Running Out Of Soybeans?

Seriously, why? Many people are viewing it as a means of protecting wealth much like gold, silver, land etc. choosing to buy into bitcoin or not should not depend on your views of science. I generally do not base my investing strategy on science unless you want to count statistics and probability…

Farm fires are more common than anyone wants to admit from field fire to grain bin fire to chicken barn fire to hog house fire. Having been a volunteer fire fighter before in rural areas I will say that in my experience hog house fires are the worst hands down. It did NOT smell like bacon!

I hate to hijack a thread but the situation is getting out of hand.
javanname has up til now 69 posts. I cannot remember a single one which offers any actionable strategy for achieving resilience.
As far as I can tell the sum total of what he has to offer is as follows
“P.S. I am not surprised by the behavior of Bitcoiners like Mohammed Mast. Bitcoin has a mining algorithm that was never designed to advance science, so Bitcoin attracts science haters like Mohammed Mast.”
69 posts of this very same thing, am I the only one here who sees a problem? Does anyone find this in anyway related to resilience, the three E’s or the ethos of this site?
Does this sort of behavior foster dialog? Does it foster an examination of issues? Is it helpful to anyone?
Does anyone feel compelled to make this issue known to the Owners?
This is a regular feature of Facebook. Do the members here want to see this turn into Facebook?
Just asking for a friend

Mohammed Mast-My name is not Javanname. I am not a Java man (aka a Homo erectus erectus with a Cactus erectus growing on his lawn and a pet Felis cactus using the Cactus erectus as a scratching post). I am not Java the script or Jabba the Hutt (though I do code in Javascript; how do you think I made my profile picture? And yes, Java and JavaScript are completely different) or Pizza the Hutt either (though I did eat some pizza today). When talking about me, please have the decency to spell my name correctly. When quoting me, you should explain why I said the things I have said so I don't have to. I have called out your behavior for saying things like "Who gives a shit about advancing science? I certainly don’t.” and I have given an explanation for why someone with such an attitude would be attracted to Bitcoin.

"Does anyone find this in anyway related to resilience, the three E's or the ethos of this site?"-Hmm. Let's see. Economy-CHECK Energy-CHECK Environment-Close enough "Does anyone feel compelled to make this issue known to the Owners?"-This is coming from a person who has said "Who gives a shit about advancing science? I certainly don’t.” Nearly everything you say to me is an insult. That is not good. But I agree that this is not the best thread to talk about Bitcoin.

Enjoyed the talk a lot, although I wished I could have heard more about Christian’s background. Is he a farmer? I’d be interested in hearing not just the news he collects from the internet but his personal experiences, especially weather/climate related.
I think the points being made about food security are really important (and like so many other resilience related issues) not given enough main stream attention. For me, I think about food security (at least for the mainstream US) being less about getting enough calories (at least right now) and more about growing life sustaining, nutritionally dense food. Chris’ talks with Joel Salatin (a favorite of mine) are always fantastic and so life affirming. And I’ve been following Curtis Stone as I seek to ramp up my garden from producing salad (fun stuff like cherry tomatoes, swiss chard, kale) to calorie crops (potatoes, root crops and dry beans) that would actually last us through a winter.
The difference I have with Ice Age Farmer (I’ve seen a few of his videos from several months ago) is that his logic seems to be very strictly “global cooling (maunder minimum) = declines in food production.” When crops are killed by a cold snap or colder weather depresses production this thesis makes sense. But just as often he gives us cases of drought, or floods, or derecho, or heat waves. These things don’t naturally follow from global cooling. These would seem to more logically flow from abrupt, human induced climate change, which Christian seems to be skeptical of.
Paul Beckwith, a lecturer in climate science in Canada, has started doing videos explaining the mechanisms by which abrupt human-induced climate change has already started lowering crop yields and threatens the possibilities of truly extreme crop failures in the future. His science and logic is highly rigorous and the possibilities are really scary. It’s a complex situation but 2 brief examples would be: with diminished temperature difference between mid latitudes and the arctic, the jet stream slows down and can get ‘stuck.’ A second difference is that for every 1 degree celsius temperature increase, the atmosphere holds 7% more moisture, meaning increasingly violent rains become more the norm.

If China is buying all those soybeans, and Brazil is experiencing drought, won’t our farmers be ramping up Planting for next year? They must be making lots of money on these sales. Or are we saying , we might fall short on supply before harvest? Meat producers could hedge that situation, if they are informed.

Not all soils are blessed with enough zinc, copper, manganese, magnesium and such, which are all critical to health. Take a look at Steve Solomon’s book The Intelligent Gardener. He has the easiest approach for deciding what is needed and how to put it down. Based on Albrecht’s long ago work. He also explains which labs can do the kind of soil testing that you need to make these decisions. You send it to them in the mail and they send the results by email. For gardens you can order what you need and apply it. For larger areas like pastures, you give the livestock what is missing in their pasture plants and hay, based on tissue testing of their forages, and they will lay it down for you over the years. Without this step, you can end up with food you produce to eat that does not provide all of the minerals that you need to be healthy and strong. Check out The Intelligent Gardener.

Forget to add that one of the only places I know of to buy the minerals you need for your garden, or if you need to supplement one or two things for livestock, in addition to purchased salt/supplement mixes is Black Lake Organic in the Seattle area. They will ship just about anywhere. They have a good web site listing of what they offer. Gary Kline started this service many years ago and is now one of the only ones still offering it. They also do soil assessments through the mail. Good folks. We are watching for Gary to publish all all encompassing book of his life’s work, hopefully soon.

