So It's Back To First Principles

the green triangle shows the zone of fire that the snipers 3/4 on the southern barn would have had:

so, tha man labeled crooks on the low roof of building 6 was in the zone of fire that could be served by snipers 3/4 on the southern barn on Trump’s left hand side

the bleachers and the LCD screens did not hinder the lines of sight from any of the snipers 1-4

I did not model the LCD screens in my model as they did not play an important role in the scenarios, but if you look at the green line from snipers 3/4 towards the bushes on the left of the AGR buildings, you can see that the buildings are much more to the right and the LCD screens would not have hindered their line of fire or view in any manner:

So from the bodycam, there were tents and large items(hydraulic crane) between the north bleachers and the north barn at the time of the speech.

Those are all gone in this aftermath picture.

My question is still: would those items have blocked the line of sight of the south barn team to the 3rd window on AGR 6?

Maybe there is some other footage that can help if those items aren’t already part of someone’s model.

Riddle me this: How did he get Doug Mills of the NY Times to take a picture of him without blood on his hand as the first bullet is whizzing by his head, then a second later, a picture of him with blood on his hand as he pulls it down? Again, this is a photographer with the NY Times, who hate Trump.


This doesn’t align with @cmartenson data saying the outgoing 10th shot was picked up hot on Trump’s microphone as if it came from the South facing Hercules team.

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I do not have RealDjStew’s first recording handy, but it runs until 6.10 and the last few seconds show the SWAT officers standing at the side of the white tents

the windows of that building would not have been blocked, no…

why are you focusing on these low windows?

but still, the damage on the body is not consistent with the mess a 300 winchester magnum round from a sniper rifle would have left…
the impact in ballistic gel is not a perfect equivalent of what such a bullet would do to a real human, but it surely illustrates the potential damage…

the above picture is the impact of a 300 Winchester magnum bullet on a ballistic gel head…

we do not see a huge bloody mess on that roof…

this is the image from RealDjStew’s video he shot about 5 minutes before the first shots were fired…

so, the SWAT officers had been notified to be ready…


Because I think the first 3 shots came from the 3rd window on Bldg 6. I’ve thought that ever since the Stewert video was released.

And the north barn snipers were distracted, but the south barn snipers had a view of AGR 6.

I’m not so sure that the 3rd window wasn’t blocked to their viewpoint. There is that crane arm and even more items past what you’ve shown at the time of the shooting.

It’s weird as hell that the USSS snipers were placed side by side. We all know this. 100% it was planned, which means there is a reason why.

That crane seems to line up just too perfectly between the south barn snipers and window 3 on AGR 6.

And an additional reason I think it’s window 3 and not the vent (other than ease of access), the trajectory angle of window 3 to Trump lines up with Crooks on the roof to Trump. The angle from the vent to Trump is offset. It doesn’t align.

that crane would only have blocked the line of sight of 1 of the 2 snipers of each pair…
I really do not think that window was used to shoot from…

it may look like a stupid question, but here we go: do you refer to the middle window in the first building in this building (that is building 6) or do you refer to the 3rd window of the higher building on the left (near the arrow pointing down with 1348.35ft)?

This is the actual pov without the items placed. I don’t think south barn would have had a good view of window 3. The window to the right of the exhaust stacks/funnels/whatever those are.

North barn is a non issue. They thought they were being shot and were staring at the woods.

yes, but what building are you referring to…
I really do not know whether you refer to the middle window of the low building or the 3rd window of the higher building on the left behind the lower building…

AGR 6 is explanatory.

so you refer to the middle window of the lower building.

do not get offended, when I ask something it is because I do not know the answer and want to get a clarification…

the snipers 3 and 4 would not have had a blocked view on any of the windows below the roof where the man was shot:

the tents did not get to the height of the roofs of the snipers:

a closeup of the agr buildings:

the green line indicates the line of sight of the snipers 3/4 on the barn behind Trump on his left hand side

Sonia, for what it’s worth, I see the organized, pile-on attack by two completely new (within the last few days) posters supporting the “fake blood” theory as being proof that we at, are in fact getting closer and closer to being over the target of what actually happened. These posters are here to muddy the waters with a hypothesis that Chris openly called “insane” in the days immediately after the shooting.


do you also include the active stimulation to pull as many people as possible into analyzing the vent hypothesis in your count?

If people can be respectful of your theories, you should be equally respectful to theirs. Theories are just ideas and it is ok to explore them and find flaws and rule them out.

of course. as you may have noticed, I am not the one who started calling names, he…

That’s not why I’m here.

I’ve been actively, in full public view, working this problem since the assassination attempt occurred, as ThePythonicCow on a less prominent site,, where I have been an admin and major participant since 2011. The discussion and research into this attempted assassination was more active here, so I re-invigorated my long dormant PeakProsperity membership (1) to contribute to and benefit from the work here.

Could you point me to whatever Chris said, in the early days, when he labeled something “insane”? I doubt that my current hypothesis is what Chris might have called “insane”.

If, as I am guessing, he was labeling hypothesis that the assassination was staged to be an insane hypothesis, then I quite agree, and have agreed all along … whatever happened was seriously real and seriously intended to kill Trump.

Could it be that the flak I am getting here means that it’s me who is over the target. :rofl: ?

And, by the way, my hypothesis is essentially relevant to the First Principles analysis of the mechanics, physics, geometry, ballistics and other specific physical events that occurred there, that day.

The assumption that one of the first bullets passed dangerously close to or actually nicked Trump’s right ear is baked into and a critical assumption to much of the trajectory analysis that endeavors to locate possible shooting locations.

That assumption CAN NOT be proven, at least not from any evidence I’ve seen, and I’ve seen a fair bit of it.


(1) – I’ve held the handle “ThePythonicCow” here and on since August of 2009, and on numerous other sites since late 2001. I am no newbie on some covert mission.


Hi Phase5,

I am glad we are sync! Good job!

But I don’t quite understand the differences you are mentioning. Would it be possible to show a screenshot of what you are trying to explain to us?

Now that we know where to look for a second shooter, I have been analysing various web cam videos and it’s funny, every time we get about 10 seconds before shooting, the building 6 walls completely blur out especially the parts that are interesting for us such as vent 3. I really think that we have calculated correctly when looking at the below image…

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Thanks. I realize that nothing will convince the Blue-anons, but I reply to them to keep others from being swayed.

I suspect that some “Trump did it” people are paid. While I don’t think these two are bots, I suspect that some “Trump faked it” people on X are bots.

I noticed that when there were clot shot ads on facebook, there would be hundreds of posts that appeared to be bots, all saying something like “my husband and I just got ours yesterday, and we’re so glad” (NEVER any mention of even having a sore arm), or “I going to get mine today!”, then you’d see the REAL comments in the replies. I’ll have to keep an eye on comments for ads for Trump or Harris to see if any Blue-anon bots are working.

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I have done what I can with the meager resources I have.
But it actually looks like Crooks might be the one to fire the first shot.

The image sequence is from a video.