So It's Back To First Principles

I dont know YOU Big Tim. But you are showing a distinct lack of common sense and many episodes of total disrespect to Members here. You might be better to go think hard before your next post and how you say things.

It is defintely a good approach to look backwards from Trump’s Ear and determine from WHERE shots came. Sure, this may illustrate nobody on any roof fired any critical shots. Or the reverse. However, Members are using brains, computers, R and excellent mapping techniques to put together some fantastic work.

The answer may eventually NOT fit with the published drama of a ‘Single Shooter On The Roof’ but it is important that the original source of Shots 1-2-3 & 4-5-6-7-8 is accurate to Members here.

The siloed radio communications is a contributing factor, at the very least, or a proximate cause at best, in one of the causal chains, but by no means is it one of the ultimate (root) causes. This event is a good case for using an analysis technique that is used in some of the more advanced root cause analysis methodologies, which I’ll call a Decision-Making Analysis. It takes the causal chain back through the decision-making history involved, to find the key decisions that ultimately caused or made possible the failures. Those decisions are made weeks, months, and even years before the incident or event occurs. In this case we already know some of those key decisions.


It’s definitely in the mix as a “bad thing”, but I think it’s been chosen because it’s not the real reason, but it sounds plausible to most people. I’m sure that there are genuine procedural/systemic problems, but I really don’t want to get away from interrogating specific people. I don’t want the machinery to become a sponge that just soaks up all personal responsibility.

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My experience has been doing investigations on industrial incidents, not events with political motivation involved or outright assassination plots. The same investigation and analysis processes works for both, with the exception of the latter having significant challenges with fact-finding, as we all know full well.

Anyways, I never purposefully looked to find fault during my investigations, just gather and analyze evidence to paint the picture of what happened, then analyze the findings to determine why it happened and what actions were needed to prevent future occurrences. If those findings revealed human error, that was dealt with based on the nature of the error.

I apply the same approach here. In analyzing the timeline of events on the AGR grounds before Crooks went on the roof, which involved analyzing all of the available evidence for each time stamp, I was not out to find fault with Nicol’s actions. I did, however, discover some critical issues regarding his actions and his testimony of those actions. To me, those had a greater impact on the failure to stop Crooks than the siloed radio communications. The bottom line being that had Nicol’s communicated information regarding Crooks when he should have, the siloed radio communications and use of cell phones would likely have been sufficient. From the other perspective, due to the delayed reporting on Nicol’s part, it is likely that even non-siloed radio communications would not have resulted in Crooks in Crooks being apprehended.

Here are the key discoveries I made, if you haven’t seen them already.


yes, you are right that google earth is not really accurate, but it is accurate enough for what we are doing here, and I have checked several ratios by now, and each of them lead to the simple conclusion that the square podium that was used during the Trump rally CANNOT have been 15x15 ft:

the barn is 50 ft wide, and there is much less than 5 ft space left if you put 3 podiums side by side…

if the podium was 15x15, there should be exactly 1/3rd of the stage left unoccupied when putting 3 stages next to one another…

Hi Hazard, do you realize that certain members active on this forum do indeed use their rich imagination and fantasy to push their extremely biased story, even after it has been debunked and nuked multiple times?

When people keep distracting others from what actually happened, you have to start asking yourself why they are doing this and where they are coming from…

When people with clearly undeniable experience say something or comment on something, it is better to listen to them than to paint them as arrogant or disrespectful.

When individuals whose fantastic story has been repeatedly debunked continue to reiterate their nonsense and continue to push their debunked narrative, it is not at all unusual that increasingly clearer and clearer terminology is being used to make it clear that they are selling nonsense…

Are you aware that several of the people active in this forum have no experience whatsoever with weapons, let alone gunshot wounds, yet they allow themselves to make authoritative statements ridiculing people who do know what they are talking about and debunking what those experienced people say?

Have you noticed that several of the members of this forum who act as if they are in an authoritative role are creating and using clearly falsified images and data to push their fantasized narrative, and that even many weeks after their errors were identified, they continue to use incorrect reference data because the correct information does not suit them?

After reading what I have described in the following post, it will become clear to you why some of the people pushing their false narrative are active on this forum:

And the more holes in those cheese layers get aligned, the less likely it is that this is happening by chance…

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Like when you said the shots came from the far roof and I pointed out a few minutes later that the idea didn’t work with the audio data from the podium mic, but you kept going on about it for weeks?


of course, and I am still analysing this option, and I am not the only one who considers this a very viable option!

but as opposed to certain forum members, I do not falsify any information whatsoever to push my ideas at all cost!