Don’t know how many of you have already heard this, he kind of nails it. It is very much in line with the beginning part of the conversation.
As well prepared as I am, still, every time I hear this stuff, still feel like I am not moving fast enough. Not doing quite enough.
The great effort of internalizing the simple statement that to know and not to do, is not to know. When knowledge is complete, action is complete.
Or perhaps a better why to say that is when knowledge becomes wisdom, action is complete.
Surprised that this has not been taken down yet.

From what I have read about the Maunder minimum, the results were not uniform cooling, but climate instability. There are so many variables that produce weather a warming or cooling trend becomes almost secondary.
You can get long cold snaps due to a warming trend. It’s important to dig down to establish underlying causes. Our current climate is unstable, due in large part to human induced introduction of greenhouse gases.
The worst effect of global warming, is ongoing droughts, not warmer weather. That, we can deal with. Shorter growing seasons during cold snaps? There are work arounds. Persistent drought? Not so much–and certainly not when droughts are coupled with monsoon types of rain events that kill crops just as handily as dry weather.
Humans will be migrating to the fewer and smaller goldilocks zones, in the future. It will require tremendous good will, compassion and a global governmental response to help those left behind.
Cooperative farming, intentional communities, within goldilocks zones will be imperative and encouraged, imho.

transcript coming?


I really disliked this interview. It’s too bad because I’ve been running a meat-centric homestead since 2008. I got my PDC in 2011 with Geoff Lawton.
My first shock was this, “Just to name the pandemic shutting down the meat plants earlier in the year,…” except he actually said PLANDEMIC. I went back and listened a 2nd time.
I was hoping it was a slip of the tongue but then later he says this, "You can see this when you go into a supermarket and don’t wear a mask and you get some scowls, but then you get this one guy who is like, well, wait a minute. If he’s not going to do this, I’m not going to do this, and he takes it off. "
So this guy is advocating refusing to wear a mask and there is zero push back from Chris. Wow.

Pardon my ignorance but what’s the best feed for farm animals?
Corn, soybeans, other?
My uncle said that he feeds some hydroponic follage to his cows and they get noticeably happy. I never got to ask what kind of crop was that.

The best feed is natural feed. If a cow…grass lands. If a pig they eat nuts and all sorts of things in the forest and field and they like scraps. In the wild most animals would not be eating soybeans or corn. Go natural its the best choice.

If you research this topic, you’ll find bamboo leaves and shoots are perfectly fine for ruminants. They like it too. The great part is that it grows quickly, is completely autonomously renewable, and certain varieties can withstand snow. Some folks are experimenting with using it for winter fodder versus hay.
Nutritive value of bamboo for livestock

i don’t have livestock. i grow bamboo for me to eat

If anyone wants to discuss this in more depth, perhaps in the agriculture and permaculture section of the living systems forum, then I’d love to swap ideas re post-industrial fodders for a low input/low-medium output mixed small farm situation.
Cows and sheep: meat animals are pretty straightforward if you choose heritage breeds originally bred for your climate which hasn’t been excessively inbred by hobbyists. Pasture (a mix of many grasses for carbs, legumes for fats and protein and herbs/bushes for vitamins, minerals and medicinal compounds) is best and requires minimal effort beyond correct rotational grazing to produce. Most places without significant snow can ‘stockpile’ pasture in situ for feeding out during lean seasons, if you rotationally graze. If snow gets too deep for the animals to graze through then silage and hay are the traditional answer. You can grow all sorts of higher calorie feeds like maize, alfalfa, kudzu, bamboo, seaweed etc but most of them require much higher inputs to get useful fodder and/or have other downsides. Dairy cows are trickier, even heritage lower yield breeds need much more calories and protein year round. Root crops were popular in Europe to supplement pasture or silage/hay. Never been associated with dairy sheep and goats are too smart for me. There is a useful old book ‘Feeds and feeding’ which can be used to calculate balanced feeds for all sorts of animals using what was available in 1910. The website ‘Matron of Husbandry’/Throwback at Trapper Creek hasn’t been updated in a few years but the archives have a wealth of information about handling a small rotationally grazed, pastured beef herd and integrating a family milk cow on a low input system.
Poultry - geese and ducks are much easier than chickens if you want low-input bird meat, provided you have year round green grass (geese) or a fairly big pond (ducks and geese). The scraps from the humans and all the other animals on a farm + a large compost heap or forested area should be able to support a small flock of heritage egg layers (6-7 hens, replacement chicks, 1 rooster), with the extra roosters and old hens each year turned into casseroles or soup.
I’ve never had pigs. I love bacon and they can be helpful for weed destruction/roto-tilling but based on my friend’s experience with them, I would add them last to a farm. They are clever, incredibly destructive and as essentially obligate omnivores can be tricky to (legally) feed on a low-input basis. Running them at low density in oak/fruit/nut woodlands with a pasture understory seems to be ideal but the trees need to be well and truly mature. Lysine and methionine needs are pretty high for even heritage breeds to grow, traditionally this was supplied by dairy residues and/or swill feeding meat scraps. These may be difficult to source or illegal in your location. The woodland situation allows the pigs access to bugs and small animals to snack on, the acorns and nuts have methionine, which may allow you to get away with just using field peas and beans for the lysine, especially if you’re not trying to absolutely max out growth.

Thanks for bringing Matron of Husbandry to mind. I followed her blog a long time ago.
I would be interested in an ag/rotational grazing/stockpiled forage discussion.
Maybe brushhog would join in with thoughts on his 4 ley rotation.