We can well drive ourselves nuts trying to predict this. The next 10 years are not going to be kind to those who cannot operate in an environment of uncertainty.
Today I came across some evidence that the “undocumented migration scheme” being run on other Western nations is pretty much formalized now in Canada. Im certain Im way late to that realization and I always assumed it was coming anyway, but I just see chaos everywhere going forward.
There is no magic-bullet way out of this.
No obvious investment guaranteed to preserve wealth. No obvious place to run where it will all be peaceful. No way to make a living that is guaranteed in advance to be resilient to “We are all in this together” demands that would destroy your spirit if you met them.
Just keeping eyes and heart open. Looking out for danger. Waiting for opportunities. A grounding in history’s cycles and economic theory will help with all of this. Spiritual grounding too, but I’m still trying to work that out.