So It's Back To First Principles

Thanks for that link. It might also be SERT. I’ll check more on this.

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hello BumbleBeeez,

Daniloraf just provided me with what I need to extend my kml files with ballistic trajectories that take into account wind drift and vertical drop… I will let you know shortly whether that window is possible.
I am planning to include every vent, window and door and every roof we have been discussing and relevant roof casings that face the rally area and target the different points of interest:

  • Trump’s ear (and this ballistic trajectory also gives the angle at which his ear would be have been grazed, which makes it possible to rule out certain locations if that angle does not match what we have seen in the videos)
  • the railing and place of impact/grazing on that railing
  • the JCB hydraulic lift
  • the victims David Dutch, James Copenhaver, nephew congressman and Corey Comperatore

I think you’re right, Brian… AI just gave me this: In Pennsylvania, USA, SERT typically stands for Special Emergency Response Team. These teams are highly trained tactical units within law enforcement agencies, often specializing in handling high-risk operations such as hostage situations, armed standoffs, or counterterrorism. They’re similar to SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics) teams.

It does make sense… at one point on the DJStewart video the cammo shorts guy has his fist in the air by the building corner (the tactical sign for HOLD), and is giving directions to uniform LE, even Greg Nicols seems to be on a lower hierarchy than that guy…



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You’re on Team Joy Reid, that’s all I need to know about you.

There are plenty of pictures showing Trump’s ear as he is hustled off the stage. Including ones the US-SS have held a bloody towel against his ear to stop the bleeding.

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A real psychopath wouldn’t have done it himself, but would have had a make-up artist do it.

In order for Trump to be looking in Crook’s direction at the time of the shots, he should deviate from protocol and have a diagram displayed on the screens. Then he would have a reason to look in the desired direction for a long time. As soon as the first shot is fired, he should press on his ear with his right hand. This causes a few drops of fake blood to be squeezed out of a very small blood bag located in the baseball cap. In photos and videos from the front, blood stains should then be visible on his hand, giving the impression that he really has been hit. Whether he presses his hand to his ear on the first or third shot is of secondary importance. He should only do it within 2 to 3 seconds.

The make-up artist should be one of the Secret Service bodyguards so that he reaches Trump first after the first three shots. He was supposed to apply the fake blood to Trump’s ear. As there is always a chance of getting some on the wrong spot, he must have a towel with him to wipe it off. Before doing so, he should of course take off his sunglasses so that he can see better. Artificial blood should only be applied to places where real blood could have dripped from Trump’s ear. While the make-up artist is applying the fake blood, the other bodyguards should lie on top of them from all sides so that nobody can see what is happening.

What really happened:

Picture 1: Blood on Trumps hand

Picture 2: Trump is lying on the floor. Three bloodstains can be seen. A piece of the white terrycloth towel can be seen to the left of the circle.

Picture 3: Trump is back on his feet. A Secret Service bodyguard without sunglasses wipes his face with a towel and holds Trump’s baseball cap in his right hand.At this point, a second shooter cannot be ruled out. Everyone on the stage is in mortal danger.

Picture 4: The central bloodstain was carefully wiped away.

Picture 5: What is that? Blood in the wrong place?

Picture 6: What does the female Secret Service bodyguard do?
She picks up Trump’s baseball cap from the ground instead of protecting Trump with her body from the possible shots of a second shooter.
Why? Maybe because no one was supposed to find out that there was a small bag of blood in Trump’s baseball cap?

Picture 7: She saved the cap.
Pictures 6 and 7 are below.

It was fun to blow your mind.
Sleep well!

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Question: Do you have any kind of net worth? Because you might want to remember that Alex Jones is liable for $1 BILLION dollars for saying those schoolkids didn’t die. It sets a precedent.

And even if your net worth is only a couple hundred thousand dollars, a nice class action lawsuit could be put together against all the people like you. Lawfare isn’t a one way street, you know.

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Nowhere have I doubted that Comperatore died.

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In that case you are saying that Trump, at least some of his bodyguard detail, and quite a few others are guilty of conspiracy to commit murder.

Mr. Trump is at this moment suing George Stephanopoulos of ABC News for slander and DOJ for the raid on Mar-a-Lago. Do you think he wouldn’t sue all 100,000 of you who are spouting this stuff with nothing to go on but hatred of him?

Keep in mind that nobody is truly anonymous on the internet. Admittedly the weaponization is all being done by the liberals against the conservatives, but the worm can turn.

Just think about it, OK? It’s not worth the $25 an hour the Soros-linked fund is probably paying you to make these posts.


Have you not noticed that the left-wing mainstream media are not thoroughly criticizing the Trump assassination at all?

