QE for Dummies

Bob,How about putting down the swearing, insulting, and name calling you did via PM that induced me to write that?  And please tell us what FO means Bob.  Unlike you, I have too much class to put it out there.  Let's see if you're man enough to be honest about the situation and write what you wrote.  I doubt it. 

I won't bother posting in the thread any more with respect for Adam's wishes but you project a hell of a lot into what I say that's based on your own fears, whether those fears are conscious or subconscious.  Read what I write, my friend, not what you project into what I write.  The fact that my comments stir such an emotional reaction in you demonstrates that fear.  The two most important preparations that one can make for what is coming are spiritual and psychological.  I don't know where you are spiritually.  That's your business but I'd be more than willing to share with you, if you're interested.  If not, that's fine too.  But psychologically, you're all over the place, up and down, left and right.  First you're RED, WHITE, AND BLUE.  Then you're buying Canadian coins and keeping them it Canada.  First you don't have quit in your DNA.  Then you're saying, give it a rest.  First you claim to have weapons expertise.  Then you say things that don't seem to reflect that expertise.  First you claim to be willing to defend your loved ones unto death (and I think you would).  But the fact you crow about it so much reveals that you're not so sure if you'll have what it takes or not. First you claim that one needs to follow rules.  Then you use words like f***, bull***, , etc., make ad hominem attacks, and make abortion references (a woman's right to choose), all of which are against the rules.  You makes claim of being very knowledgeable but your frequent spelling errors (bazaar for bizarre, for example) barely reflect a high school education.  And your compulsive need to appear as a modern replacement for Gloria Steinem in terms of women's advocacy, is so forced that it reflects a deeper inclination that is probably at odds with how you would like to be perceived.  As you would say, it's bizarre.  And that concerns me, especially when you're giving advice to others.  I get the sense that you think gold, guns, and a garden will get you through.  Maybe it will, maybe it won't.  But emotional stability is going to be very, very important and I see that as a deficiency that you haven't addressed in your preps.  That being said, I'm speaking to you like I'd speak to a brother.  No bull, straight up man-to-man talk.  I actually like you.  I just disagree with you, as you do with me, but I don't harbor any ill will.  Best of luck 
ao I do respect woman (Pops taught me this) and I am sorry that feels strained to you. I have 5 sisters and a Mom. What? Really!? Spelling errors are common among the brightest here, Chris even. I blame spell check frankly, who doesn't anymore? As for the rest of this critique, just psycho babble to me. Oh, and  I do believe woman have the right  to chose and who's rules exactly are they breaking?
Respectfully Given

Bob & ao -
We've been here before.

If you two have differences you can't resolve over PM, take it up with the moderators. Or take it up with me. Don't spillover your personal issues onto the public threads. It devalues the discourse this community deserves