I hope you do realize that these audio analyses are not that fool-proof as one would expect, and the number of variables and degrees of freedom in these analyses is really huge, but still, these analyses are used to nuke very viable options, like the one of the shooter from the high roof behind crooks:

as you can clearly see, the direct line of sight is totally unobstructed when shooting from the high roof behind crooks to the rally area, and the ONLY argument you use to debunk it is not common sense, but highly questionable preliminary audio analyses…

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I don’t have any direct way of knowing about Bongino, but the way that he doggedly goes after stuff that doesn’t really matter while ignoring the important stuff, it makes me think he’s on the other team.

It’d be easy, EASY, to blow the lid off of this thing, and none of the people with a big audience will do it. It could just be that they’re so popular that it’s virtually impossible to reach them.

We have done what the FBI should have done. We zoomed and enhanced, we made detailed models, we did audio forensics, we figured out who’s who and where they work, on and on. There are some things we don’t know, but we know who does know. All we have to do is interview the people who know, but not only can we not do that, we can’t even talk about it to a big audience. I find this situation excruciating.


No one’s knocked me off the single-shooter theory yet, so I’m moving on to critique my other beliefs and need input.

  1. Crooks fired all 8 shots.

  2. I think Crooks is hit in the arm with the 9th shot.

  3. Need help here… When Crooks turns to the west after the 9th shot does he shoulder the rifle or get back in the prone position on the ridge cap before shot 10? I’ve seen images of both. Which is more accurate? I think the 10th shot breaks the stock. If he’s up and facing west with the rifle-shouldered, the counter shot from the grandstand makes sense. If he’s back in the prone position with the rifle shouldered, the counter shot from the south barn makes sense.

  4. Need help here… If Crooks has been groomed (which I believe), why wouldn’t his handler(s) have him :poop: can the red dot? A $100 4X scope would’ve been a much better option (in my opinion). Any red dot experts on here?

  5. Need help here… We still need to find out when the backpack arrived on the scene. I’m not convinced he carried it onto the property immediately before he accessed the roof. It could’ve been planted for him or perhaps he stashed it ahead of time. Has anyone made additional headway with the backpack that I could’ve missed?

This is where I’m at…
Shot 10.
Red Dot.

Everything else has been answered to this point unless “NEW” evidence is brought forth. The red dot is no big deal but it just seems odd to me.


Yet another Bongino video. He says there were no counter-surveillance team.

given the image above, the following image (which is at scale 1:1 as far as crooks’ head and the rifle length is concerned), would somewhat be the view of any rifle man from the rally area:

I used a red dot scope on a pistol many years ago and it made aiming and target practice at 50 yards kids’ play…

that could certainly have happened. the preliminary autopsy report that Chris Martenson shared some time ago mentioned that he died of a gunshot wound (singular). that phrase would certainly not exclude additional gunshot wounds which he did not die from, e.g., to the arm…


His right hand is bloody and there is a wound on his arm.

right hand

And there is some wound on his back.


This is a screenshot* out of the Jon Malis video and one of the last frames Crooks can be seen on the roof alive, it’s less than a second before shot 10 rings out and kills him. To me it seems he’s in a prone on elbows position. Hard to tell how he is exactly holding his rifle in this moment. I’d say the rifle points towards the rally site. What you can see though, the rifle isn’t above his chin.
*I just added a bit of contrast and reduced the brightness

Here you can see a part of what’s happening on the roof between shot 1 and 10
(Video by: Jon Malis)“ / X

This is just my take. Best is always to check for yourself and come to your own conclusion.

For point 5: @vegaspatriot and me found it most likely that he went back to his car to get the backback. This happened somewhen between 17:32 and 18:02. This is speculation and assumes he parked his Hyundai Elantra aside the road on the opposite side of the northern AGR entrance.


How you know it wasn’t there? Maybe someone first arrived just removed it? No evidence. The hoisted cop with bodycam is behind the all others.

And what’s that other cop is just doing?

Where is the medical aid pack of night vision man someone mentioned? They didn’t want the shooter survived and be interrogated by independent investigators.

Interesting. I’ve not seen the back wound before. Are we certain that’s a wound and not a logo or something? This is the only back image I’ve seen.

arm shot (Small)

Bongino is a good guy. He is usually just a few steps behind., because he doesn’t jump on everything conspiracy related. For years he didn’t get things some of us would have. But then I was getting mailers in 1990’s that told us we were in prewar Germany here and always seemed to talk to people who were in the know about stuff. Like a Sperry engineer that told me what the “planes” were that flew over us on their way to PHX back in the time of the Phoenix Lights. So I am both watchful and although not a genius in any area, I have a God that shows me stuff. I don’t think we should judge him too harshly. He does get some insider SS info at times because he was one. Don’t we listen to things that have turned us in a maybe slightly different direction? We all need to be open. Some who are totally on the other side manifest themselves pretty easily. Do any of us trust “Greg”?


That would be a stretch.