In my opinion, they don’t even want to. I have shown above that legitimate doubts could be expressed. But they deliberately don’t do it.

They are all in the same big club.

I don’t know if it was planned that viewers would die.
I also don’t know who knew how much beforehand.

I’m just trying to find a theory that doesn’t have any contradictions.

I am not paid by anyone.
I simply enjoy studying conspiracy theories more than watching Netflix.

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As I explained it before, this is why:

  • The timing of the shooting is interesting. The shooting happened as Trump was commenting a chart (it would be interesting to know how often Trump has commented a chart before in his rallies). As a magician on stage, Trump could have been using the power of attention and misdirection to successfully divert the attention of the crowd off of him. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that Trump said “take a look” five times (and pointed at the chart) to direct the attention of the public to the chart just before the shots started. Maybe this explains why we still don’t have any footage from crowd that was behind Trump. Maybe all eyes were focused on the chart. That’s too bad because it may have help us settling the question as to whether or not a bullet grazed Trump’s ear.

The staged assassination hypothesis explains all the contradictions left by other hypothesis.


Everyone watch now as I do an amazing magic trick where this guy’s messages no longer appear on my screen.


I meant photos in which the wound is not covered in blood. That could have been done in hospital.

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I know this is a bit off topic, but the FBI did bring the irrelevant and possibly non existant drone usage by Crooks into “evidence.”

The most drones I have ever seen out here on the coast in South Texas has been 3 at one time.

With my low light, high power binoculars, I can easily identify at least 3 Dozen drones hovering overhead within a few miles.

Near a military installation that is also a training center yet not one aircraft military or civilian is in the sky.

Anyone ever notice before in their area. Some relatively low elevation, while others are higher. Some are moving closer to me as a relatively low cloud layer is moving this way. Several are staying just out in front.

Obviously something is going on yet I am not betting that I will see in the “News”.

I’m a little late to this party, so I just read a few more of the most recent comments.

All in the same Big club?

Of a 2 tiered Injustice system including their FBI Gestapo thats record of failure is only mstched by how consistently they target Conservatives especially those that openly support Trump.

You mean that Big club?

And who is the mouthpiece for that Big Club of failure and unequal justice? The Liberal propaganda, legacy, state run media or which ever adjectives, one wishes to describe it. Why don’t they cover illegal alien crime, human trafficking and Fentanyl deaths as much either?

Do you think the FBI would have been so quiet, if deemed a success especially compared to J6. All setup and contrived by one side. We even heard more from the FBI over their flubbed kidnapping scheme of Wicked Gretchen Whitmer than the attempted assassination of President Trump, who is also the frontrunner and Republican nominee for President again in 2024.

Part of the same Big club? Not hardly or even slightly confusing.

The answer is Simple and basic, because it makes their side look Bad, weak, incompetent and pathetic.

Just an obvious fact.

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Watch the George Carlin video.
“It’s A Big Club & You Ain’t In It!”

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I have always appreciated his work. One of a few that like Dave Chappelle that can make me chuckle.

“That’s against their interests.’ …more 'They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking.”

Exactly. We spend more than the rest of the World per student for education, yet we rank in the mid 20s commonly overall before college and much worse in Math. Where is all that money going? Why against School choice Democrats? Wonder what part teachers’ unions play along with the so called Department of Education?

When was the last time serious, concerted, impactful regulations were imposed on the Liberal media? How long has it been since legacy media had to compete against a News organization that was fully backed and supported by “the establishment.” The Biden administration has imposed so many regulations forcing this economic slow down especially against small businesses. MSM doesn’t want any change. Heck, Little George, the prior mouthpiece of the Clintons especially against bimbos, that he felt could say Anything about Trump including the Lie about being a rapist.

Pathetic and pitiful times we live in right now.

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When he says “criminals” we can clearly hear yelling people from distance “he’s on the roof”.


Why do you think Biden, the Democratic party’s leading Primary vote getter is out? The Savior of Democracy? The I got the most of “votes” of any Presidential nominee supposedly in 2020 and beating Obama by 10s of Millions. I’m the only politician that has (?) and can beat Trump (?)

Seems like replacing him with the Worst VP ever isn’t logical.

Problem is that Biden’s Dementia with its corresponding lack of filters keeps having him say the Quiet part…Truth out loud. That breaks the number 1 Cardinal Rule of the Democrats and is unforgiveable and his greatest liability.

I thought Crooked Joe was done, when he said: “We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”

Because I watched it live, when he said it. I was like Wow, the Truth actually for a moment, but this critical mistake was made just days before the 2020 Election. Dems were stuck with him and The Steal wasn’t stopped anyway.

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