Overdosing On Crazy Pills

@exlsq1949: Yes, we can “hope” that Earth ends up like Venus.

I’m not sure I’d say things in Japan are fine…
Japan’s Youth Suicide Rate highest…
Or, this:

"In Japan, suicide borders on a crisis level, though the government has been active in intervention to decrease the risk of suicide among vulnerable populations. It is the leading cause of death in men among the ages of 20-44 and for women among the ages of 15 to 34. In Japanese culture, suicide, in some circumstances, has long been viewed as an honorable way to die. Consider the kamikaze pilots during World War II, whose greatest honor was to dive-bomb a plane into an Allied warship and die in the process. The practice of military suicide has been going on since at least the time of the Samurai warlords and is one factor in Japan’s high suicide rate. Japanese men are twice as likely to commit suicide as their female counterparts, particularly after a divorce. Of special concern is suicide among men who have recently lost their jobs and are no longer able to provide for their families. They may feel that they have dishonored themselves and their families and that suicide is the honorable way out of the situation. With a high cultural tolerance for suicide, many older adults end their lives after they retire. Aokigahara Forest, at the base of Japan’s Mount Fuji, is a hotspot for suicides, as hundreds of people go there each year to end their lives. Police regularly patrol the area for suicide victims and survivors."
Or the numbers showing Japanese young people aren't having much sex.   Seems like a culture that has lost itself somewhere, and it's not alone. The number of millennials turning their backs on lots of traditional things seems to be a trend across the developed world, and I would posit that this is what happens when cultures and the people in them lose their sense of purpose, existence, or connection.  

Well, at least they have Universal Health Care.
And, they don’t have 900 military bases to support around the world.
And, their population ages far longer than any other population.
And, And, And,
We can sit here an cherry-pick data all day and night long.
I’m up for that.
But one can choose any country on the face of the Earth, and make their case.
Opioid addiction doesn’t run deep in Japan, if you catch my drift.
As in other countries.

Agreed, but I would see the opioid crisis here and suicide problem there as different faces of the same malady. My point is that 30 more years on life support isn’t living, whether in Japan or here in the US.

Thirty years is not even a nanosecond refraction of light off an iris, in geological history.
30 years means an ocean rise of several meters simply forces coastal populations to move inland. Big Deal. Human race: been there, done that.
Humans have migrated over vast continental masses to avoid climate change for 100s of thousands of years.
So, what’s new?

Yep, everybody talks about how it’s all going to end up nasty pretty soon.
You know, Japan has been living with zombie banks, zombie corporations, zombie government . . . since 1989.
Thirty years going on now.
You know, the last time I was in Tokyo (18 months ago) it looked pretty damn good to me.
Who’s to say the Fed, the PTB, the MICC, and Wall Street, can’t keep this shit show alive for another 30 years too?”
Who/What is definitely going to stop them??"
CrisisMode -
Maybe the answer lies here:
In an interview by Grant Williams (“The Startling Consequences of Monetary Policy”), Stephanie Pomroy says that Japan is the example everyone points to regarding MMT. “There happen to be some pretty important differences between the US economy and Japan. The most obvious to me is that Japan in internally financed; they don’t rely on the rest of the world to finance themselves.” (At around minute 20)

“The most obvious to me is that Japan in internally financed; they don’t rely on the rest of the world to finance themselves.”
It’s still debt . . . they are in debt over the top of their head.
If it’s owed internally, or it is owed externally, it is still debt,
and debt must be PAID or DEFAULTED on.
One or the other.
Doesn’t matter to who it is owed.
Pay or default.
Those are the two choices.

all my chips are on “default.”

It really isn’t terribly significant in my mind what, when and where the downturn, crash or catalyst happens. And we can all argue the details for a long time. What matters are the consequences when it does.
Are you prepared for the consequences? And opioids and suicide are one form of preparation.

Pandora’s box?
FBI Document Warns Conspiracy Theories Are A New Domestic Terrorism Threat (HuffPost)

“The FBI assesses these conspiracy theories very likely will emerge, spread, and evolve in the modern information marketplace, occasionally driving both groups and individual extremists to carry out criminal or violent acts,” the document states. It also goes on to say the FBI believes conspiracy theory-driven extremists are likely to increase during the 2020 presidential election cycle.
The FBI said another factor driving the intensity of this threat is “the uncovering of real conspiracies or cover-ups involving illegal, harmful, or unconstitutional activities by government officials or leading political figures.” The FBI does not specify which political leaders or which cover-ups it was referring to."
For folks over at the FBI who are interested in looking into cover-ups...you might consider listening to these Fire Department Commissioners (FD Leadership) from the Franklin Square Munson Fire District (just east of Queens) in New York as they pass an important resolution last week. Here's the salient point just after 8 minutes in. Or rewind and you can catch the Pledge of Allegiance before the meeting begins.

New York Area Fire Commissioner Christopher Gioia on Seeking Justice for Fallen 9/11 Firefighters (9/11 Free Fall)

For those short on time… 34:00 in the above podcast gets particularly interesting.