As always, here's a reminder to review this site's rules for posting

I won't bother posting in the thread any more with respect for Adam's wishes but you project a hell of a lot into what I say that's based on your own fears, whether those fears are conscious or subconscious.  Read what I write, my friend, not what you project into what I write.  The fact that my comments stir such an emotional reaction in you demonstrates that fear.  The two most important preparations that one can make for what is coming are spiritual and psychological.  I don't know where you are spiritually.  That's your business but I'd be more than willing to share with you, if you're interested.  If not, that's fine too.  But psychologically, you're all over the place, up and down, left and right.  First you're RED, WHITE, AND BLUE.  Then you're buying Canadian coins and keeping them it Canada.  First you don't have quit in your DNA.  Then you're saying, give it a rest.  First you claim to have weapons expertise.  Then you say things that don't seem to reflect that expertise.  First you claim to be willing to defend your loved ones unto death (and I think you would).  But the fact you crow about it so much reveals that you're not so sure if you'll have what it takes or not. First you claim that one needs to follow rules.  Then you use words like f***, bull***, , etc., make ad hominem attacks, and make abortion references (a woman's right to choose), all of which are against the rules.  You makes claim of being very knowledgeable but your frequent spelling errors (bazaar for bizarre, for example) barely reflect a high school education.  And your compulsive need to appear as a modern replacement for Gloria Steinem in terms of women's advocacy, is so forced that it reflects a deeper inclination that is probably at odds with how you would like to be perceived.  As you would say, it's bizarre.  And that concerns me, especially when you're giving advice to others.  I get the sense that you think gold, guns, and a garden will get you through.  Maybe it will, maybe it won't.  But emotional stability is going to be very, very important and I see that as a deficiency that you haven't addressed in your preps.  That being said, I'm speaking to you like I'd speak to a brother.  No bull, straight up man-to-man talk.  I actually like you.  I just disagree with you, as you do with me, but I don't harbor any ill will.  Best of luck 
ao I do respect woman (Pops taught me this) and I am sorry that feels strained to you. Spelling errors are common among the brightest here. As for the rest of this critique, just psycho babble to me.
Respectfully Given
You still haven't told the truth Bob, have you? Post your comments.  No?  I'm not surprised.  I'd be ashamed to post them too.  Plus, you'd get banned if you did.  We could carry on this discussion on PM, which is more appropriate, but for some reason, you seem afraid of me and blocked me.  That's fine but it leaves posting as my only means of replying. 
You know, when you posted about your physical problems to Mark, hoping for a reply (which he isn't really professionally educated or equipped to do which is why he didn't respond), I really wanted to write you giving you some advice.  It's what I do and I've been acknowledged as one of the best in the country at it.  But I also wasn't going to waste my time composing a lengthy reply only to have it thrown back in my face.  If you're interested, I'm willing to help.  If not, that's fine too.  I can understand.  Just don't let your pride get in the way of your common sense.  I'm offering you a peace offering if you're willing to accept it.  Ball's in your court.   

As this is a pretty in depth question, but not too hard to understand.  Problem - Reaction - Solution
Problem - Reaction - Solution Part 2
Hegelian Dialectic
Darby, these are probably way below what you're looking for in an explanation.  But they're a good start.  And truth be told, it really is as simple as what the 3 video's above teach!  As is stated "Simple and Diabolical".

I understand.  Everyone must go through the stages on their own.  I hadn't heard about Chris Duane's situation, but not surprising. 
Life is getting more and more interesting.  They're starting to shove, more than gently push…

…as just sometimes a home run is called when the ball hits the FOUL pole. When the little shortstop hits the homer to win the World Series (Bucky Dent), and when Bob Gibson loses (he seldom did) and the Tigers win the World Series.
Here at PP we have a diverse group of people, and honestly we have our thoughts and expectations. Not always are we wanting to live in the Matrix, believe in the Illuminati (Angels and Demons, DaVinci code) or like to be challenged by the enlightened ones. Some of us have skirted lifes tragic ways just fine until now, and have found the same resourses as we all have here at PP. We have all arrived at the same place and time for the truth, Dr.Martenson's character has brought many of us here, and now we have to contend with the babblers who see things already finished and in total and complete disrepair. As it is rigged against all us "Sheeple". I say right now I am not "Sheeple" and to believe you are is already a self fullfilling prophesy.

It becomes too much, for me anyways. Not in the way that I can't handle the TRUTH but because no one knows the ending, and if they say they do then I will question them. Hopefully not be censored when I answer what is an obvious slander to another person here. I figure, if reference material is available then share it with everyone and let the words speak. I have no ego with regards to the TRUTH.

Some of us guard ourselves against those who have particular syndrome's like the "God Complex":


Some  of us even reason why would someone of such stature and good works, and are well regarded chase a simple minded house builder around a site like PP. I mean, he's world renowned a "Legend in his/her own mind" perhaps?:


My point to all of this is I will let the numbers tell the tape, allow for history to be written by the winners, and just live now, for the moment, and I really do not care what is only guessed at in the future. I won't be consumed in other words by something yet transparent. I certainly don't want to be brow beaten by anyone who claims to have the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. These type Folks in my world are scam artists, less, and try and give Gold coins away on some board walk somewhere. Their creepy in other words, and to be avoided.

