Save The World By First Saving Yourself

50% Of humanity loses their jobs and better yet dies?

Excellent summary Chris. I don’t see a solution to this except pain and death.
Example. The average person just doesn’t understand the magnitude of the problem and frankly doesn’t seem to care. A coworker and I were discussing future energy problems. He said I don’t care what happens in twenty years as long as I have my air conditioning! We live in Florida. He was serious and not joking. The sad thing, he has two children in their twenties.

“f we have too little oxygen burn down the Amazon? If the planet heats up too much due too humanity’s actions spray stratosphere via SRM.
Is there really any confusion as to why we’re screwed???”

And yet Dane Wigington from has documented evidence these programs are in full effect today and have been for many decades which helps explain some of the extreme wacky weather i.e. “weather whiplash”.
Here’s a list of some of the patents being used already in SRM and many of these patents are owned by defense contractors:

I liked this line a lot:
“It’s quite a lot to ask people to willing[ly] give up anything, let alone nearly everything.”
Reminds me of recent facebook posts and conversations about some restaurants not providing straws. It makes sense to me, a totally unnecessary single use item that we don’t use at home, why do we need one in a restaurant?
There are some people who are genuinely angry about not getting a straw. I see people mad about not getting a straw and just think “HOLY CRAP - you really have no clue what is coming.”

Yes, Mr Wigington. I’ve heard his claims and seen his evidence; largely doesn’t pass my “BS” detector. But, what would ruling it out totally be…
HUBRIS :slight_smile:
Therefore, I wont.
After all, to do that I’d have to believe the Government wouldn’t lie to me!

It’s hard to emotionally motivate people from a video like this one. Pink and green hair and lots of talking.
What has motivated me was living in a place that hit many new temperature extremes this summer and copious days of smoke filled skies due to multiple wildfires around the state. Fire danger has been extreme. Our thermometer hit 101 at our Farmstead this summer. I remember summers where the temperature barely crept above the 70’s. People respond better to being shown not told. We are hard wired for stories not data.

We each require some time to reorganize into a new viewpoint.
Similar to a car, stopped at a traffic light, that must merge into freeway traffic going 65 mph. It requires an “on ramp” where the task where the first task is to accelerate from 0 to 10 mph. Once completed, the next task is from 10 to 20, etc.
The immense personal impact of what is being required of us is impossible to swallow in one bite.

Yes, Mr Wigington. I’ve heard his claims and seen his evidence; largely doesn’t pass my “BS” detector. But, what would ruling it out totally be……
You think Dane Wigington is a BS artist? Highly doubtful as former CIA Agent Kevin Shipp has admitted these programs are ongoing. John Brennan has used the same terminology as Wigington. Then of course there’s the 750 pg 1978 Senate Report detailing these programs.
Then there is Vice President LBJ telling graduate students as far back as the early 60’s, “he who controls the weather will control the world”.

As much as the media incites us to be oppositional, there is the environmental science. Prof. Beckwith here will inform you about where oxygen comes from and by how much and the inter-relationships to CO2, etc.
Meanwhile, CNN is using the environmental moment to safe it’s financial hide with a 7 hour “debate” on the environment with only Democratic candidates. DNC paid advert?

Respect. That was a brilliant analysis and summary Chris, even by your high standards. Your post really provoked me to think hard. So I reviewed the ER website and the stated “1-2-3 demands” are much more about rattling the UK government cage to take responsibility and act, rather than making it clear to the public what the consequences of acting will eventually turn out to be for everyone… (i.e. the complete loss of “normal daily life” for most if not all of the human species that manages to survive the successful achievement of even a 25% decarbonisation ). Be careful what you wish for so to speak
Ironically, the lady scientist openly admitted towards the end of the video that she had no personal concept of what life would be like if humanity struggled to find enough to eat…and cutting carbon by 50% (without an alternative to fill the gap) will mean exactly that…de-carbonising = de-economising = de-populationing…
Damned if you do, or don’t is indeed a grim truth that most people don’t really wish to hear, including us.

Are you buying Bonds via particular instruments?
Be careful about whether what your buying is based on the price or the yield. ex Lots of folks are buying VGSH which is investing in the price of short-term gov treasures, so it’s price has been going up since the rate cuts started (and will continue) but at what point should one sell this ETF? ie will the rates ever go up? will the price crash? when and why?
Also, you don’t need a brokerage. Anyone can open a free account at and buy T-notes and bills for short-term safety and longer term T-bonds if that makes any sense to you.

