Resist & Reset: 2024's Consumer Rebellion

Consumers are increasingly rejecting “the Great Reset” initiatives like electric vehicles, fake meat, and COVID-19 vaccines. Complaints range from the impracticality of EVs in cold weather and long-distance travel to the falling interest and stock values in fake meat and pharmaceutical companies. The dissatisfaction extends to other areas like online learning and social media platforms, suggesting a broader market rejection of these changes. This trend is seen as a triumph of consumer choice and a pushback against enforced conformity, with many hoping it continues to shape the market in 2024.

In the world of health, scientists are warning of a new COVID strain, known as JN.1, which they suggest could cause a global “heart failure pandemic.” The strain is said to affect the ACE2 receptors, which are common in the heart. Health officials have advised caution, particularly around New Year’s Eve celebrations, due to the potential strain on hospitals.

In the Middle East, the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Houthi military in Yemen continues to escalate. The Houthi military has targeted vessels owned or controlled by Israel, exposing the elaborate scheme of corporate camouflage used by Israel to conceal its shipping operations. This has led to shipping, port, and military officials in France, Italy, Spain, and Greece arranging secret safe-passage deals with Yemen and Iran, resulting in a blockade on Israel’s cargoes, vessels, and ports.

In the world of finance, Stellar’s “Real World” campaign, featuring Idris Elba, promotes the idea of a more equitable and borderless financial system. However, Stellar’s involvement in facilitating Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) raises concerns about privacy and surveillance. The push for borderless financial systems and interoperability could potentially undermine traditional nation states and lead to a global digital currency controlled by the power elite.

In the United States, the top New Year’s resolution for 2024 is to save more money, according to a Statista’s Consumer Insights survey. This marks a shift from previous years, where resolutions to exercise more, eat healthier, and lose weight were more common. Other popular resolutions include reducing stress from work and spending less time on social media.

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In the world of health, scientists are warning of a new COVID strain, known as JN.1, which they suggest could cause a global “heart failure pandemic.” The strain is said to affect the ACE2 receptors, which are common in the heart. Health officials have advised caution, particularly around New Year’s Eve celebrations, due to the potential strain on hospitals.
So is there any herbs or foods you can eat that will correct your ACE 2?

I am totally convinced my BP rise is caused by shedding. I have been taking something mentioned here already to get rid of it. My husbands BP is higher now too but his was so low it doesn’t matter. Now he has good pressure haha

Don’t know if this has been posted yet but it’s a great discussion with Catherine Austin Fitts, Naomi Wolf and others. I’m only half way through but I thought the Peak Prosperity community might glean some nuggets from it, adding to The Great Taking discussions and other topics.