So It's Back To First Principles

Hello KHunter,

Thank you for your feedback and spending time to verify all of our numbers. The more people check, the more accurate we get.

As stated, we are using high accuracy KML data files provided from Land ID. The results of which have been confirmed by a high accuracy drone in Garys video. But maybe we both have a very accurate way of measuring and we simply are not placing the elements at the right place?

One question: How about the other two sea levels (Trumps stage and AGR building) do you get the same as ours?

Looking at the exact positon of the bleechers wheels I double checked again and found it to be at 1336. Let’s analyse this together and maybe we can find a comon agreement on this topic:

Hi KHunter,

Yes, but you are using a government official document as a reference, something that is not so convincing in this forum.

I am sorry that I would have to disagree with this height you propose, therefore I suggest we continue to find more comparative information. The more information the closer we get to reality.

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Yeah, according to the newspaper article I provided in my prior post on this topic, during the Fulton County trial his weight seemed to be incorrect and then a whole shit storm started on X and they found out that 6’ 3” is also not possible.

I will research some more photos, because they tell the truth…

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Thank you that helps clear it up for me. I actually though his leg might be back but in the photo I had, there was no way of telling.

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Not being one to ever watch NBC except maybe the Olympic events, I had not seen this. One person had said the guy on the watertower got shot? That was thrown out but does eyewitness count? And whatever came of the woman shot in the arm???

you are so right…

he also misspells hights instead of heights, gravaty instead of gravity, etc, etc…

but anyhow, given the following images, I have a question…

we know that

  • the SWAT officer fired the 9th shot towards crooks
  • angle between the line of fire of that SWAT officer to crooks was about 12 degrees different to the line of fire of crooks towards Trump, so it was not very different from the angle he was shooting from (provided the assumption he fired some shots towards the rally area)
  • the blood trail in the 20th rib on the roof of AGR building 6 is extensive and consistent with a serious blood loss

the question I have is the following: if crooks got shot by the SWAT officer, and the stock of his DPMS A-15 got damaged as shown in the photo, wouldn’t we expect more damage to crooks’ cheek and chin area?

under the assumption that crooks fired the 5 rapid fire shots, there was about 1 second between the last shot fired from the AGR site to the rally site and the 9th shot, so crooks may have relaxed a bit and distanced his cheek/chin from the stock, but still:

  • if he relaxed and increased the distance between the shoulder part of the stock and his chin, and the SWAT officer blew away that part of the rifle’s stock, crooks may have been left relatively undamaged after that 9th shot, which means he did not engage in any other activity for the subsequent 9-10 seconds until the 10th shot finished him off
  • if he did not relax, and that part of the stock got shot off, I would think the bottom half of crooks’ mouth/chin would have been taken away with the 9th bullet…

I would have thought that

  • if the SWAT officer injured crooks without killing him, he would have a head/chest injury through which he would have bled enough to explain the blood trail
  • the 10th bullet would have finished him off, which would have stopped feeding the blood trail, as the heart would have stopped pumping out blood when dead
  • the damage to the stock could be explained away if crooks got shot through the chin/mouth/cheek, but we do not see these wounds in the photos of crooks’ dead body
  • if the SWAT officer had injured crooks in the head, or chest, the stock would not have been damaged like it was
  • as shown in the next picture, crooks looked at the witnesses under the trees at some point after the first shots were fired and before he got killed. this position looks like a very realistic position to have been taken out by a bullet coming from the rally area, leading to blood trails on the right side of his face…

crooks took this position somewhere after the 8th shot was fired and before the 10th shot finished him off, so maybe this is what happened:

  • the SWAT officer shot the rifle out of his hands with bullet 9, but did not really injure crooks. this explains the damage to the stock of the rifle, and the lack of related face injuries
  • crooks rose up above the ridge of the roof, exposing his head and enabling a head shot with bullet 10 from the person who took him out (remember that I do not believe that he got shot by any of the snipers on the barns behind Trump). this head shot would be consistent with the pictures we have seen, but if this shot killed him, the blood trail should be much smaller than what we have seen…

so, given the extended blood trail, it may as well be that bullet 10 did not kill him right away, but that

  • he got confused but not seriously wounded by bullet 9,
  • bled out following the injuries sustained from bullet 10, and
  • by the time the “first responders” were on the roof, he had died “spontaneously” or with some help while he got handcuffed…

screenshots taken from the video “Trump Video Original Unedited” at 29s:


(As I remember “riffle” was a jeans brand.)