I think Sand Puppy nails it to be honest…everyone needs an on ramp (or several) to assist the digestion…the step journey through to acceptance…
The ER video helps to present one of the bite size chunks

A massive human die off will dramatically reduce the consumers in the world and will destroy the economy and the capability to extract resources, generate pollution and create environmental damage. If we humans solve these predicaments without extreme death and destruction it will be the first time in human history. The problems will have to be made much smaller by some forcing function outside of human problem solving to reduce them to a scale the survivors can solve or adjust to.
The only questions in my mind are how many will die, what will cause the deaths (war, disease, government democide, starvation), and in what time frame will most of the deaths occur?
So I’m trying to be ready to respond to or avoid all four. That’s as optimistic as I can be.
“Happy Hunger Games. And may the odds be ever in your favor.”

I think Dane is probably earnest, I just don’t accept his evidence as “proof”. I also put that in the context of the three “e’s”; how much energy and resources would need to be deployed secretively to achieve what he claims? Really, no more natural weather?
None of this means I know he’s wrong either! I just wouldn’t choose to invest my time and energy in it as I believe it’s a low probability reality. But, there’s also a lot of grey between white and black; who the hell knows how much he gets right?

I would like to give a hat tip to such a well heeled discussion. It was enjoyable to read all of the opinions and advice. There are some like me who, I believe, have far different motivations for our actions than that of those in the video though. And I think that’s fine.
For some of us it is more about taking bits and pieces away from a huge and impersonal system that we have no input to or control over. And putting those little pieces under our stewardship. I trade a couple gallons of fuel mix and a lot of sweat to put my winter heating needs under our control. I trade a few hundred dollars, some TLC, and a good bit of sweat to plant a nice little orchard and take care of the legacy fruit trees on our place. And take control of that little piece. Same for the new grape arbor. And the new compost bin. And all of the work on the garden. And hopefully, soon for the new fencing and barn I need to run stock.
Maybe I’m out of the norm I don’t know. But I can really relate to the old story about the monk who suddenly exclaims at dinner that he has found nirvana to which another, wiser monk tells him that is great and to now go wash his rice bowl. What I can say is that there may come a time when this nation and our communities transition from valuing debt and dependence to valuing independence and the ability to help one another out.
I’m not sure we can afford the kind of ideological purity that some insist we have.

I’ve worked with Dane for more than two years on his law suit efforts, and have been on many phone calls with multiple USAF Generals, aerosol scientists, soil scientists, biologists, and multiple attorneys and I can assure you his claims regarding the on-going geoengineering programs are very real. Sadly, deeply depressingly real. I offer no opinion on his other claims, but the stratospheric aerosol programs are on-going and long-term in scale and scope.

I would not underestimate the power of human beings fully engaging their minds, hearts, and bodies in the process of releasing the grief and terror that keeps us locked in self-destructive ruts. Rational reasoning isn’t ever enough to move the limiting beliefs we carry about our own potential or the potential of others. I have not been involved with XR yet, but would like to be, because as far as I can tell XR is offering space for people to face the feelings we would rather avoid, and in so doing, is freeing up people’s innate human intelligence to produce fresh responses that have not necessarily been thought of or tried yet. In this way, the approach is flexible, able to respond in the moment and location, as needed, without necessarily laying out ahead of time a particular framework or path to follow, and it strikes me as particularly resilient for its flexibility and adaptability. When was the last time you had a good cry about the Amazon burning? Or got to rage openly about the lack of insects? We’ve been trained to distrust and sequester those big unwieldy emotions and yet moving through them may actually be the key to turning things around.

Thanks for having the balls to Chime in…

I agree with Chris that the ER (XR) doesn’t cover everything. But here’s another video from ER founder Roger Hallam. He describes how grief of climate change comes in waves, you gasp, you get over it, then you are “shitting yourself” when you realize the enormity of the problem, then the grief comes again. He talks about how we’ve been pretending that someone will fix it, how we lie to ourselves and each other, how the Paris Climate accord is mass delusion. Clearly ER/XR’s message is limited, because they are primarily focused on climate change and fossil fuels. But Roger directly tells us that STARVATION is in the future for humans, along with continued extinction of other species and quite possibly our own, along with SOCIAL COLLAPSE and the END OF CIVILIZATION (a la Somalia, Afghanistan, Venezuela). He states that the climate crisis means the state runs out of money, schools close, hospitals run out of resources, food is scarce…
Chris has done a great job of educating the PP community and others about preparing for a low carbon future Roger Hallam looks like a long-haired liberal so his appearance might not appeal to some, but his message is very real. His stories of losing all of the vegetables on his farm due to climate change may resonate. People like stories. His are pretty grim. He lost 30,000 leeks in one year.
At 24 minutes he says, “there are literally hundreds of millions of farmers around the world shitting themselves because they don’t know what’s going to happen” with the climate & weather. Then he mentions climate refugees and war, sending your sons & daughters off to be slaughtered, and people dying from the wet bulb effect, just as the animals are dying. (Gee, are we really worried about losing our jobs???)