Hi “e…”
Here in Europe, where the Norwegians have been socking away 1 million t,p.a. into their oilfields for 20 years it´s thumbs up. As this clip, full of boffins from Boris´team show. England has an empty oil field to fill up, and the E.U. carbon price is touching 30eu p.t.
This is exactly what the world signed up to in Paris.


Humans have migrated over vast continental masses to avoid climate change for 100s of thousands of years. So, what’s new?
Let's see... 1. The human population is over a thousand times higher now. Populations then were in the low millions or less, now we are scaling the 8th billion. 2. Sea level rise took place over a period of thousands of years. Now we are looking at decades to centuries. 3. Natural resources were plentiful then. Now, not so much. 4. Human populations were nomadic then so picking up and moving wasn't so difficult. Moving Miami going to be a real bear.... Wonder where we will put it? So to answer your facetious question, quite a lot actually is different. Don't worry though, the bacteria will be fine.

How many times will we rebuild Florida’s cities, Houston, coastal New Jersey, New Orleans and other population centers ravaged by storms lethally intensified by global warming? At what point, surveying the devastation and knowing more is inevitable, will we walk away, leaving behind vast coastal dead zones? Will we retreat even further into magical thinking to cope with the fury we have unleashed from the natural world? Or will we respond rationally and radically alter our relationship to this earth that gives us life?
Civilizations over the past 6,000 years have unfailingly squandered their futures through acts of colossal stupidity and hubris. We are probably not an exception. The physical ruins of these empires, including the Mesopotamian, Roman, Mayan and Indus, litter the earth. They elevated, during acute distress, inept and corrupt leaders who channeled anger, fear and dwindling resources into self-defeating wars and vast building projects. The ruling oligarchs, driven by greed and hedonism, retreated into privileged compounds—the Forbidden City, Versailles—and hoarded wealth as their populations endured mounting misery and poverty. The worse it got, the more the people lied to themselves and the more they wanted to be lied to. Reality was too painful to confront. They retreated into what anthropologists call “crisis cults,” which promised the return of the lost world through magical beliefs.
“The most significant characteristic of modern civilization is the sacrifice of the future for the present,” philosopher and psychologist William James wrote, “and all the power of science has been prostituted to this purpose.”
Continued here:

When I read this, this “crazy pills” posting came to mind …
Saudi Arabia unveiled plans for a Futuristic “Mega City” 33X the Size of NYC and it costs a staggering $500B.
The in-development Saudi Arabian city-state will have robot maids, flying taxis, and glow-in-the-dark sand, according to confidential planning documents obtained by the WSJ. An artificial moon will light up the sky every night, and a Jurassic Park-style island will let visitors mingle with robot dinosaurs. And there are plans for the forcible relocation of local tribes, the creation of human gene-editing clinics, and 24/7 government surveillance.

Today FedBiz Opportunities announced a multi-year sole-source award ($$ amount redacted) to Mirion Technologies for 310,000 personal dosimeters for Army personnel (“warfighters”) deployed on and off the continental US. The justification document states that Mirion was the only vendor to meet key Army requirements, including (summarized): 1) must detect both residual gamma and neutron radiation; 2) must be able to accurately measure dose from prompt gamma and prompt neutron radiation from a nuclear criticality event (e.g., a nuclear blast or criticality event at nuclear power industry; 3) provide real-time display of dose and connectivity…
Makes you wonder what scenarios they are prepping for.
Here are the sources and links of possible interest:
FBO award notice: https://www.fbo.gov/?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=1e7900dee6fa90235d2a24fb6d194894&tab=core&_cview=0
Sole-source award justification: https://www.fbo.gov/utils/view?id=e5c6507b4ff24bef5651def7ae378f95
Mirion Technologies dosimeter data sheet for "military and homeland security applications: https://mirion.s3.amazonaws.com/cms4_mirion/files/pdf/spec-sheets/mbd-2_ops915.pdf?1562160850

I don’t agree with all of the views and nor do I follow this blogger regularly, but he has posted information and resources at times that have proven unique and accurate in the past. I don’t know the source of the blogger’s information re: type and quantity of spent ammo retrieved at the site.
Potrblog.com reports via Twitter:
“based on quantity of recovered .45cal brass it would appear that a significant number of #Daytonshooting victims @ #NedPeppers where hit by police handgun fire through front door
48 rounds .45 cal pistol
16 rnds .223 rifle
1 shotgun rnd
note right screen [in video]
LiveLeak Dayton, Ohio Police release surveillance video from Dayton…
Police release surveillance video from Dayton mass shooting Dayton, Ohio police have released surveillance video that captures footage from the mass shooting…
10:52 AM · Aug 5, 2019”

Two reports I read this morning state that authorities recovered "at least" 41 shells fired by the shooter. I assume they were .223s as his weapon is reported to be a modified AR15 type gun. Its unclear to me how it was modified to accept a high capacity drum mag.

And it’s out of stock. I wonder what that means?