Off The Cuff With Lynette Zang - We've got a 50-50 chance

I was explaining the fiat currency system to the littles the other day, and started out by saying “Hey! What if we could make our own money and use it to buy real stuff?” The littlest little wandered off but the older littles and I had a good and interesting conversation. They decided at the end that it would be fun but not a good idea, because everything would be bought and when there was no more stuff it would make everyone mad.

About this time the littlest little came back in the room with a pile of money. She cut out rectangular shapes and decorated them with stars, princesses, backward dollar signs and lots of digits. I think her smallest bill was $10000000000000. Her plan is that we should go to Walmart and buy: a mansion, a boat, all the candy, princess underwear and a baby goat.

Her plan makes more fiscal sense to me than most of what is happening in our nations financial system. #TeamWalmart.


Lol, too true & all too sad!!


The price of unconditional love being tested I suppose. It’s tiring sometimes. Unfortunately, I am linked to a family, and close community that I deeply care about. Here’s an example…a number of years ago, my son and his wife were gifted a not insignificant amount of silver. Not huge, but enough to get a person thinking. Along with it came the long and requisite talk about the math problem with fiat systems and the end result. …and a need to start stacking. Fast forward to last week…“gee, I guess I should have listened to you, what you said is spot on.” Rinse and repeat in a thousand variations. They see, yet they don’t. They hear, yet they don’t. I’m getting a calloused forehead from all the “no $hit we’ve talked about this for years” face palming lately. Whining over!


I’d love to see someone do that in front of Congress, in reply to AOC waxing poetic about MMT.


She made a video on it on her new yt. I don’t think I watched much, but seems like they had disagreements on direction and how to assist people


I love her list of priorities!


This is so creative 1 I;ll donate the goat.


She and I watcha lot of baby goat videos. If there is anything on the planet more adorable than a baby goat, I don’t know what it is. How their legs seem to be on springs and they jump and skip with such exuberance, and hop around on bales of hay and wood piles. This may sound silly, but such joyous displays of the life force give me hope for the future.


Not silly at all. Watching the newborn goats and lambs in the pasture is hard to beat!


I’d say the real problem is that many people haven’t had a real shock to their world and had to live through hardship, i.e War or Great Depression. Which would make sense when you consider the number of Eastern Europeans that are uneasy with the way Governments are going Totalitarian, but not so with the soft Westerners.


Hell, a substantial number haven’t lived through a good recession or three. Explanation gets you a your harshing my buzz man response. Smart folks too, my accountant knows the math…he’s like “something will work out.” And he comes from a local multi generational ranching family that has endured some bad times. Same with a board I sit on. Smart guys, achievers…we’re gonna do this $40mil project. How exactly? Bonds! thats the ticket…bonds are getting a little pricey bros, y’all think this will pencil out to give the taxpayers an equtible deal? Let’s discuss some of the upcoming potential economic ramifications on this deal. It’s for the responders…we have to do it! Can we talk less sexy and expensive options? Nope…its for the responders. The road to hell is indeed paved with good intentions.


I love Lynette. I’ve always thought her mantra aligned well with Chris’s message. It was fun to listen to two of my favorite truth-tellers enjoy the back-and forth of a good conversation.

Thanks for having her on again, Chris!
“Rock and roll hoochie koo”, Lynette!! : )


I tried looking up Lynette’s online previous metal store but it doesn’t look like it is functioning yet? Where you can order small increments of silver/gold?

Costco is a good source

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Take a look at

Compare prices live here:


Costco had them but sold out before I could order :weary:

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Check daily, first thing in the morning


I have a better chance of getting eaten by a shark, struck by lightning, while climbing a mountain than the US has to get its fiscal house in order. Zero chance the clowns in Washington go down the path of honest money and fiscal constraint. Borrow from the future!! #MOAR


Today is June 15th. Costco has Silver Eagles. Only one transaction per membership with a limit of 5 units of 20 coins. Price $689.99 per unit (tube) of 20 eagles.


That’s $34.50. They have .9999 Maples for $32.36. Just sayin’. Bagged my limit…