Senator Bill Bradley: Lack of Long-Range Planning Is Putting Our Future at Risk

Thanks Chris.  I look forward to your further thoughts on the awareness topic.

I appreciate that.  I’m sure it can be uncomfortable for you as the host when members react negatively to the guest.  But I think it is important that we let them know when we are not buying their message.  Otherwise they think it is still working and will continue the same.  As members we should remember to address the message and refrain from personal attacks.  It is easy to let anger get away from us.  I bite my tongue so often it seems like food to me. 

Signing off now.


Jim, it doesn't bother me at all. I just think it cheesy, and said so, just an opinion. Like the tabs thing that was removed. I'm glad you like it and others feel as you do so I'm cool with that. What is true is that everyone stated their positions about Mr. Bradley and they were all valid so why keep score. The reason I gave a thumbs up vote to all is that they took the time to write, express an opinion so I didn't want them to feel less valid. Just being polite frankly. Anyways, no controversy here.
Go Tigers 


Just some thoughts:

Mr. Bradley's record is his public record. I do not believe any statements here were personal attacks from any poster. If you look at Travlin chart it is so apparent what Mr. Bradley and his peers did to our country. It is why they own it. Frankly, you had to do that on purpose, and to tell me a Rhodes Scholar doesn't get it is very uncomfortable to me. It isn't like Bill has a mental block on some things for crying out loud. My Mom called that "selective disgrace".

If we could get our planned Social Security, our planned retirement, our pentions as planned then I would give all the profits from Gold back., Tax it all if it helped balance the books. Helped get everyone working on the same page. That easy, take it all except what I started with. Fact is take half of my Social Security, pentions and retirement if we get things earmark for debt destruction. I'll be fine with that. Just have a plan and keep to it. 

If I were a sensitive man with regards to this thumbs up thing then I would have to determine this site a popularity contest. Why? I said essentially everything everyone else did. I said exactly what Chris implied and everyone else except for the great chart Travlin put up. Coincidentally, I posted first so if sensitive I must conclude that I am not a valued member here at Peak Prosperity. I will continue to just be myself however, and is why I could care less. Maybe it was because I spoke up to Erik Townsend while he was so disappointed with a fellow poster, who knows. I did apologize for the manner in which I said what I said but not the content. I was terribly sick, medicated, and had a rather uncomfortable surgery. I still had to do my work, research, and read everything, and well I was put off a bit by those threads. So it is what it is I suppose.  I will have to vote everyone a 'Thumbs Up', whether the content is good or not will have to be decided by the posters here as to the flight of the thread up or down as to its importance but the only zero will be me. I'm good with that. Why? Chris Martenson started out with a thought that went on to be the Crash Course, his views on Peak Oil and nothing stood in his way to voicing his opinions and thoughts. Thank goodness no one gave him a "Thumbs down" and inhibited his growth as he went through life. Maybe discouraged him from learning and achieving. How horrible that would have been. Just my thoughts. 


Go Tigers


I don't mean to be glib, but it's a waste of time and energy talking to an establishment elite if one's goal is to effectively confront serious, entrenched, and long-term problems.
The train has left the station folks, and it's heading for certain disaster. It's a matter of time, which no one knows how long that might be. But ordinary folk need to decide now on the three, basic available choices, only one of which in my view offers any hope at all for posterity:

(1) remain on the train, cluelessly or selfishly absorbed in ones's own narcissistic reality;

(2) get off at the next stop, and try to join with a relatively small number of others to find ways to survive the impending disaster, a disaster that you're not only sure is bound to happen, but also one that none of us common folk can possibly do anything about it - it's just too late; or,

(3) rally, beseech, and organize around a core set of principles with as many people as possible in one's local communities, network and develop sufficient consensus with other communities around the country around these core issues and strategies, and then begin a glorious effort to collectively in great numbers commandeer the train, ultimately steering it into safer pastures so that the long task of creating sane insitutions on this planet can have a chance to reign.

