Peak Personalities: James Kunstler

JHK lost me a few years back when he said women had 100% control over their reproductive futures.
It turned my stomach at first but it reveals so much and almost makes him into a mensh.
He only sees a world where a woman can walk into a bar and chose who to leave with. The guy who keeps striking out doesn’t get to choose - he has no reproductive choice. Plus, in JHK’s world a women can always choose to end a pregnancy. And I guess no women get raped in that JHK’s world so… yeah, they have 100% control over their reproductive futures.

I so wish I could remember my label yet I identify with your description of seeing the man behind the curtain and I too have been dismayed at Liberal elitism and agree the divide and conquer play out to well on Social Media. Yet at this time, before the internet goes down, I still feel there may be a chance to shape the conversation. Havn’t seen the way yet hoping inspiration bubbles from the innate wisdom that keeps me from joining the sheeple rather remaining a grounded, pointing to a different direction to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

Got it, thanks!


Yeah maybe, but I love listening to him. He reminds me of the irreverent George Carlin.

Chris mentioned “medical nihillism” and Dr. McCullough called the reluctance to use HCQ or Ivermectin “therapeutic” nihillism. I believe this relates: the reason PHARMA goes to third world countries to conduct drug trials is so they can injure, murder people and get away with it. That’s what the Recovery and Solidarity trials did! They murdered people (and got away with it) just to prove their nihillistic tendencies and move the vaccine agenda unfettered by cheap, safe therapeutic, life saving interventions.
I agree with the sentiments of #3-- 2Donks-- …so depressing (that our country has devolved to such a state of dysfunction).

And pls block the posters! Thanks!

Thank you, Jan!