You mentioned Goldcore having a special price possibly 1 or 2 dollars over spot. Has that offer started? Do you have any more details?
Thanks for all the work you do for us. You are a Godsend!
Good Grief. How do you even. Thanks be for our brilliant information scout and his wise and hardy co-pilot. I love how you don’t shy from hearing what the captured folks are saying because I feel vomitous when I try to go there and give up easily. That alone is a service of note.
Best thing though - “…eventually a raccoon gets in there…”. That just makes me grin like a maniac, almost cackle. OK, kinda weird, but we hardly need to say anything else. T-shirt? Or maybe that’s just me.
There’s a bigger picture to reference, while we humans go through this overheated, astonishing and rather desperate time in our affairs. I want to voice it once more because maybe we are starved for this, like we are for natural light. To quote Evie’s poet of the week,
It is like a palace, it is like a jewel…All things are like this.
I carry this, but don’t say it much. We live a place that is like a palace. It is actually a jewel. I feel like we are crippled in our knowledge of how to be here - how to notice our gratitude, our delight, our soul-deep satisfaction at having another moment to breathe Earth’s atmosphere, feel her gravity in our bones, be amongst her life forms - yet there is this sense of a potent and intimate love within humans for our place. Maybe I’m wrong. Or maybe we are just soooo easy to distract from this glorious and challenging primary relationship: creature to habitat. The love feels explosive, intelligent, joyous, humble. Humble because there is no way around mortality. Humble because a conscious lover does not do thoughtless damage to the beloved. I propose that we are all lovers of our garden in space, and that she has a wide apron full of cures as we go through this. She is reality, at least in this dimension, and she models things making sense, being gloriously beautiful, being soul-satisfying, being worthy of our best.
Thanks to all the posters. I’ll get to work on the links now.
Thanks! This sounds amazing! Will try.
My son in law is an Army officer. He and my daughter are visiting this week as the kids are on school break and we’re quite close to 2 ski areas, and his command unit is in the field a couple hours north doing winter field training this week.
Yesterday my daughter and grand-daughter made chocolate chip cookies for him to take to his rank-and-file today, the morning after their first night sleeping in zero degree weather and at least 18" of snow. They made those cookies with half butter, and half leaf lard for added energy. The substitution worked perfectly, and though the lard is slightly taste-able it is a very good cookie! (Happily, there are a few extras…)
I remember your story of how Ma Gothic made liver for breakfast for Mrs. Gothic one morning because she wanted her to have extra nutrients and energy. Now your daughter and grand-daughter are carrying on the tradition. Mother to grand-daughter and great grand-daughter. It’s a beautiful thing.
I have a friend who does Krav Maga and alot of the moves she learns deal with the potential of knife attacks.
I never noticed before …Krav MAGA,