught… do you want to take that chance? Those merchants got the axe.

Many people do not know there is a difference between a “Citizen” and a “natural born Citizen.” Being a “Citizen” of any type, whether an Article II natural born Citizen, 14th Amendment born Citizen, 14th Amendment naturalized Citizen, or statutory born Citizen under a Congressional Act, means you are a member of the society and entitled to all its rights and privileges. But under our Constitution to serve in the singular most powerful office in our government, that is to be the President and Commander-in-Chief of our military under our Article II, Section 1, Clause 5, of our Constitution you need to be a “natural born Citizen.” Being a “natural born Citizen” cannot be conveyed by any laws of man and can only be conveyed by the facts of nature at the time of your birth and circumstances of your birth, i.e., being born in the country to two citizens of the country. (Legal Treatise “The Law of Nations – Principles of Natural Law” Section 212 by E. Vattel 1758, SCOTUS Decision Venus 1814, SCOTUS Decision Minor v Happersett 1874). This new advertorial is designed to help educate the public pictorially about the fact that Obama is NOT a Natural Born Citizen of the USA and thus is ineligible under our Constitution to the office he sits in. Obama is a Usurper who was allowed to be put there by millions in foreign money, a corruptly lead Congress, and an enabling main stream media. This is a constitutional crisis and a national security concern that must be addressed by the U.S. Supreme Court or our Republic, Constitution, and Liberties are in great danger.

Obama is hiding the truth from the People with an enabling media and is refusing to answer questions on his Article II constitutional eligibility to be President and Commander in Chief of the military. In fact he said last week people should not even question him about it. With him his exact citizenship status policy is, “don’t ask, don’t tell” and hope it goes away. Well it is not going away. This is a constitutionally based legal eligibility question. Obama’s election fraud and cover up will be revealed. The truth and the Constitution will win the day in the end and We the People will constitutionally remove the Usurper from his illegally obtained office.

Charles F. Kerchner, Jr., Commander USNR (Retired)
Lead Plaintiff, Kerchner v Obama & Congress
http://puzo1.blogspot.com/ … help the cause: http://www.protectourliberty.org/