Does anyone here really care if everyone knows the price of Gold? Does it impact your life in the least, and how exactly? So perhaps a venue was created for shits and giggles, and I think now that was what was achieved, and only that.

I understand they (any member here at PP) are well regarded by some, and so I walk away from them, avoid them, BLOCK THEM, and then sometimes you have to give an alternate answer to the self righteous crowd. Some balance then.

I'll stand alone then if necessary, have always reserved the right to change my mind at a moments notice and are quite adaptive as I see this (always) as a necessary tool.

NO!, I need no psychobabblers blowing in my ear telling me to follow them, that I am in trouble if I can't see the light. Just so not me to do anything because someone tells me this is the way. Not me. I'll take the long route then, and I am supremely confident  that I will arrive wherever this is going and have a place. I have arrived here with many of you at PP, at the same time nearly! Go figure.

In my world, not the World over, I am Bob, Dad, Grandpa, Husband, and I excel in my role here. That's  enough for me.

Food for thought: I think we criticize most in others what we have seen in ourselves. Just a thought.

Note: Any mispellings are spell checks fault and if anyone has issues with this then take it up with the Professor as his spelling is not flawless either, and he can answer this better than I. He's the Professor. I'm not. Just a student.



With regard to opinions, disagreements and conflicts…
The strongest teams/societies are those that embrace diversity - indeed it is the only way that vital perspective can be found. There is nothing to be gained from being in a place where everyone displays similar thoughts and actions. A business full of "yes men" rarely prospers; a hockey team with only right shooting wingers will not win the cup; a community with only one ideology is not truly a community, and will not prosper in the same way as one that embraces several ideologies.

PP is a community of global followers, and therefore geographically, culturally, economically and politically different. This is cause for celebration! How lucky we are to have such a wealth of diversity to share perspectives with us!

There are times when perhaps some do not appreciate this diversity, and do not appreciate other perspectives. That is okay. We are allowed to disagree. It is good and healthy to debate. The whole point to a discussion is to get information, filter it and take from it that which one finds useful to their own life. We are not obligated to act upon that which does not resonate with us. What is not okay is when discussion shifts to include insinuations on how people should feel or act or believe; or when beliefs are purported to be the "right" way, or the "only" way. Each person must decide what is the right way for themselves. It is not our place to tell someone else how they should feel, no matter how adamantly we might believe in our own particular perspectives, and no matter how much we disagree with the other perspectives.

This site recently received accolades as being one of the top 100 financial blogs. I personally think it should be #1, but that is beside the point. The point is, it is a top 100 site largely because, in addition to the fabulous wealth of information, there are lots of intelligent and lively debates that take place each and every day. It is what attracted me to the site in the first place. We owe it to ourselves to not allow the discussions to become divisive or acrimonious, which detracts from the professionalism CM et al have worked so hard to create.

My two cents folks. I just felt I had to chime in on this.






…and I cringed a bit as I said this because it is apparent that complimenting intelligent women is somehow trying too hard and means something else. Really? Your a person right? You write intelligent things I think so I will still compliment, and risk being called out for being something I'm not. Gosh, I'm so insecure, and wondering now how I ever survived in the land of the Big Bad Wolf.Friends Still? Should we be? You're a Girl you know, and I'm a Boy. Ah. Lets risk it.
Respectfully Given

Your humor is appreciated. Hopefully we boys and girls can be friends here.Denise