Looks like it is only a scratch.
¿ 9th shot

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indeed, and this can as easily be a burn wound caused by the hot ridges on the roof

12 degrees? I don’t have the numbers here, but the ESU angle to Crooks can’t be that high. I’ll be surprised if it reaches 1 degree. Edit: sorry, you meant it horizontally

He died on shot 10. The reactions alone from the eye witnesses point to that. “Ohhh!!!” “He’s dead…” “They got him” “Big poof of hair”. etc… They saw it, they saw the gore. From their reactions it was unequivocal to them that Crooks had immediately died and could not have survived the event. About the Stock being broken, I know we’re curious (I am too), but does it really matter to the story? If it was the bullet from shot 9 or 10, if he fell on it hard between shots and broke it… if he himself cut it beforehand (doub it), if his head forcefully broke the stock from being pushed to the back when he got shot, or if it was the bullet from shot 10 that exited the back of his head and hit the stock (likely…), or if it broke between shots 3 and 4 or after the last shot… does it matter to the story that much? Keep in mind the FBI said they have no evidence of the bullet from the local ESU hitting the stock… that word game doesn’t exclude they have evidence of it being hit by shot 10… they also admit that the rifle was and is fully operational (and that’s a big deal, after all not even the Death Star was always fully operational).


12 degrees horizontally… not height…
the heading of the lines of fire is about 197.12 vs 184.96

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these stocks are made of very solid polymers that do not get damaged easily…

I’ve made contact with the nurse who treated her at the rally. She hasn’t decided if she wants to talk with me. I’m hoping to run it all down but I’m currently in a hold pattern.


would you happen to know her approximate location?

His reaction to turning to his right like that puzzles me. Maybe he’s disoriented from getting dinged, but it just seems peculiar. I get the impression he’s like WTF to someone he knows over there, or he thinks the shot that hit him came from that direction.

The rifle stock is puzzling as well.

@cmartenson says the mics pick up the 10th shot from the south. Without the recordings and echoes, the entire investigation would be simpler from a speculative perception. Maybe should work it backward by trying to solve it first and then layer in the recordings and echoes to see if they fit.

No, but I’ve emailed her a map of the stage and bleachers asking for her position (along with many other questions).


Very true. Not to mention reloads. Just finished an ammo data spreadsheet I’ve been working on since last night. I went through manufacturer’s websites and got data for .223 and 5.56. Some sell in boxes of 50, some in boxes of 20 rounds, but I believe we should consider all the available cartridges, even if the news info we have is that Crooks bought 50 rounds on J13.

Maybe @sonjax6, @kincses-zsolt , @greg_n , @vt1, @offtheback, @bigtim and others working on the sound and math might be interested on the manufacturer velocity data, to match it to sound, so we could somehow narrow down on the most likely ammo candidates/configurations, so we don’t have to plot a ridiculous ammount of alternatives. (personally, if I had to pick some likely candidates, I would be willing to bet the most likely ones will have at least 62 grains).

Obs: some of Hornady’s data was measured by them from testing with a DPMS 16" AR rifle.

The spreadsheet can be found here on this link.

196 cartridges, 22 brands, 20 bullet weights
Muzzle v: 2201-3800 / BC: 0.11 - 0.403
39 sold in boxes of 50. 9 sold in boxes of 50 AND between 62-77 grains


what an amazing coincidence that Paul from Legally Armed America questions what happened on that roof too:

this is a helicopter photo showing the dead crooks, the rifle a good distance from the body and without an obvious blood trail.

the grainyness of the image may obfuscate the blood trail a bit, and I will be looking for additional footage similar to this, but there are a couple of very remarkable things to be noted:

  • why is the body alone?
  • who moved that rifle?
  • if that rifle was not moved, then who moved the body?
  • when did the blood start flowing down that roof lane?
  • it is clear that someone was up that roof before the bodycam people with the medic arrived

I do not want to get conspiratorially, but it is clear that the chain of custody of the evidence and crime scene has not been preserved properly, which opens the possibility that, e.g.,

  • the shell casings have been planted on that roof (remember that the big chief of the fast buriers of information referred to cartridges in his testimony and not to casings or brass or something similar)
  • the remote control and even the range finder may have been planted by whoever moved the body or the gun!

my two cents…


What should we do?

There are velocities at distance [0, 100, 200, 300] and maybe we should calculate at 150 yards?

You need to consider the time that the helicopter footage was taken, which is believed to be a few hours after the shooting. This is supported by evidence that his body was removed from the roof the following morning.