And let me give you a hint: number three is the only hope for saving the most people from destitution or worse, and perhaps the planet itself. Clearly, Bill Bradley, and anyone in his stratosphere, will strongly resist option three. Ergo, it's a waste of time to comisserate with such people, because all you'll get is either inanity, propaganda, or misdirection. And by the way, these people don't need to be educated by the likes of Chris, or anybody else. In fact, what they need, we can't give them: humility, a heart, and an evolved moral conscience.

This was a double post. Sorry.

Welome to the fray…  and I have to say, the very best post from a first timer here, in a very long time.  As I have been saying here for several years now…  we have to change the way we do EVERYTHING, and economics must be near the very top of the list.Mike

"Return to growth."  I hear it again and again as a stated goal in emerging from our economic morass.  Senator Bradley said it early in this interview, and at that point I know that this guy does not fundamentally understand the nature of the problem. Same goes for Obama, Congress, the Fed, and virtually all world leaders.  If the goal is to fix  "structural problems"  so that we can return to a trajectory of infinity and beyond, the world is indeed faced with a real day of reckoning, something we are seeing unfold before our very eyes.
Questioning fundamental assumptions is a difficult thing for human beings to do, and I don't see our leaders making much progress…certainly not enough progress to deal with the problem of infinite growth in a finite world in any sort of an informed and proactive manner.  I am not optimistic.

Bradley's Marxist solution is Government control.  That isn't a political statement but based on what increased Government regulation means.  Its about taking from private business and individuals and replacing it with Government control.  (Does anyone truly beleive that the Government can spend you hard earned money better than you can?)  This is Keynesian economics and it has failed every single time it has ever been tried.  The extremely destructive Dodd-Frank bill touted above is a excellent example of how damaging this failed ideology has become.

[quote=robert essian]Mr. Bradley's record is his public record. I do not believe any statements here were personal attacks from any poster.
My comment about avoiding personal attacks was not directed towards you or any other posts in this thread.  It was just a reminder to us all not to let our frustrations get away from us.  Politicians are like lightning rods that way.  Like I said, I bite my tongue often.

Travlin, in principle I believe your way IS the right way.
However, enough is enough already.

Daily we get Jamie Dimon, Libor, MF Global, cons, cons and more cons.

Not anything even remotely resembles the principles we all grew up with.

So it is my feelings that if the politicians want to stir up a hornets nest they COULD NOT devise a better plan.

Our country was founded on civil disobedience, it is a mandate when our government becomes so corrupt (it is), Martin Luther King was first to apply the NON VIOLENCE clause and then the cause went violent. Then change occurred.

 What happened? Vietnam war ended, the cities of America burned and then the powers that be finally came to the table to fork over some of the cash to appease the masses. Nixon attempted to maintain the status que and was impeached.

I just don't see how biting our lips will effect anything. The truth in Mr. Bradley's case is firmly recorded in that wonderful chart you displayed. I seen others use that chart, Mish, Mr. Smith, Zero Hedge, Automatic Earth, and others. Very compelling and certainly well placed by you here. Sadly this chart also shows that the leaders of the 60's and 70's were the loudest leaders of change that America had during the love fest, change the world types in our history. These same radicals own this chart too, and I for one are very disappointed in my generation. Truly we all own this chart and I want to do my part to fix it. Where are the leaders? DEADLOCKED! 

Finally, I am NOT an angry Man (my picture shows my priorities) but I do understand that to effect change some positions must be fought for. Lord knows that the elite have the best paid for police and army to take care of their interests. My hope is that my brothers will not fire on me or our communities. History suggest, and I have witnessed that some soldiers and police are gun-ho types, and bodies are left for dead during the process. Literally.



I have listened to several politicians speak recently. These folks were in small venues and with a very sympathetic audiences. None seem to understand that a collapse is coming, not a worsening slow down. Even Senator Hatch (R-UT), who acknowledges a $78 Trillion debt, does not see anything unusual coming. We just have to 'figure out' how to handle this thing. Those waiting for the government to admit a huge, insurmountable problem exists will have to wait until it has already happened. I believe this is because what is coming is too horrible for them to admit. I am not even sure they discuss it privately. Prepare yourself and ignore the government as they are useless at this time in the game.