…I am glad you laughed today.
I like Girls

Respectfully Given


  1. FED was the primary reason for market collapse…
    FED decided that on Oct 6,2008 that it will start paying interest on deposit of money with the fed by banks… This was initially supposed to be implemented in 2011 but was fast forwarded to Oct 1,2008 here is the FED notice about paying interest on deposits with FED. (Notice given on 6th Oct 2008 but implemented from Oct 1,2008)
Oct 1,2008:- 10,831
Oct 10,2008:- 8,451
Even after FED has reduced interest rates to near Zero and FED Money printing .. actually all the money is going back to the FED as Deposits.. 
FED has 1.5 Trillion dollars of Excess Reserves deposited by Banks instead of lending it out in the financial system.. decreasing the flow of funds and creating an artificial dollar scarcity.. 
So on the face of it .. FED is showing that it is doing all it can to increase liquidity ..
but actually its just the opposite.. it has tightened the flow of funds by giving the Banks a Risk free option of income.. 
There are FED linked banks and there are local banks (which are not dependent/linked to FED) This artificial Scarcity by FED controlled banks is leading to collapse of small banks (started by professional bankers) 
The FED Linked banks are then taking over these local professional bank`s for pennies to a dollar again gaining control of the banking business..
Now the question is .. when interest rates rise.. the excess money from the FED will flow out .. making assets prices rise even when the economy is doing badly..
=happy investing

Here's a thought: you've read about hedge funds like Blackstone buying up actual properties. This has provided support to the housing market, much to the government and industry's pleasure. I am betting the hedge funds will be able to flog on these properties just as they have been able to flog on mortgages, and so essentially what you are seeing is the government become the backstop for the housing industry, but quite literally at the level of purchasing houses themselves. Yikes.

As to the purchasing of treasuries. Alasdair hints at this when he says QE is now wrapped up in financing the government. The Fed tells the primary dealers how much (how many billion, and what duration) treasuries it wishes to buy. The primary dealers buy the notes and bonds with newly printed money as described. The money goes to the Treasury. The Treasury uses the money to fund unemployment and Medicare payments, hire defense contractors, etc. The money is not sitting at the bank. The original description doesn't capture that process fully or makes it sound like there's a cash injection into the banking system but it's really a cash injection into the funding of the federal government and, when you consider such programs as ARRA, the state and local government as well.

Is holding physical Silver going to help me?  I put every and I mean every spare dollar I have into American eagles and canadian Silver Maples.  My wife thinks I'm crazy!!!

Hello, johnnybrocker.
I can't tell you what's right for your situation, but here is what we did. We paid off all debt first. Then we built up ways to cover our food, water and energy needs: garden and pantry, rain barrels and water filter, solar hot water tanks & woodstove. Only when those were fixed did we bother with a little silver. Our home state (SC) takes it as legal tender at the spot price, and we bought enough silver to pay a few years worth of homeowner taxes. We got a very small mount of PMs (precious metals) but only after we were prepared for things like power outages, disruptions to our local deliveries (for whatever reason), and such. In my opinion, unless you are wealthy you are better off taking care of other priorities first. You cannot eat silver, nor can you drink it, nor can you wrap yourself in it to keep warm. It's good stuff, but keep it in perspective.

Check out the Take Action steps here at PeakProsperity.  And welcome.

Silly Wendy… of course you can eat Silver!  You can drink colloidal Silver, and rub it on your skin too.  
On a serious note, I agree with Wendy that Silver should not be anyone's only prep.  It is though probably the best way that I can think of to store generational wealth.  It is dramatically undervalued today due to the price suppression going on.    




Paul Karason



reference:  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1212557/Blue-man-Paul-Karason-blue-self-medicates-silver-skin-condition.html#axzz2KihUn7Wt


I so agree with Wendy, and I think all here at PP would advise the same, and satisfying all the necessities first are a must. Silver will have to be spent anyways if you leave yourself improperly prepared so her reference material was a thoughtful suggestion.Think three years ahead and prepare all possible scenarios, options, for all eventualities. PMs would then be your next step.

Thank you Wendy for your thoughful words.  I'm so new to this whole world economic trouble.  All debt is paid but it's really difficult to prepare so many areas of life that we take for granted.  It's a road we have just got on and hopefully we will continue to get advise from thoughtful folks who are also preparing for big changes.

Please help me to understand what you are saying:

Basically, the fed is buying up assets (financial assets) or the interest on these assets that we, the people, have invested and placed in the care of our banks (our money in savings accounts, checking accounts, cds, etc). So, in all actuality, we the people are paying the fed to buy up our money and then pump it back into our economy.

So basically, the money that the fed is using is/are based on intangible assets (investments/bonds) instead of something tangible such as gold/silver.

Is this correct?