One Chart Says It All

Every time I see this guy I ask myself: “Who is this guy’s barber?”. Or is that a rug? Aloha, Steve

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Sorry to hyjack the discussion but it would seem as though I am having issues with my subscription. I paid for the peak insider subscription but it would seem I am unable to open or look on to any forums. It would be nice to use the site again.

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Thanks, it’s fixed. Much appreciated.

Chris, Your Part 1 Post Made Zerohedge

Why One Chart Shows Economic Collapse is Inevitable” ,
(Apologies if someone already posted elsewhere).

I’m Beginning To Wonder If Gaia Herself Is Beginning To Take On The Us.

“It’s those unexpected and oftentimes worse than the worst case projected scenarios that we are starting to see.”
First, 500 year floods destroy Yellowstone
“Denali National Park in Alaska is battling road closures caused by melting permafrost”
Now, CA fires threaten Yosemite Sequoias.

Energy Blindness

“I’m not sure why this energy blindness exists, but it is as mysterious as it is widespread.”
Read Frederick Soddy on virtual wealth (available for free because he was writing in the early 20th century). I think he was essentially correct. The situation is, while energy availability grows, the economy grows and the way to run the economy is with effectively debt-based negative money, or fiat money (Soddy calls it “virtual wealth”). When it decreases, the economy decreases and the way to run the economy is with positive money, which is not a theoretical concept but having hard commodities in your possession, traditionally gold and silver, but other commodities can also be of monetary use. People are so used to thinking in terms of debt-based money that they find it extremely hard to think at all in terms of positive money.
To complicate things further, secrecy relates to the state of the economy. A growing economy can tolerate more secrecy/privacy without causing harm to anyone. When there is less for everyone, people become more suspicious and also, because times are more chaotic, less tolerant of people deliberately increasing uncertainty. So there is a general demand for information coming out into the light, while at the same time, some people are determined to keep some things private in order to protect what’s important to them. Which creates some weird information dynamics.
And for the cherry, these sort of transitional times come accompanied by high inequality (read Peter Turchin for the details of the dynamics). Powerful people in times of high inequality have a very disproportionate amount of both money and attention paid to them. But just because they are powerful, it doesn’t follow that they understand the dynamics of the situation that is unfolding. In fact, it’s easy for them to be out of touch.
That’s why it’s so messy and why it ends in violence so easily.

I don’t know where it was good or bad, but I have always has changes in the major crisis times. So I educated myself not to be scared of it anymore. Now I read about how to create a professional ecommerce website like amazon and I want to start a new ecommerce business exactly this weekend. Who knows, maybe I will grow this small startup into something really big.